Similar apps to Episode Interactive in 2024/2025

So, I decided to make this thread for those interested in interactive apps similar to Episode Interactive. Since multiple apps are mainly for reading, I will make a secondary post for the apps that allow you to write and read. I will be making posts about 3 to 4 apps since many of them exist. After I finish making the posts for all the apps, I will post about the stories I have continued to read. The apps in this first post are rated PG-13 games.

Series: Romance and Love Stories

I have enjoyed reading stories from this app. There are a multitude of stories to choose from. The episode is a story arc in the story. For instance, the Horror Anthology 1 story is about a mall, but each episode differs within the main story. It’s a pretty good storyline as well! Also, it’s easy to get gems when reading the stories. Another story that I’m enjoying is Dracula: New Story as well. Each episode is from a different era in time and involves Dracula. Some stories are rated more mature than others. The screenshots of the in-game story are from Horror Anthology 1 and Bordevil. Bordevil is a more mature story than some of the other stories. They will mark the more adult stories with a message clarifying what the story entails rating-wise.

Google Play Store:
Series: Romance & Love Stories

Apple App Store:
Series:Romance & Love Stories

In Story Pictures

Pictures of Homepage

Choices: Stories You Play

Choices is one of the more commonly known apps that has interactive stories. I wasn’t a big fan of Choices at first because it was similar to the Spotlight style like episode. I wish the app had a rewind button in case you missed a dialogue box. I’m reading multiple stories on this app. My favorites are “It Lives in the Woods” and “Crimes of Passion” stories. They update the stories on the schedule to be visible—that way, you know when a new story is released or updated. The other gameplay pictures came from the story “Crime of Passion,” the character with blond hair is part of “The Nanny Affair,” which I started reading with my friend @EgyptianDragon!

Google Play Store
Choices: Stories You Play

Apple App Store
Choices: Stories You Play

Homepage & Gameplay

My Story: Choose Your Path

This app is similar to Spotlight and Episode Interactive. I like to say that the characters look like a merge between Classic and Limelight/Spotlight art styles from both apps. The stories are enjoyable to read. Some stories are a bit weird. I’m reading a handful of stories. I’ll post the title pages and gameplay pictures. The two I like the most are “The Bitten Ones” and “Mortal Frenemies.”

My Story: Choose Your Path

My Story: Choose Your Path

Gameplay and Titles Pictures

Homepage Pictures

Decisions: Choose Your Stories

This app has many stories to choose from. The top sections are Vampires, Royalty, and Romance. It also has mysteries and drama stories. It’s pretty easy to get coins without paying for them. When you don’t have the amount needed for outfits and choices, you can watch ads to get more coins. The stories I’ve chosen so far are “Eyes Don’t Lie,” “Blood Butterfly,” and “Vampire Hunter.” I technically made a Buffy character for the Vampire Hunter story.

Google App Store:
Decisions: Choose Your Stories

Apple App Store:
Decisions: Choose Your Stories

Homepage & Titles Screenshots
Journeys: Romance Stories

To access more stories, one must read a certain amount of episodes. You will need to read six more episodes to unlock three additional stories. Currently, I have started reading both the chef and vampire stories. This app also offers the Linda Brown series as one of its options. The app provides specific opportunities to earn diamonds by completing chapters or watching limited ads. I will link an article that explains the best ways to play this app and offers tips on earning diamonds without purchasing them. The titles of the first two stories are “Recipe of Love” and “Vamprya.”

Article On How To Get get Diamonds

Google Play Store
Journeys: Romance Stories

Apple App Store
Journeys: Romance Stories

Gameplay Screenshots

Homepage & Titles Screenshots

@Episodians @Gamers


Hey, I thought I would change it up to see if anyone wanted me to pick a section in general to release. Let me know by voting on the poll below!

Which apps should I post?
  • M-17+ Apps
  • Dating Sim Apps
  • Short Story Apps
  • Single Story Apps
  • Interactive Novel Apps(Choice of Games, Delights Libraries…)
0 voters



I remembered the group tags don’t always work well. This is the only group tag post I’m making for the time being. I tagged you all since I know you are into reading and writing apps as well.

Fixed issue with voting! You can finally vote again!

@Rainbow @RainyDay @liyahsdiamond @CrazyCaliope @WritingWithStars @Ouijaloveletters @eunoia @LunaticLeviTheSecond @Littlefeets @Caticorn @Kate @lollipoplady @Astria @astxrism @EgyptianDragon @Caticorn @CerealKiller @Kitastrophe @duck @OhSumana @ShanniiWrites @Jass @lamecast88 @Kristi @idiot.exe


There’s also Romance Club!


