Someone Made a TikTok Account With My Name

You should work some out with amagicpiano.

Amagicpiano will be on her email later tonight because she busy.

Tell “amagicpiano” to f–k off disrespectfully.


Well I wouldn’t cuss like a sailor to her but I just checked her forum is closed today and tomorrow. Besides I was off due some errands earlier

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Well that’s good. What she did was very mean.


Only if you know her but she not that mean and besides she got offer on her forum twice within the two week. Did Dripping Quills get offer from other companies. Probably not.

Oh really? Where were these “offers” from? Hmm?

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It’s still up. Times up.


I just emailed tik tok but it going to take time. Also I’m deactivated my account here anyway and join a another forum

Good bye.



If you want to call me a bad person and say I’m not nice to you, I don’t care. That’s your opinion.

However, when you pretend to be me online or lie about me, I become very serious. You’re allowed to have an opinion. You’re not allowed to harass or defame me .You’re not allowed to impersonate me.


Don’t worry I just emailed TikTok but I was a lot busy yesterday on May 6 due to a wedding I couldn’t get out of it and it was my brother and his girlfriend getting married. So I haven’t got any sleep. Also if you leave my friend forum alone and this wouldn’t happen. Let her do her own thing and move on. You don’t want your forum being dead as a door nail. Would you? ( sorry watch Christmas Carol about 5 times especially the muppets version )

We want nothing to do with your friend’s forum. However, you are now insulting ME and I take that very personally.

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I’m gonna be honest here. I think everyone would be completely fine with her just letting her do her own thing, if it wouldn’t be harassment and bullying people here. Things that have been said about people here are just simply not okay. People have been hurt by things said on the forum. I do take offence to people calling my friends certain things they have been called, and I don’t appreciate what has been said about this forum as a place as well. Try to image it from our side here, what she has been accusing people here from, such as bullying, is what is happening on that forum now to our users and staff.


I literally didn’t do a single thing on YOUR forum. I’ve literally not thought about this until recently. I keep saying: I just want you to leave me alone. I’ve never made an account on your forums or stopped you from being here – even when I owned the place. That didn’t stop you from making up accounts and lies about me up until now – even though I literally never spoke to you or messed with your stuff.


Also this sounds like a threat. Nothing you do will impact this forum. For a few reasons:

  1. I don’t own this place anymore. It’s not my responsibility.
  2. Your forum is just full of alt accounts and you just sit there talking to yourself. It’s sad. Even if there were actual different people behind every account (which I have proof they are all you), there’s like 10 people. We have about 1000.
  3. All of this is stupid. Calling the forum unholy is stupid. It’s not going to make anyone stop coming here.
  4. If the forum fails, it will be because of the actions of people on the forums, not some irrelevant kid who is too sad and has too much time on their hands and won’t leave me the frick alone.

I already send a request to administer because I made a mistake in joining the forum because I didn’t even want to join. I rather join my friends forum over there then here

Ok you’ve been saying that for days. Go, if you want to. You can log off, ask your computer to forget the password and move on. Get my name out of your mouth and I won’t talk to you again! BYE!

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Plus I very tired, I just got back home from my brother wedding yesterday passed midnight

Ok, bye.