Should tablet computers become the Primary way students learn in class?

I mean, if students can pay attention in class without getting distracted, why not?

Either way, I think it depends on what works with the school best. Here, there private schools that uses tablet computers as a primary way to learn in class. The schools are really pricey, though.

Carring a bunch of textbooks can be really tiring, espeically if you need to climb several flight of stairs. So a tablet computer can help. But then again, do you want to stare at the screen for that long?

  • Should tablet computers become the Primary way students learn in class?
  • Why or why not?
  • Do you think tablet computers can help students to learn/understnd better?
  • Do you think the pros outweighs the cons?
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I think it has many pros and cons. Iā€™d say it depends on every student, they should be able to choose by themselves if they prefer learning from books or tablets.

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