Sorry but I’m leaving the forum for now until October

I’m sorry but I’m leaving the forum for a while to work on stuff that I’m behind on things. Like update on my story to watch YouTube video. But I may be back on some point in October. Until then, I wish everyone a happy summer.

Now, go to leave you some joyful music you may like.


Aww, that a beautiful song, enjoy your time off forums and Relax and calm your soul. :innocent::wink:

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Good luck with work! You’ll be missed around :raised_hands:t4::heavy_heart_exclamation:


I wish you the best of luck, My love! Enjoy your break~ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Awww, I’m going to miss you! :heart:

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Aw, we’ll miss you :crying_cat_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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Aww, good luck with your work :pleading_face:

I’m going to cry if I see more people leaving :sob:

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I’m back now, I just had to do somethings.
By the way, are you worried about the dust storm taking over world from Africa.

Welcome back. :grin:

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Happy birthday!

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Thank you so much :blush:

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Closed due to inactivity