Jasper chuckled at the remark, appreciating the humor. He responded, “Well, I guess I’ve got the appearing act down pretty well already,” he hinted back how he had popped up without warning and how this whole conversation about magic had started, “just have to practice some more on the disappearing one. Maybe I should consider a career in magic once I’ve got that one in the bag.” He then joked some more, “If that ends up being my career path, consider yourself having free VIP tickets for life, mate.” While this conversation was clearly just joking and banter, who knows, Jasper thought he had the charisma and the stage skills to become a magician, so why couldn’t it actually be an option for him?
When the conversation moved on, and Brex told he was all ears to listen to Jasper’s story, iIt was clear to Jasper that Brex wanted to know some more about him. Jasper thought that was fair, and quite honestly, he was comfortable with Brex and wanted him to get to know who Jasper was better, “Get ready for my life story, hope it’s not that boring you’ll doze off.” he said jokingly, “If the accent and over usage of mate didn’t give it away, I’m born and raised in Melbourne.” he pronounced it the Australian way obviously, with an even thicker accent than his usual speaking it sounded more like Melbun, “Quite frankly, always had a love hate relationship with the parental units. In some regards, such as theatre and music, they supported me and my dreams fully, but in others, not that much…” It was quite a heavy story, and something he hadn’t really told anyone. His shoulders tensed thinking about it, and the playfulness had been replaced with a more serious and emotional expression. He wasn’t quite sure why he trusted Brex with it, but he did, “They nearly disowned me when they found out I’m gay, worried about the family reputation or something. They thought sending me off to this ‘strict’ boarding school would shape me back in the son they imagined me to be, but the joke is on them, being here I’m able to embrace my gayness more than ever.” he chuckled a little as he said that, lightening the mood somewhat. “But yeah, came her all alone last year, still a freshman though, have to redo my first year due to some circumstances.” He looked away in the distance as he said this, not really feeling comfortable with sharing yet another heavy story at this moment. Not that he didn’t trust Brex, he just wished to keep the conversation light and filled with banter, as he had tremendously enjoyed that in their conversation thus far.
As Brex asked how Jasper had learned, he replied, “My parental units hired a music teacher for me, but in my opinion, she was definitely not qualified to teach music. Even without having had any classed on it, I knew better than her, or I thought so at least.” he chuckled a bit, “Imagine 9 year old Jasper being too stubborn to follow any instructions of his teacher. So yeah, I thought myself for the most part.”
As Jasper had been tapping, he noticed Brex’s hands shaking. Yet, Jasper noticed how Brex had tried to hide it from him. He felt a bit worried, was Brex okay? Why was he shaking like that? That wasn’t normal, right? He decided to first reply to what Brex said, to give himself some time to think what he wanted to do with it. “Thanks, mate.” He couldn’t however continue tapping, now he had snapped out of it, it didn’t just come back like that, “Music really just has a way of taking over sometimes. But couldn’t help but notice your hands were shaking, you’re okay man?” he had a genuine concern about Brex, while they had just met, Jasper found himself caring about this guy.
When Brex inquired about Jasper’s roommate, he nonchalantly said, “Haven’t quite gotten to know him yet, got placed with a freshman.” He thought back to the brief meeting he had had with Finn, “Seems very much preppy boy vibes tho, don’t like him too much this far.” he answered honestly. “But I don’t know, last year there was some drama between roommates, not with mine tho, I adore the guy I was paired with last year.” somehow he felt a need to clarify with Brex that the guy was just a friend, maybe because he just came out to him. “Not in a romantic way, absolutely not, he’s one of my best mates.” he clarified.
Jasper just gave Brex a casual nod to him saying thanks. He listened to what Brex was saying about his grandma, “I can imagine how important that connection is for you. Your bass isn’t just an instrument; it’s a vessel for memories and a link to your family’s history. It must be a special feeling to play it.” He then went on to reply more on the personal aspects, not just the instrument, “Those moments with your grandma sound like they’ve left a lasting impact. It’s great that you got to hear about your mom’s life and experiences.”
Then then started to leave the room, on to the music room, they went down the stairs, and basically one corridor and and at the end of it, there it was, the music room. Not the biggest of the rooms, but it was a cozy one, filled with all kinds of instruments and stuff one might need to make music. Centered on the short side of the wall, was the drum kit, without any hesitation Jasper walked over to it. He hadn’t played since coming back from break, so he felt he might need a minute to readjust again to the instrument. He didn’t say anything though, he wanted Brex to take the lead in this, at least for now. With Brex’s experience and how he was raised, Jasper felt a touch insecure in the moment, not his usual self that had no issues being out there and taking a lead. In a way, while they had been more vulnerable with each other, Brex still intimidated Jasper, not because Jasper thought Brex himself was intimidating, but because Jasper felt intimidated somewhat by their seemingly instant connection they had formed.
@bpalmer - Brex