So, The Forums Need Revitalising. What Can I Do?

Hi @Announcements,

Obviously, I’ve been away from the Forums for a while, trying to slowly get back on it again. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been way too inundated with outside stuff to spend too much time on the Forums lately.

However, this place is still my love and joy. As well as the tutoring website (please check it out if you haven’t already), this place took a lot of love and care to make. Not just by me, but by loads of you. I’d love to find new ways to revitalise it!

Please be as honest with me as you can. How can we go about doing that? I’d love to know!

Much love



First of all, I want to start by engaging with your threads more often. So, if you have a discussion and you’d like it to get some TLC by a few people, you can definitely tag me and I’ll give it my share of love!


Hm… I cant really think of anything right now. Some more writer competitors/games would be nice.

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I can’t think of anything tbh. I personally have been gone because of exams and semesters ending, and I think I’ve just been in general kind of losing interest on the current stuff in the forums bc of it.


I want to start up a Sims 3 & 4 character making thread. It would be different from the Sim Stories since that goes over the characters you have already made. The ones for this thread would be specifically for the weekly theme that is voted on at the end of the week. Also, I’m bringing back the The Sims Contest thread back for the summer. Then I really want to get the Story Spotlight activities going by June. I will be making game reviews instead of bringing the game club back. I’m also going to weekly post paint by number images that users vote on weekly now. We should bring in some art school events to help people with drawing. We can use the Art Club thread I created. I think also making how to draw guide threads would be useful as well.


Does anyone have any input to add about this?


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More ducks :duck::sparkles:




Let’s see…

What are most people interested in? What makes people come back to a forum and be active?
Maybe something with an incentive. As a writer, I know that one of the things I like the most is when people read and comment my story. Perhaps we could choose a story per week, and have people read, comment, and share their opinions on it.


‘Let’s Read: [STORY NAME]’ or smth like that…


I like this! I wanted to do something similar with the raffle, but Deluge was gonna read them and he’s got lots on his plate at the moment, so I had to shelf the idea ;(


We can also do like a ‘Daily News Thread’ where you post news of your city/state/country or wherever.


Yes! Something kind of like the raffle, or a spin-the-wheel thing, where a random story is chosen, and that week, people have to read maybe 3 chapters of the chosen story and discuss it.


I want to revamp the writing competitions! I’ve always loved those but they haven’t done well really. I think more writing related stuff would be cool too.


I have a plan to start a weekly short story thing soon, if something like that is kind of what you’re talking about. Then all of the entries would be posted on Shannii’s blog to gain some potential views over there as well (with credit and permission, of course).
The only thing that might be an issue is the prompts. I’d either have to look up prompts or write my own that might be completely garbage-

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Yeah but if there are many events, it’s more likely to keep users active even outside of those events imo
Do those events require people to log in every day to participate? Also, I’m not talking about my own events, I know those died aong time ago lol

I guess if we open threads about time management maybe those users would be less busy and find time for the forums xD

Sure, I just wanted to suggest what I thought could be helpful to increase the number of active users :eyes:

I asked if you would mind not replying there with this and still you did. I was happy to continue but not there. You could have moved the conversation.
I will reply to this later, but not right now 'cause I feel a little disrespected and hurt. So not the best mood to continue this conversation.

Sorry, I would have replied here if you would have linked the thread, I didn’t know which one you were talking about =/

For increasing activity, we could create a small game where you get little points for doing small tasks. Like, you get 2+ points for logging in every day, +5 for participating in a forum game, 8+ for making a thread, etc. It’s similar to the new year game thingy we did in 2019/2020 where if we get the most amount of points till the end of the year, we win or smth like that. I’ll try finding that thread… So, um, yeah. We could do that monthly.


We could also do a thing every month where we give a badge or smth to ‘Most Active User’, ‘Most Helpful User’, etc. It’s like the Shannii Awards but monthly.

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