Speculation: Harry Potter TV-series

Actually the fanbase is still as strong as ever, obviously many people were put off by JKR and I personally grew out of it anyway but there are many many people who just quite simply adore Harry Potter, many adults and children.

And I get it, it’s an escapist fantasy, it’s extremely basic and easy to understand, the general population don’t appear to need much more than that.

So I can only imagine this series will be well recieved, just like every other thing with a Harry Potter label. It just makes JKR’s claims she was cancelled all the more laughable.

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I dont understand why all these things have happened now that Rowling has exposed herself to be the true villain. Like, I would have loved a Harry Potter RPG back 10 years ago. Now, all these things just give me a sour taste in my mouth.

Now for the perspective from someone working at a film school: HBO keeps trying to capture Game of Thrones again. Every film company keeps trying to capture Game of Thrones again. The problem is, even Game of Thrones couldn’t do Game of Thrones well all the time. It failed at the last hurdle.


Also if you want a great TV show from an author who did learn and diversify as they grew older (rather than just doubling down and becoming a bigot), I’m holding out my hope for the Percy Jackson series


Just posting this, official confirmation that the series will happen!


I’ve said this elsewhere, but I think it’s disgusting that the Harry Potter stuff amped up after Rowling revealed she hates marginalised people.

Like, I’d have loved a TV series 5 years ago when I thought she was on our side. Now? It just feels like people at WB are using this notoriety as a way to profit from HP again.

I mean, they’re definitely doing that. I don’t think they’re purposefully supporting she who should not be named because they hate trans people. I do think that they don’t care about who they hurt while they’re scrambling to make money from the author being in the news again

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I personally feel like the movies should’ve had Peeves the poltergeist who happens to be my favorite harry potter ghost


He’s one of the characters I really want to see in this new series!!!


Honestly same


Yeah٫ Peeves was funny.


Peeves is hilarious!

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