Speculation: Harry Potter TV-series

Warner Bros is in discussion with different parties, such as J.K. about turning the books in a full on 7, one season for each of the books, season TV show on HBO. Just to note, they are trying to keep J.K. out of it as much as possible, but it’s still her book.

How do you feel about this? What do you expect from this series? Is there something else HP related you would have rather seen?

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If done well, I think this could be rad and a massive success. However, personally I would have preferred to hear another story. Go into details of the founders of hogwarts and the first years of the school, focus on the school time of the marauders. Heck, even a spin of with Charlie Weasley as main character in Egypt could have been very interesting. There is just so much we don’t know about the HP universe, and I would have preferred people to use creativity and create those storylines, than a reboot based on the original books… I know that story by head now, so if they follow the books, I’m scared it might get boring for people as it would be too familiar in a way…

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I really think Harry Potter should just be laid to rest in all honesty, I’m aware it’s still wildly popular but it kinda sucks that there are better book series out there that don’t get nearly the same attention that also have better authors sure the movie left some stuff out but most of that stuff was bad or unneeded anyway.


Yeah, I agree. While it would be nice, I think they’re overdoing it.


I can see your point for sure. There are so many other good book series deserving of a TV-show for certain! And you do have a fair point, can they really fill like a full season either way based on a book? It will be very slow for certain.


Which also makes propostitons like this look like giant cash grabs, Harry Potter is a great way to make money and it’s clear that they don’t care about the actual writing or the quality of the writing most of it is really bad


I’m already interested in Hogwarts Legacy, so That’s really all I want.


I would have been actually excited if it were a series in the universe, but not based on the books. It really is a story I’ve heard too much to look forward to this series :woman_shrugging:

Fair yeah, Warner Bros and HBO are commercial parties, though I believe like the visuals will be rad, they do this to make money after all, and the Fantastic Beasts has just shown that story wise, they aren’t the strongest…

Though, if HBO actually gets involved in the writing, it could be better. They have done some pretty good things before

Eh, I feel like even though the movies did not show much from the book, I think they should just stay as they are. Making a TV show is kind of pointless, in my opinion. I do wish they would go more in depth, maybe with the founders of Hogwarts or even with Voldemort’s backstory; I feel like that would be very interesting.


I am waiting for it to come out in the Nintendo Switch!


100% agreed. One thing they really showed too little of in the movies is Voldemort’s backstory. I would love like a movie diving into the ‘unreal’ love between Merope and Tom Sr., their life, the pregnancy, the drama of Merope stopping with the potions, and dying after giving birth to Voldemort. Than see his childhood at the orphanage, his time at hogwarts, just his life as Tom Riddle basically and all the messed up things he already did at such a young age… Before he transforms into Voldemort.



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Yes, yes! Though sometimes they make the audience feel bad for the villain so idk :rofl:

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Textbook serial killer, honestly. Speaking from a Criminal Justice minor.

They did that with MHA. The villain needs a hug.

I don’t even like Harry Potter as much as I used to 6-8 years ago. I grew out of it and plus, the author’s a pos anyway. In my honest opinion, they need to let it go. People just aren’t into Harry Potter anymore.


laughs nervously I can’t stop.

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