Diego felt bad that he had caused the girl to have paint water dripping from her hair. “I’m still so sorry about that.” He said as he dropped his things to go get her a few paper towels so she could at least dry up a bit. He handed them to he and chuckled a little. “I guess the new saying should be Don’t cry over spilled paint water” he nodded to what she had asid chuckling as he handed her a few more towels and picked the small bowl that had once held water up off the floor. “Well I hope that it wasn’t any paint that will damage your hair or clothes at least because it really is my fault that this happened again Im sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to help.” Diego was really hoping she didn’t say money because he had exactly $3.02 to his name currently and that was going to be beyond embarrassing to explain especially when he already kind of felt like an a$$hole. he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard her name. “Diego nice to meet you.”
Adriel was caught off guard when someone said his name. He turned around quickly trying to figure out where it had come from and who the voice belonged to. There were not many people in the hall but just enough to make it hard to figure out who had called out his full name. It was strange enough for Adriel to have his name called out by anyone let alone his full name Adriel was usually unique enough to not have to worry about going to school with someone what the same first name. That meant that most people didn’t call out to him by saying Adriel Perez. That’s when he caught the second part of what the guy had said and turned around even more confused as he looked over the few people that were in the hall. His mother had only one brother that had no kids or at least no kids that he claimed, that meant no cousins on his mom’s side and with the whole mess that was him and his dad’s side of the family he didn’t know any of them off the top of his head that would be excited to see him especially not any cousins. That was when he was tapped on the shoulder though and the face that belonged to the hand on his shoulder shifted into view. Adriel almost tucked tail and ran away. It was Lorenzo. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Lorenzo it was that things with Lorenzo were complicated because of the truth. “Oh have Lorenzo. I didn’t know you went here.”