St. Andrew’s Academy Miscellaneous

Brax found himself softly laughing at Jasper’s joke. “You are interested in performing so maybe I just found you the most perfect career path and you would be a hit with that disappearing act.” Brex Joked as he smiled at Jasper. Brax nodded life really was full of surprises. He had expected to hate every single minute that he had to spend at this school and honestly he had only known Jasper for not even a full day now and that was already proving to be wrong.

Brax honestly appreciated that Jasper didnt insist he share his life story it was nice not to be pressured into it and that he understood that was honestly crazy to Brax. Honestly he was a lot more open with what he had gone through and what was going on if you didnt press for it. “That goes for you too. If you ever want to tell me anything about your story Im all ears.” BRax wanted him to know that went both was especially since he felt like Jasper hadnt really said all too much about himself but Brax didnt want to make him feel like he had to.

Slowly music was brought back up and Brex found himself moving his fingers across invisible frets as he thought about it. Honestly the translation was clear as day to him and he could tell it took Jasper a minute to follow but he was glad he understood him. “Yeah its an easy conversion over not just because of the structure it plays in the music but also the structure of the instrument.” he wondered if it would be something he could again easily pick up or not. “Jasper who taught you to play any of the instruments you play?” Brex honestly just wondered if it had been one of his parents or a teacher or something he just naturally picked up on his own. It wouldnt really make a difference to anything Brax just wondered where Jasper got his musical talents from.

Brex smiled wide when he caught Jasper tapping his fingers. He didnt want Jasper to stop. That was the moment that it really hit Brex that Jasper was really in love with music as much as he was and that made Brax all that much more excited to spend more time with Jasper. Brax’s hands were shaking a little and he tried to tuck them into his pockets to hide it before Jasper noticed. He didnt want to talk about what was causing it. It didnt happen often anymore but it still happened sometimes. When it stopped he pulled his hands from his pockets hoping Jasper hadnt noticed and he made sure he had all he would need before they left. “You can keep tapping you have really good rhythm and it sounded nice. It was a good bass line honestly.” Brax commented as he nodded to the beat that Jasper had just stopped tapping out with his fingers.

Brax honestly was just kind of worried about his roommate in general. He may have grown up predominately on a tour bus which meant a lot of people in a very small space but he had always had at least a little space that was specifically his. Here he didnt even have that he had a bed out and open to whoever he was living with. The idea for noise canceling headphones if the other guy didnt like music wasnt honestly a bad idea though. “You know thats not a horrible idea. What is your roommate like? I mean is it common to have roommate issues around here?”

Brax was holding his breath when he dropped his last name to Jasper this was the moment that would either make or break this. As soon as most people knew who he was they either wanted to talk about the worst parts of his life in excruciating detail, know every single thing he could think of about his dad, or use him as some kind of friends with a celebrity type situation. The reaction he got made a huge genuine smile appear on his face. Brax could tell Jasper knew more than he was showing but he honestly appreciated that he kept any curiosities he had to himself and the mood remained the same light easy to talk mood it had been before. Brax did one last check to make sure he had everything he needed before he headed to the door.

“Hey Jasper thanks.” he mumbled a bit softer tan he had really intended to. They headed out to the hall and Brax let Jasper lead since he had no idea where he was going. “Yeah my bass is really special to me especially since I dont have many memories of my mom. Its the one she played before she got into the band with my dad so it holds memories for my grandma too. SHe told me a lot about my mom and how she was when she was growing up when I stayed with her over the summer. Its been a few years since ive stayed in the foothills of the mountains here in the states with her though. Honestly those were some really nice times we spent together.” There were honestly times that Brax wished he had just been raised by his grandma in the hills of the Appalachian mountains. It always made him wonder if he had how different he would be.


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