Should the age you can buy alcohol be increased to 25?

The age at which you can purchase alcohol changes depending on where you are in the world. In some countries, the age is 21. In others, it can be as low as 18. However, some would argue that the age should be higher. What do you think? Should the age you can buy alcohol be increased to 25? Why or why not?



DAMN. That’d be sucky. I reckon no 'cause maintaining that wouldn’t be possible, I reckon. Plus, you’re an adult at 18/21 in the eyes of the law, so would every other law change to 25 too?

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Even I don’t understand here why it’s 21.

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Yeah, seems too high, really.

No way. In the us it’s 21, but I think it could be lower like other countries at 18, and be more reasonable about perhaps minors being allowed to drink if accompanied by a parent, like at restaurants and such. People can be taught to drink responsibly even when they’re younger.

Well here you can drink if you’re with a guardian or parent lol.

I think it should be at 18 because you’re legally an adult then, anyways. 25? Idk. People should be allowed to choose whether or not to f*ck themselves up.

But if we talk about the whole “25 is when we develop our one part of our brains” then that should be the legal age, if anything.

Nah, people would buy it one way ir another, when youre 20+ its not uncommon to have friends around the age 25+

No, that’s just… Silly. People under the age of 18 always find ways so it would change absolutely nothing

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