Yep! I will be posting about that app soon! I really love the app!


Thanks for this. Hopefully I can find a better replacement


You’re welcome! I will be posting more apps this week!


These are short story apps that I found recently.


Storapy is relatively tiny compared to the other apps in this post. There are only four stories in total in the app. The artwork in this app is fantastic! The two stories I’ve chosen to read are “See You in My Dreams” and “If Only…” The first story is fantasy, while the second is a pirate story. I haven’t gotten far into the stories yet, but I like what I’ve read. The fourth story is new; There were only three stories when I originally downloaded the app. I would recommend this app for reading.

Google Play Store

Apple App Store

Gameplay & Titles

Love Pass: Interactive Stories

Love Pass is another app that only has a handful of stories. There are three stories in total. I’ve started to read two of the stories. The first one is called “Break the Rock,” in which you are an upcoming rock star who has to maneuver the world of showbiz. The second story, “Disrepute,” is about a group filming a show. Everyone has secrets that you have to figure out. I’m not sure about the whole plot of the second story. This is just what I got from the first part of the story I read. The third story is a crime mystery that revolves around a high school girl who is in danger. You play through multiple characters; the story is called “Missed Lessons.”

Google Play Store
Love Pass: Interactive Stories

Apple App Store
Love Pass: Interactive Stories

Gameplay & Titles

"Seven Hearts Stories"

This is an app I’ve checked out before, but I didn’t feel interested due to the limited stories. There are nine stories in total at this moment. I chose two stories to read at the moment. The first story is called Bride of a Vampire. From what I have gathered, it’s a Dracula story. I love these types of stories. One of the things I like about this app is the realistic and intricate art, and the characters are unforgettable. In the story, your character is part of a family who have arranged for one of their daughters to a mysterious gentleman. Your character’s sister runs away, leaving you to take her place. You can pick from a set of looks and hairstyles that fit your character. The same goes for clothing as well. The other story is about an Atlantean princess who is about to be crowned queen. A prophetic dream shows that Atlantis is in danger. She must figure out who the enemy is before the dream comes true. I will read more stories from this app. I recommend this app. I haven’t checked out the gems part of the app yet. You can get gems by watching videos plus from the daily login. It seems you can watch four videos for two gems each. The cool-down timeframe for the ads is not inadequate. It’s only an hour and thirty minutes before you watch more ads. You can also purchase gems in the store as well. There are some areas in the app that I don’t know much about yet. That being the outfit section and relationships section. I will have to check those two parts more before reviewing them.

Google Play Store
Seven Hearts Stories

App Store
Seven Hearts Stories

Gameplay & Titles

"Love Affairs"

I recently found a new favorite app that I unexpectedly came across. It’s an Otome app, and I thought it would be different. It features about ten stories, and what sets it apart from most romance otome apps is that you can choose your character’s appearance, including four skin tones, various hairstyles, and clothing options. Out of the ten available stories, I’ve chosen five to explore. The first story is titled “Romantic Kingdom,” in which a young girl travels to a country to find her missing mother. As she searches, two strangers show an interest in her, and her best friend, who helped her in the search, confesses his love for her. It seems to have a good plot and storyline. The second story, “Magical Touch,” pulls the main character into a fantasy world where she is accused of hurting the king and forced into custody. From what I’ve read, it’s a pretty good story. The third story, “Shaken, Not Stirred,” revolves around being engaged to your fiancé, who makes a mistake at a party that leads to the engagement being broken off. Afterward, another man catches your eye while your boss confesses his long-time crush on you. I’m looking forward to diving deeper into this story. In the fourth story, “My Policeman,” the main character is returning home to their hometown and gets pulled over for speeding, only to find out that the cops are their high school crush. As feelings resurface, the main character’s ex-boyfriend tries to reconcile. I like the story and plan to read more of it. The fifth story, “Behind Your Back,” follows the main character, a B-class Idol and actress, who discovers her boyfriend cheating with another member of her girl group. After getting drunk at an after-party, she finds out she slept with an S-class actress and is taken aback by the actress’s advances. I haven’t gotten far into this story yet, but seeing where it goes is interesting.

