So… Do you guys remember the 1940’s?

Lol read this article… this person is talking about the 1940s as though you’d talk about the 90s to early 2000’s. But like, obviously you’d be like 80 years old this article makes no sense!!

And omg guys don’t you miss getting to play in bombed out buildings? Who here remembers the war???


Oh no I absolutely love this. XD

I really like the way they spoke back then. But yes, back then everything was less sensitive.


Ooh, interesting! My parents were kids in the 1940s. I’ve never heard them mention any of these games, except maybe jacks?

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My grandparents were! Although it’s hard to imagine them reading this article.

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Moved the thread to the discuss section and added some tags

That article really was written in a strange way, as if the 1940s were just a few years ago. It did make for a bit of an amusing read. Though it was interesting to read a little more about things kids did to have fun back then. It was such a different time compared to now.

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Playing in bombed out buildings was so fun! I tripped over a shell once and broke my foot. Lol. Seriously, I wish I could ask my grandma, but she died last year. Wow, feels weird saying that.

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