St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Brex nodded at Jasper and sighed. “Mystery is what we are calling appearing out of nowhere now?” he asked honestly not quite buying it but giving him a little lopsided almost grin.

Brex could see the surprise or shock pass across Jasper’s face as he spoke about his parents and growing up unconventionally immersed in music. Brex wondered if he shared his last name if Jasper would know who his dad was and start acting different especially since he hadnt seemed to have any idea what band he grew up with. “Yeah it was cool had its ups and downs of coarse though.” Brex said with a shrug. Brex knew his British accent was usually pretty strong but he was a bit self conscious of it in the states so he tried his best to tone it down when he could.

Brex smiled a little when he noticed the way that Jasper seemed to get excited as the conversation drifted to him and drums. “You know how to play mere than drums?” he asked curious when Jasper said his parents liked to collect fancy instruments. “I mean yeah thats fair our rooms are not very big so I could see that. Sucks that you dont have one here we could have a chance to jam if you did.” Brex shocked even himself be saying he wanted to spend more time with this guy. Maybe this place wasnt absolutely hell on earth. Brex got honestly excited when he heard Jasper mention the drum kit in the music room and that they were free to use it. “Im down to jam together I mean I have no idea where the music room is though and I would have to get my stuff from my room.” He admitted but nodded thinking it all over.

Brex was shaken from his thoughts though when Jasper seemed really shocked that he knew his fathers entire discography. “I was band back up from the time I was eight if someone was sick they threw me in. So yeah the entire discography is memorized on bass, electric, and drums but admittedly im not the best at drums its passable but not perfect. My dad raised me as a single parent on predominately a tour bus with at least three other guys at all times it was like I was way older than I was it wasnt so much a traditional father son relationship actually.” Brex kind of mumbled the last part about how he was raised. Brex had no theater experience and honestly didnt see that as a fit for him but he could generally understand what Jasper meant about improv being great.

“I was kind of thinking about skipping it anyway so i guess its all fine.” he replied with a soft shrug. “You been here before to at least know what it was maybe about? My first year so I have no idea if it was even important.” Brex admitted as he bit his lip. “Anyway music room? If so let me grab my stuff then we can go.”

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