So I thought I’d get started for anyone who happens to pass by the forums with something light, nothing that should start any (massively) intense arguments.
Type of music! This could be genre, instrument preference, time period, style, country of origin or even the language of there are vocals.
Videogame, classical, film score, techno, heavy death baby-death Satan-worshipping metal, let’s discuss!
(I’m partial to scores, soundtracks, and a wide array of rock/pop/good I guess? Band music)
No time limit here, just post what you like and why. Or if you wanna be spicy… Post what you don’t like and why!
I listen to some contemporary , pop, and country music. Lol but now I only listen to one artist because I don’t enjoy all the new pop music of 2019 and his songs are amazing.
Pop/country/ballet music. I’m growing to dislike some of the 2019 songs though. They’re… weird like, Ariana Grande’s songs used to be more than half decent, but (in my opinion and taste) are slowly going down in quality. Honestly, what kind of title is, ‘Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored.’?
Well, I can’t say that I am a music person, but if I already listen to a music, then I listen to R&B, pop, maybe a bit folk rock and that’s all, I guess (?)
Oh, and I like to listen to some of Michael Jackson, whitney Houston’s songs and more. (It’s not that I am a fan of them. Actually, I don’t have any singer or a famous person that I admire ).
I don’t really listen much to Israeli songs, but I know some.