Sky: Children of light

Here are some useful links! The app

The fandom

Okay! So basically, The Story: From the creators behind Journey and Flower, comes a peaceful social adventure that is set to warm your hearts - Sky: Children of the Light. With the stars united, our light was infinite. But darkness came and the stars fell, creating a new home in the clouds.


Any of you played this? @Gamers ?


Is this a video game?



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I’m going to move this to gaming

For future reference, the ‘games’ part of Roleplays and Games refers to the Story Games/Forum Games subsections. Anything video game related goes in the Gaming subsection of the General Chat section


I’ve also added some tags for you


I have played this before!

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just went to the end of the game!

Even though the story may have come to an end, your fun within the game won’t be ending . There are many things that you can do in the game once you have played through the storyline. When you have completed the story of the game, you will have unlocked every Realm and gained a feel for how it all works.

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I just like getting all the animations :>

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We should play together sometime!

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Definitely a possibility :sweat_smile:

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Perfect! I’ll send a request when I have the time! How long have you been playing?

Oh i used to play but stopped since i easily got dizzy from all the sudden position changed due to flying and also i could never reach the top of this tower(think it was gate 3 or smth) by jumping on the jellyfish(?) like thingies.

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Ohh! It’s easy! Just steer towards the jellyfish!

I did T-T
But when i am at the second last one, i just cant reach the last one with the jump!

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Hold down on the jump button