Spotify wrapped 2022 🎶

Yeah the So fine being my 5th most listened to song because I know for a fact I kept skipping that song this year lol. Everything else seems pretty accurate

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HAHAHA. Maybe it counted as a play when you skipped it?



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not really lmao
i’m a very consistent person, i’ve been listening to the same music for years (and i did make a conscious effort to have Muse as my top song so while that one’s newer, it checks out)
and the one artist in my top 5 that i don’t listen that consistently (Pistols (idk if i can say their whole name here?)) makes a lot of sense considering i looped their music all day one day this year (iykyk)

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The S*x Pistols? All you have to do is just bleep out the s word.

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Ah, right. I get it. Interesting.
Yes, you can say their name without censoring 'cause of the context. HAHA

No, not needed. It’s the context of the word, not the word itself.


Oohh, thanks!

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(wink) You got it.

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Three months later! :joy:

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HAHA. Yes, I have skills!

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I’m excited to do this for this year! I only got Spotify at the start of this month

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Pretty sure my top artist will be Lana Del Rey or Aespa maybe :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I know my top artist is gonna be Lil Wayne this year!
Wonder which song will be my most listened to?

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