St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Piper had woken up early. She had to get ready to go to her new school. She was gonna be later than everyone else but she wasn’t worried about that to be honest. She was so excited to have her two best friends going with her. Roux was already at the school. Koda was traveling with her to the school today. She got dressed in a cute outfit. Piper had a huge secret that only her family and close friends had known about. For all of her middle schools years and well into high school. It wasn’t until the end of her sophomore year that her secret somehow came out.

Luckily for her her best friends Koda and Roux stood by her side. Her old school everyone found out about her secret. They weren’t nice to her when they found out. They all hounded her for more details about her life. She just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She decided she needed a change. They had heard about St. Andrews Academy through her best friend Roux. Roux’s step sister had gotten in there. Roux then after the secret came out decided to tell Piper and her family about the school. So they all three applied and got in. Roux arrived a day before Piper and Koda. Piper was excited as her and Koda got off the plane. They put all their stuff into a cab. The cab took them to the school.

Piper smiled at Koda. “Koda help a girl carry her stuff to the room?” She said as they got out the cab. She was so happy to be here. Well especially with her closest friends. The only people other than her family that she could trust. She was so happy to be at a new school where nobody really knew her. She smiled at Koda as they started getting their stuff out the cab. She waited for Koda to answer if he was gonna help her carry her bags to her room.

@Kate Koda
@idiot.exe Roux

Liv had woken up and left the room before her roommate Victoria even got up. Liv hoped Victoria had a good night at the party. She was walking around campus when she saw a familiar face. They weren’t friends. They were just on the crew team together. So they only knew each other’s names really. Liv decided to walk over to her. Madi was sitting at the tables outside by the fountain. Liv smiled as she walked over to Madi.

Liv was dressed in some gym clothes since she was wanting to go practice her volleyball skills. She even had her bad with her that contained her kneepads and volleyball shoes. “Hey there Madi. Ready for Crew season?” Liv asked as she reached the table. She sat down with Madi and smiled at her. She thought about last night and how she had meant Robin. He was a sweet but odd character for sure. This just made Liv think he was that much cooler though because he didn’t care about standing out.

@Kate Madi
@Jass Victoria mentioned
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin mentioned

Lorenzo woke up in a fog. He sighed as he remembered the events from last night. Hope and the awkward interaction. Leo and his fight with the two girls. Chole and Adrian… Wait!! CHLOE!!! and Adrian. He still couldn’t believe Chloe was here at his school. Then he remembered what he told Hope about Chloe. He took a deep breath as he went to shower. While he showered he thought Chloe is really here. I need to talk to her. I guess I’ll text her when I get out.

He smiled as he thought about Chloe. Then he thought Hope was so awkward. I don’t understand why. She was beautiful but seemed so clueless about a good bit of stuff still. She drove me nuts for sure. He finished showering and got dressed. He then grabbed his phone as he headed out the dorm room leaving a sleeping Adrian behind. He started to walk around as he decided to text Chloe and ask her to come meet him. He had to think of a spot for them to meet. However he knew she didn’t know where much was. So he texted her

Hey Chlo meet me by the auditorium please, I really want to talk to you. :wink:

@Kate Chloe
@idiot.exe Adrian & Hope mentioned (plus you wanted to be tagged :joy:)

Rodney had been looking for Ken all night at the party. He was really disappointed when the party had ended and Ken never showed. He did have Ken’s number but he was nervous to text him. What if he rejects me? What if he doesn’t like me the way I like him? He felt his anxiety starting to rise when he decided to take a few deep breaths to center himself. He closed his eyes as he breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth a few times till he calmed down.

He steadied himself then he pulled out his phone. He thought about how to text Ken. He wasn’t sure if Ken had his number. He then finally settled on something

Hey Birdie, I was just thinking about you and was wondering if you wanted to hangout? Maybe we can meet by the boy’s dorms and go for a walk?

@eunoia Ken

Killian had gotten done cleaning up Leo’s hand. Then the boys fell asleep. Leo woke up with a pounding headache and not remembering what happened last night. All he knew is that his hand was hurting bad. He slowly opened his as he stretched his legs in the bed. He slowly sat up and slid out the bed. He went to shower hoping he wouldn’t wake up Killian. He wasn’t sure if he told Killian about anything from last night. He stood in the shower letting the warm water run over his body. He was trying to think of anything from last night.

All he knew is that he had a headache and his hand hurt. He finished showering and got out. He slipped on some boxers and went back into the bedroom. Best thing about having Killian for a roommate was the big bathroom connected to their room. everyone else had to share showers. They only had toilets and sinks in their bathrooms. He walked back into the bedroom in his boxers. He thought maybe his phone would give him something about what happened last night. So he picked it up and started looking through it.

@bpalmer Killian