Similar apps to Episode Interactive in 2024

So, I decided to make this thread for those interested in interactive apps similar to Episode Interactive. Since multiple apps are mainly for reading, I will make a secondary post for the apps that allow you to write and read. I will be making posts about 3 to 4 apps since many of them exist. After I finish making the posts for all the apps, I will post about the stories I have continued to read. The apps in this first post are rated PG-13 games.

Series: Romance and Love Stories

I have enjoyed reading stories from this app. There are a multitude of stories to choose from. The episode is a story arc in the story. For instance, the Horror Anthology 1 story is about a mall, but each episode differs within the main story. It’s a pretty good storyline as well! Also, it’s easy to get gems when reading the stories. Another story that I’m enjoying is Dracula: New Story as well. Each episode is from a different era in time and involves Dracula. Some stories are rated more mature than others. The screenshots of the in-game story are from Horror Anthology 1 and Bordevil. Bordevil is a more mature story than some of the other stories. They will mark the more adult stories with a message clarifying what the story entails rating-wise.

Google Play Store:
Series: Romance & Love Stories

Apple App Store:
Series:Romance & Love Stories

In Story Pictures

Pictures of Homepage

Choices: Stories You Play

Choices is one of the more commonly known apps that has interactive stories. I wasn’t a big fan of Choices at first because it was similar to the Spotlight style like episode. I wish the app had a rewind button in case you missed a dialogue box. I’m reading multiple stories on this app. My favorites are “It Lives in the Woods” and “Crimes of Passion” stories. They update the stories on the schedule to be visible—that way, you know when a new story is released or updated. The other gameplay pictures came from the story “Crime of Passion,” the character with blond hair is part of “The Nanny Affair,” which I started reading with my friend @EgyptianDragon!

Google Play Store
Choices: Stories You Play

Apple App Store
Choices: Stories You Play

Homepage & Gameplay

My Story: Choose Your Path

This app is similar to Spotlight and Episode Interactive. I like to say that the characters look like a merge between Classic and Limelight/Spotlight art styles from both apps. The stories are enjoyable to read. Some stories are a bit weird. I’m reading a handful of stories. I’ll post the title pages and gameplay pictures. The two I like the most are “The Bitten Ones” and “Mortal Frenemies.”

My Story: Choose Your Path

My Story: Choose Your Path

Gameplay and Titles Pictures

Homepage Pictures

Decisions: Choose Your Stories

This app has many stories to choose from. The top sections are Vampires, Royalty, and Romance. It also has mysteries and drama stories. It’s pretty easy to get coins without paying for them. When you don’t have the amount needed for outfits and choices, you can watch ads to get more coins. The stories I’ve chosen so far are “Eyes Don’t Lie,” “Blood Butterfly,” and “Vampire Hunter.” I technically made a Buffy character for the Vampire Hunter story.

Google App Store:
Decisions: Choose Your Stories

Apple App Store:
Decisions: Choose Your Stories

Homepage & Titles Screenshots
Journeys: Romance Stories

To access more stories, one must read a certain amount of episodes. You will need to read six more episodes to unlock three additional stories. Currently, I have started reading both the chef and vampire stories. This app also offers the Linda Brown series as one of its options. The app provides specific opportunities to earn diamonds by completing chapters or watching limited ads. I will link an article that explains the best ways to play this app and offers tips on earning diamonds without purchasing them. The titles of the first two stories are “Recipe of Love” and “Vamprya.”

Article On How To Get get Diamonds

Google Play Store
Journeys: Romance Stories

Apple App Store
Journeys: Romance Stories

Gameplay Screenshots

Homepage & Titles Screenshots

@Episodians @Gamers


Hey, I thought I would change it up to see if anyone wanted me to pick a section in general to release. Let me know by voting on the poll below!

Which apps should I post?
  • M-17+ Apps
  • Dating Sim Apps
  • Short Story Apps
  • Single Story Apps
  • Interactive Novel Apps(Choice of Games, Delights Libraries…)
0 voters



I remembered the group tags don’t always work well. This is the only group tag post I’m making for the time being. I tagged you all since I know you are into reading and writing apps as well.

Fixed issue with voting! You can finally vote again!

@Rainbow @RainyDay @liyahsdiamond @CrazyCaliope @WritingWithStars @Ouijaloveletters @Tina.G @LunaticLeviTheSecond @Littlefeets @Caticorn @Kate @lollipoplady @Astria @astxrism @EgyptianDragon @Caticorn @CerealKiller @Kitastrophe @duck @OhSumana @ShanniiWrites @Jass @lamecast88 @Kristi @idiot.exe


There’s also Romance Club!


Yep! I will be posting about that app soon! I really love the app!


Thanks for this. Hopefully I can find a better replacement


You’re welcome! I will be posting more apps this week!