So I Might've Gotten Covid-19 When It First Came Out

So me and my brother got sick around the time when the corona virus came out but when no one was really talking about it. Like it was probably in the US but at the time we didn’t really see that as a possibility…
I barely had any symptoms and didn’t test positive for the flu. I just felt really really achy and tired.
A week after I had that that my brother got the flu which he tested positive for but he had a lot of the Covid-19 symptoms. He couldn’t stop coughing and had a terrible cough. My mom thought he was making it up to get out of school because he had such weird systems. He also couldn’t taste anything as well.
Is it possible that this could have been Covid? I don’t know when I got it but I know my brother got it like two weeks or three weeks before schools went on lock down, and me probably a week before that because my brother caught it from me probably.
It would make sense if it was that because people have such different symptoms. Also, I definitely had something because when I went to the doctor they checked my heart rate and it was higher than normal so the doctor said that I definitely had something.

And if I did have it I’m glad both me and my brother stayed home lol.

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They have tests to see if you have had it in the past! I would have a test done if you can! No to alarm you, but some researchers believe that there are lasting effects of COVID, so there’s no harm in checking!


Oh there are?! I’ll talk to my parents about getting one done then. It’d be cool to know if I had it. Then I might know what my symptoms might be if there’s a possibility of me getting it again.

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My family thinks that back around December that when a lot of people had gotten sick and still had a negative result for the flu, that it was actually covid. But people were fine and life kept on as normal.

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That’s very strange.