Brex intently listened to Jasper talk about his life. He made sure that Jasper knew he was listening. Brex honestly wanted to Know him a lot better so Jasper had his absolutely undivided attention. Honestly after this maybe Brex would share a little more. He had been dropping little stories and tidbits here and there. That wasnt usual for Brex but he just felt so welcome and comfortable around Jasper already. Brex chuckled a little at Jasper’s joke. “Nothing you say can be boring enough to put me out you have too much energy for that.” Brex smiled at him and went quite again so he could take in every word. Brex nodded when he found out Jasper was from Melbourne. He had pieced together with the accent that Jasper was Australian but honestly beyond that had no idea where he was from so it was nice to know. Brex nodded along to show he was really listening, He could sympathize and understand not always having the best relationship with his parents. It was good to hear they at least supported his love of music and theater especially since they seemed to be such a big part of Jasper. Brex saw the way that Jasper’s body language shifted and it honestly worried him. He quickly let words fall from his mouth hoping he wasnt going to be taken as rude. “If its too hard you dont have to say it really man.” Brex reached his hand out and put it on his shoulder to help ground him though, “But if you want to I did say I was here for you.” Brex gave him a genuine smile and let him continue if he wanted which he did which was a pleasant surprise to Brex until what he had said registered. That mad Brex livid he may not have had the best or most stable family but even his extremely Catholic grandma had taken him not being straight a million times better than that. Brex wrapped Jasper in a hug without even thinking about it. That had to have been rough and Jasper had to go home to that on breaks. Brex just hopped that Jasper was safe in that place when he was away from school. Brex pulled away and smiled though when he heard Jasper say their plan backfired and here he could embrace every part of him including his sexuality. Brex respected that whatever happened that lead him to have to do his first year again he wasnt ready to share. Jasper had already shared plenty in Brax’s eyes. “Hey if you need somewhere to be away from your parents over break you tell me. We can stay wherever. And they dont hurt you do they? If they do im making a personal trip to Australia,” Brex found the words falling out of his mouth before he could stop them. Brex already knew this was a heavy conversation that Jasper was trying to make lighter but he needed to know that no one was physically hurting Jasper no one deserved anything like that just because they liked guys.
Brex giggled a little as he pictured how Jasper said he learned music. He could easily picture it actually so it wasnt hard to believe at all. “Oh I can picture nine year old Jasper doing that all too well but honestly thats impressive you are mostly self taught then.” Brex smiled. “If you ever want to learn something that I can play or need help on anything I can play just ask I promise Ill be a better teacher than that man.”
“Yeah music really does just wash over your soul sometimes.” Brex took a deep breath as he heard Jasper mention his shaking hands. It was time to share some hard stuff. This was either not going to phase Jasper much or make him leave. “Im ok but it does happen. Its kind of a side effect from…” Brex was trying to decide exactly how he wanted to put this. “I did drugs lots of them. Im sober now live ive only been sober a little under a year. I am an addict though. I kind of screwed my body up some with it. My hands shaking is one of them, I cant control it it just happens sometimes. I dont really like to talk about it I mean I know it was all over the tabloids and stuff along with my many failed rehab attempts but its not one of my proudest moments. I dont use or even drink now but yeah, Thats why. Its not something to worry about just how ive messed myself up with some poor choices.” Brex sighed he had kept his eyes locked on the ground this whole time because he was really worried that this was it this was going to certainly scare Jasper away.
“Havent even met my roommate but hope its ok. If not maybe next year we can request to be roommates or something.” Brax offered hoping this was all going well. That was when Brax heard him talk about his roommate from last year and how they had gotten along well but it wasnt romantic. “Man even if it was I wouldnt have assumed it was unless you would have told me it was.”
“Yeah no I really love staying with my grandma it doesnt happen as much as it used to honestly might happen more now since dad is trying to keep some good publicity with me which means keeping my life a bit more private which i honestly enjoy. It really is its just such a big thing for me and its super special.” Brex nodded as he listened to Jasper speak. Jasper wasnt wrong about any of it. “Yeah I mean I think you guys would get along well she has a lot of you charisma like you Jasper.”
Brex followed close behind Jasper making sure he never lost sight of him. Brex followed him down the halls winding and turning a few times as he stayed hot on his heals. Honestly Brex didnt feel like getting lost today. They got to the music room and he took it all in. It wasnt huge but it felt so warm and comfortable already. Brex smiled as Jasper gravitated towards the drums. Brex set his things down near it and grabbed an amp off a shelf as well as a seat and set up right next to the drum kit and Jasper. Brex played a few cords making sure the bass was still in tune and smiled when it was. “You have a favorite you like to play. I dont want to throw anything new at you while we warm up.” Brex asked as he smiled at Jasper.
@Jass its a bit shorter than normal but its also kind of heavy