Google Play Store
Love Affairs: story game

App Store
Love Affairs: story game

"Gameplay and Story Titles"

League of Dreamers

This app caught my interest. It relies on storytelling with audio. It’s one of the few apps I would play with my headphones on. I usually do not have the sound on when I read most stories. I chose two stories out of the 9-10 stories in the app. The first story is based on the story of Dracula. You are the daughter of the assistant governor. The family has to make an unexpected trip to Transylvania. The story starts by getting the characters’ looks in order. Once that is over, the story begins. The story starts with a visual story. The ominous music adds to the special effects, making the story more interesting. The smoke in the pictures below actually moves along with the eyes. It’s a pretty cool style when reading an interactive story. The second story is about a young violinist who has everything going for her. However, she overhears a conversation that brings down her remarkable life. You can choose the look of your character in both stories. They also have a large amount of hairstyles to choose from. I’m willing to read more of the realism in the art of both stories. This app is set up like the Seven Hearts app I mentioned.

Google Play Store
League of Dreamers

Apple App Store
League of Dreamers

Gameplay and Characters

These apps haven’t been updated since last year, and I don’t recommend them. You can check them out to see what you think. I try to weed out all of the apps that aren’t the best to choose from.

"Love Unlocked"

So, this app is technically not getting updated anymore. It says the stories are supposed to be released soon, but it’s been like that since January and December. Instead, these stories are being updated on the Series Romance and Love Stories app. I will link the Series app instead. I’m only posting the Google Play Store link for this app.

Google Play Store
Love Unlocked

This is the link to my main post when I made the thread. You can download the app using the links.

Wonder Love: Choose Your Story

Wonder Love is an app with a handful of stories. Some stories have caught my eye, but I must read them more. The graphics are strange in certain parts; you will see what I mean when you check the gameplay features out. The first story I chose to check out is “Color of Your Love,” which seems to be about a world in which specific colors mean who you will be with, but a man comes into the picture, changing everything the main character knows. It looks like an exciting story. I’ll post more about this later on as well. The second story is “Royal Blood,” in which you are a royal family member who has to connect with the dragon, but you keep getting distracted by an elf. Love triangles are always dramatic. The third one is “Way of Witch,” in which you are a witch and must choose between being with the werewolf or the vampire to quell certain powers and emotions. I thought the guy on the cover was a cat or lion-like person that she put a jinx on. At least, at first glance, it’s funny since neither was it. It seems you can watch ads to get more gems as well, or you can purchase them instead.

Google Play Store
Wonder Love: Choose Your Story

Apple App Store
Wonder Love: Choose Your Story

Gameplay & Titles

@Episodians @Gamers


It’s time to pick the next batch of apps! Choose the multiple types of stories!

Which type of stories should I post about next?
  • Interactive Novel Apps
  • Dating Sim Apps
  • Single Story Apps
  • M-17+ Apps
0 voters

@Willowsprout wanted to let you know I made a recent post about the apps.


Thanks.for remembering me ha


Lol no problem!


I’m going to make posts about the individual stories from the apps I’m reading. I’m still working on the text-based stories at the moment. I going to start with the app called Series.

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Series: Romance and Stories

Alright, so I’ve read more episodes so far. It’s an excellent story about Dracula. This story is also one of the mature-rated stories. So far, my character has met a guy who hunts vampires. He is an a**. Then there is a female vampire, though I don’t know much about her yet. This part is still in the Future part of the story.

Okay, this is one of the mature stories as well. It’s basically about a scam artist who gets sacrificed by a cult to a demon. Then, he gets sent to help for servitude. The one in charge is a Succubus who is in charge of a demon bar for prostitution. So far, your character, a guy, tries to get away in the first part of the story. I haven’t finished the first part yet, but apparently, this giant monster demon creature is wreaking havoc on everyone in the bar.

This is one of the newer stories that I’ve started reading. It’s about a young woman who gets a job as a 911 dispatcher. Something tragic happened in her past that derailed her life. She picked up a call that involved a young woman’s death, which seemed to be connected to her past. Now, she is dealing with a serial killer who has targeted her through her job. I like mystery crime stories.

1 Like

Part Two

Series: Romance and Stories

This story is the one I started reading the first time on the app. I mentioned in the main post about this story. It’s based around a mall that has haunted presence that feeds on people in the mall. I’m on the current chapter in the story. You play as a male character in the story who is hired as assistant manager at the mall. You run into some interesting people at the mall that need your help basically. I’m waiting on an update to the story before I finish the 4 chapter fully.

This character is this story is also a male. He is a writer whose past comes back. I really do not have much to say about this story it’s one of newer stories. It seems that something paranormal happened when he was younger to him and his friends possibly.

This is the current stories I have been reading lately. There are more stories to read which I plan to start reading more of them. It’s easy to get diamonds for choices. I really do recommend this app.

