So, I Have Dental Fear

So, I have dental appointment next week Wednesday and I’m scared as hell. I haven’t been to the dentist in a very long time.


oh no!!! i have one coming up soon too and… it is so scary :pleading_face: i am sorry!!

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You and me both are in this together. Sigh. What kind of appointment do you have, I think mine i just cleaning and filling.

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i know :sob: :sob: sucks so much!! i think mine is just a cleaning too but who knows what they’ll do to me :sob:


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Oh gawd. :weary:

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but the cleaning is kind of normal not that it hurts, you’ll just hear this scraping sound it and when they take off the plaque/tartar, that’s the part i hate the most but it has to come off and when your teeth is clean you feel so refreshed like you just come out of the shower or something lol. But I want to hear what the dentist say about my gum, because some of it are cut, and I don’t brush that hard on that area, just slow dips because I don’t want my gums to come off.

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OMG I KNOW- it feels so awful just… the noises are awful

and omg i agree tho i like the result-


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The dentist insults your gum?! That’s stupid.

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I get anxious at the dentist! For different reasons but yeah. Just tell them you’re scared of the dentist lol. I once had a really good woman be my dentist who just understood anxiety and let me hold this water gun thingy that you use to rinse your mouth out so I could feel more comfortable. It hasn’t always been like that but make sure to tell them what you need.

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Added tags :maple_leaf:

Reee good luck going to the dentist. :see_no_evil:
For me it’s gonna be a long operation, my two wisdom teeth are compacted and need to be removed, also I’m doubled rowed (yikes) and then I need braces since I have underbite teeth and it can get worse if it isn’t rectified but ya girl don’t like dentist either XDD!!
I haven’t been there in ages.

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Can relate. I have dental anxiety. Every time I went as a kid I would cry even when it didn’t hurt that much - but now I can contain it better but I hate the dentist

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Oh gawd, one more day left and then it’s my appointment!!!

I do go back to dentist in November and sometime I hear music. Even in the lobby one is playing nickjr and the other tv is news channel.

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Okay so just came back from the dentist, oh gawd, my teeth feel soo uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm well you know a bit lose and a bit sore maybe. I have 3 cavities, I have to get fillings, and they said something about 2 wisdom tooths. Ugh…

You’ve probably already gone, but I imagine it wasn’t as bad as you remembered. :rofl:

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Nah, my appointment got cancelled, mom had to go away for a while, and I had to babysit. lol

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Oh. Well, When you go back, the “sore for 3-4 days” still stands up (might be more or less since everyone heals differently). I’ve just recently gone to my dentist for the start of pain-before-relief. Foods that I ate without much difficulties: Anything blended into a pulp like baby food (many beans or hummus for me), soups, soft pastries, cookies dunked in tea/coffee/hot cocoa, ice cream…I still kept trying to eat more solid things and became desperate enough to blend my pistachios into pistachio butter and just eating it with a spoon. :rofl: I chose not to take aspirins or pain relievers and simply swished with warm salt water to help with the soreness.

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