Song Lyric Word Association

I was inspired by the Song Association game by ELLE on Youtube!

Basically, each user gets a word and they have to reply with a song lyric containing that word. For example:

Person 1:

Person 2:
I’ve never seen a diamond in the flesh, I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies (Lorde - Royals)

Next word: Friendship

Person 3:
Come to my house let’s die together, friendship that will last forever (Melanie Martinez - Lunchbox Friends)

Next word: Smile

And so on!


  • Give the next person only one word
  • You can do numbers as well - it doesn’t matter whether you type 20 or twenty
  • You can use any song you like!
  • Obviously no swear words
  • You can post lyrics that repeat your word more than once e.g. if your lyric says “you” twice it’s fine
  • If your word is “dance” for example but your lyric says “dances” then this is also fine!

First word: Night


Walk me home in the dead of night!

next: cake


I’m not a piece of cake for you to just discard while you walk away with the frosting on my heart

Next word: sky


make me go “oh oh oh” as you shoot across the sky, baby your a firework!

next: Fernando

Can you hear the drums Fernando
I remember long ago another starry night like this in the firelight Fernando :joy:

next: light

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you are my flashlight

next : grape

I heard it through the grapevine…

next: light

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help me see the light

next: grape

Got any grapes? (the duck song :joy:)

Next: high

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high high hopes for a living…

next: shark

Baby shark do do do do do do
(Baby shark song- pinkfong :joy:)

Next word= paper

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you cut me like paper, now your gonna burn

next: marmalade

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He met Marmalade down in old Moulin Rouge
Struttin’ her stuff on the street

Next word: Tonight

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give me everything tonight

next: silent

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Silent night, let me sleep away these memories within
sacrifices of purity are turning into sins

Next word: brave

I wanna see you be brave!

Next: cry

They call me crybaby crybaby but I don’t fhking care

Next word: Time

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Hit me baby, one more time.

Next: moon

Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars

Next: dog

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“Who let the dogs out?”

Next: stressed