St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Brex saw Jasper out of the corner of his eye and found himself smiling before he had even found a way to end the conversation with Madi. Brex wasnt sure if he would see Jasper here at the party or not but the fact that he was seeing him here and that Jasper seemingly wanted to talk to him made Brex genuinely happy. Jasper had honestly came to his rescue without knowing Madi was starting to ask the types of personal questions that Brex wasnt really ready to share. He had shared some of them with Jasper and he honestly would be willing to share more but somehow the connection with him and Jasper was just different. He trusted Jasper and Jasper had no judgment for him on anything. Brex wasnt really sure what set Jasper apart from others what made their connection different than any connection Brex could have with anyone else but it just felt safe and familiar around Jasper somehow even if it was all so new for Brex. There conversation earlier had just come so easily and naturally noting felt forced and it just seemed really special. A little park of Brex in the back of his mind wondered if that easy comfort had more meaning to it than he wanted to admit. Needless to say Brex was glad when Jasper cut into the conversation tastefully.

Brex politely waved at Madi and excused himself to go with Jasper honestly so releived not only to avoid the personal questions Madi had asked but also to get a bit more time with Jasper. Brex was confused what exactly Jasper could need to hand him though. Though when Brex saw Jasper with his notebook his hands flew to his pockets. “How did I manage to misplace that?” Brex asked more to himself than to Jasper but his eyes were wide. He would have been absolutely devastated had he actually lost all of his hard work that was held in that notebook. “Thank you so much yeah I really do need that. Im so glad you happened to see it in the music room. I could have sworn that i tossed it in my case before I locked it.” Brex let out a soft sigh of relief as he held the small book. Brex smiled at Jasper. “It certainly did honestly Jasper I have a question for you. I know you do theater does that mean you sing? If so Im working on something that when Im done I think you might like.” he admitted with a smile that was rather big for Brex. “I had a really great time with you too. We need to hand out way more.”

@Jass ok just kidding I just couldnt not finish this. I will do the Misc post tomorrow though promise