Songs that were 'love at first listen'

We have a thread for songs that you didn’t like at first, so I thought why not have one for the reverse? What songs did you like the first time you listened to them?


This one was on repeat for several days after it was released:


I love this kind of sound paired with the lyrics so this was love at first listen :eyes:

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Also this one . . . I heard it on the radio years ago and had to write it down. I just loved it immediately. :pleading_face:

Oh my god, so many. Crap.

When I first heard “I, disagree” by Poppy I immediately loved it, there’s also been a few game songs where I’ve immediately rushed to the OST to download it

Of course, we can’t forget my 2020 anthem:

And when I heard this one for the first time last year, I fell in love with it immediately:


It’s just amazingly talented to make a song about you and your fear, and how you live your whole life behind that fear just to finally break free from it. NF - Intro III (Audio) - YouTube

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Most of Yeule’s music

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Unholy by Sam Smith but I was too lazy to find it until I heard it again


YES. Love them.

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A few recent ones:

Please Please Please - Sabrina Carpenter
I can do it with a broken heart - Taylor Swift
Chk Chk Boom - Stray Kids
Don’t - Lee Chae Yeon
Forever - Babymonster
Rockstar - Lisa
ABCD - Nayeon