Brex’s gratitude for finding his notebook added an almost electric charge to the air, as if the simple act held more significance than met the eye. “No worries at all, mate! Glad I could catch it before it vanished into the music room abyss. And hey, happy to help a fellow musician out.” Jasper chuckled, his tone carrying a subtle tension as if there was more he wanted to say but he was holding in.
As Brex shared he was working on something he thought Jasper would enjoy, Jasper’s eyes lit up with even more intensity. His genuine interest was palpable, and the hint of a smile on his lips conveyed an eagerness that went beyond mere curiosity. “Absolutely, I sing as well.” He tilted his head slightly, showing genuine interest, and the hint of a smile played on his lips, reflecting his eagerness to hear more about Brex’s musical endeavors. “What are you working on? I’m intrigued; I’d love to hear more about it.”
Jasper felt excited as Brex said he wanted to hang out more with him, it was something Jasper found himself wanting to. In the time they had spend together, Jasper had found himself intrigued by Brex and wanting to get to know him better and just share more time together. “Absolutely! I’m up for hanging out more. We make a pretty good musical team, don’t you think?” His words, while casual, carried an undertone of something more, a quiet acknowledgment that the connection they were forming wasn’t just about music. The tension lingered, unspoken and palpable, as if there were depths yet to be explored in their growing companionship.
@bpalmer - Brex