All right, this is the choice-based game post on novel stories. There aren’t many stories that I found were technically free. I will also post a link to other apps similar to these apps. Some of these aren’t in the app store or Google play store. They will be for computers as well. I will start with the most known interactive novel story apps. I will need to make a secondary post for these apps.

Choice of Games, Hosted Games, Heart's Choice

These three are the most notable interactive novel apps that dominate the App Store and Google Play Store. I was reading these stories in their standalone apps when they came out. I like that they have come out with library apps now. I didn’t necessarily read games from Hosted Games and Hearts Choice apps. They are part of the Choice of Games platform. Hosted Games are community-based games. Heart’s Choice is for those who like romance stories. As I said, Hosted Games is a community app that allows you to write your own stories. I will post a link for those who want to try it. These are a handful of stories that I loved to read from Choice of Games.
The first one is the Choice of Vampires. You are a vampire who was recently turned. You have the choice to be a ruthless monster or a humane vampire. I love this story. There is a sequel as well. The second story is Choice of Dragon, which is good. You are a dragon who loves terrorizing humans and taking whatever you want. It’s an excellent story! The third story is Choice of Broadsides. This story is where you join a pirate ship where you find love and pillage the seas. These stories are part of the original novels for Choice of Games. You can purchase them or watch an ad to read them. Most of the games in these apps cost money.

Choice Of Games

Heart's Choice

Hosted Games

The Great Tournament

Hosted Games, a sister company of Choice of Games, developed this game. It can be downloaded as a standalone app or read within the Hosted Games app. The game features two stories centered around the Great Tournament. You play as a young squire trying to find his place. As a squire, you are assigned to a knight who takes you to various tournaments. I found this game intriguing because there aren’t many interactive novels set in medieval times. So far, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read. The picture below shows parts of the story in medieval times. I like what I have read so far in the game. You can read parts of the story in the image below.


Rebirth of An Empire

This app combines elements of strategy and RPG-style games, falling into the gray area of interactive text-based novels. In this game, you take on the role of rebuilding an empire that has faced multiple downfalls. Your decisions can either help or hinder the progress of your empire. The game features 2D-pixel art with a bright and natural color scheme. Although I typically don’t play pixel games, this one stands out. It evokes nostalgia with its medieval-themed pixel art reminiscent of classic early games. Additionally, the game creator has developed more titles that are worth exploring.

"Gameplay Pictures"

Frenetic Dungeon

This is a horror/action-based RPG text novel game. I haven’t played this one yet. It’s daunting because of all the hype the creators put on it in-game. You somehow wake up in a cold dungeon without knowing where you are. To make things worse, you can’t even remember who you are. Though somehow you know what to do in the dungeon. The dungeon has creatures and some weird slime on the walls. From what I gathered, you have to finish the dungeon in a limited time, so you have to defeat five bosses in the game. This game will be exciting to play.

Game Pictures

Delight Libraries

This app features text-based interactive novels with multiple stories available. Unlike Choices of Games, however, you cannot change the gender of the main character. I have played two stories from this app: Wizard’s Choice and Demon’s Choice. I have revisited Wizard’s Choice multiple times because it is always an enjoyable story. Demon’s Choice is a newer addition. I haven’t played as much since it was initially locked, but it has been good. There are over 75 books to choose from, and once you finish each book, the next one will be unlocked.

Additionally, there are three library apps available. The first app is Dungeons and Decisions RPG, which hosts many medieval stories and is free to download. You need to read a book in each story to progress. The second app, called Choice Games: CYOA Style Play, is listed as Choices Games when downloaded. The third app, Delights Games, is a premium-based option that requires payment within the app.

In Wizard’s Choice, the plot begins with your character walking up a set of stairs, where they meet another demon who can take on forms based on what you wish to see. As far as I’ve read, the character sees a dragon, which serves as a guardian of the stairs.

The Wizard’s Choice focuses on a wizard and his friend as they search for treasures. Throughout their journey to the next town, they encounter goblins and ogres. Along the way, they find a woman who is locked up, but they know little about her. Depending on your choices, you can experience various situations; one involves meeting cultist groups. They take a unique book with them, but that decision does not end well.

Game Images

Eldrum Series

Three apps make up the Eldrum Series. The first is Eldrum Untold, which I will discuss most. The second one is Eldrum: Red Tides. The third app is Eldrum: Black Dust. The first app is where you wake up ship-wrecked on a beach and figure out what happened to you. You will meet several NPCs throughout the game while making choices. The first two games are free until a certain point in the game. However, the third app has to be paid for. It has an interesting storyline based on medieval times.

Game Images