St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread


Finn smiled at Kayden. It was like six at night. So Finn was shocked he had just gotten up. “Yeah, I had a fun day too baby.” He smiled and kissed Kayden on the cheek. “Want to go to dinner together?” He asked a little nervous of what Kayden might say. He wasn’t even sure what was going on between him and Kayden. He just knew he was happy.


Lorenzo smiled at Chloe. “Yeah, I haven’t been to the courts either really.” He said as he grabbed a ball. “I mean I am a busy man after all.” He chuckled and smiled as he shot the ball.


Leo just listened. He wasn’t sure what to say. So many things coming to light like this was a lot to take in. “Okay. Got it Madi.” He said with a smile, He then looked to Killian. “Of course you told Kashel first.” He chuckled and kissed Killian on the cheek. He looked at Mdi “Nice dress Madi.” It was the one he bought her when they first met and came to the mall.

@Kate Madi Killian

Camila giggled. “Yeah, I get that Teo. I’m excited too” She said as they walked. She couldn’t wait to see the antique stores with all the cool looking older things. “I can’t believe I have come out of my shell honestly.” She said as they walked and talked.


Braxton smiled at Ezra. “It’s all good. Yes I know you would have bugged me if you had a phone.” He chuckled as they started walking to town. “Yeah, That makes sense about the foster housing. At least you go into good homes lately.” He said with a smile. Then Ezra talked about the town. “No, I haven’t seen any of it. I came in form the other way in the cab.” He said with a smile as he thought about what all this town could have in it. They were still hand in hand.

@bpalmer Ezra

Lila smiled at Owen as well. She was the happiest she has ever been. “Yes the best choice.” Lila listened to Owen. She thought about what he said “I would like to go with you back to Chicago.” She blushed. She smiled as she he gently clasped her hand. She listened to his words, She was so happy he wanted to introduce her as his girlfriend. “I like that idea honestly. I think it would be sweet. I’m sure we would have a good time there. I would like to meet your family.” She said with a huge smile and blushing. She couldn’t believe she had a boyfriend. She actually had a boyfriend. If her dad knew this he would probably hurt her.

@Jass Owen

Theo listened to him. “I’m sure the cooks could print out a sheet for you. I mean I don’t see a problem with that. It’s easy and helps you, so I don’t see them not wanting to.” He said with a slight smile. He really loved helping the kids. It wasn’t only his job but his life’s mission. He had always cared for the underdogs in life and wanted to see them achieve great things.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin

Liv took a deep breath after trying to explain to Eve what happened. Then Eve said “So, you’re saying that Sally betrayed your trust and spread my secret without your consent?” Liv was not understanding why Eve didn’t believe her. “Yes, Sally betrayed my trust, and that’s why you haven’t seen me with her. It didn’t take me long to figure out since she was the only person I told.” Liv wanted to tell Eve why she told Sally. However she was scared to. Did I still have feelings for Eve? Will we be able to be friends again? That and so much more was running through Liv’s head as this conversation went on.

Liv listened to Eve’s words. “I… I appreciate you telling me this, Liv, I was so angry at you… for so long. But if what you’re saying is true, then maybe I directed that anger at the wrong person.” Liv took a breath. She hadn’t even realized she had been holding her breath. “I understand you being angry. It is true. Evelyn Millie Bauer. I have never lied to you. So why would I start now? You were my best friend. Yes I would tell you most things. However there was one thing I didn’t and couldn’t tell you at the time that you told me your secret. I went to Sally for advice about something. In getting that advice I told her something. She figured out it was you. So after I left her she apparently went and told everyone.” She sighed. She almost hated herself for Evelyn. She looked into Eve’s eyes. How could she possibly tell Eve about her feelings for her back then. She was scared they would come flooding back.
