St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

ORP: @eunoia I’m sooo sorry I forgot about this convo

Shiloh realized that her own anger with Finn made her petty with Evelyn, and althought she liked fighting with him like this, it didn’t translate well to talking this way about him to his sister. She always felt a different, but special bond with Finn and now, knowing he hasn’t told her about his sister, she’s questioning that bond, and if she is the only one that values their friendship, or rather frenemy-ship. However, she like the idea of this girl thinking she’s won just like that, so she had to be petty one last time.
“You’re completely right, Finn should try harder in order to come close to my achievements. Jealousy … Yes, I can definitely see him being jealous of my work and achievements, his are nothing in comparrison.” She realized maybe it’ll be fun to take her focus elsewhere, maybe being a rival with this girl will be easier and less confusing. She decided to try it out. “Talking about it, it’s become too easy of a feat, beating your brother.” She put her thumb under Eve’s chin and asked like a charming villain “I need to find a more challenging rival. What are your achievements?”

@eunoia - Eve

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Kayden smiles at Finn as he was joking but kind of serious with the fact that he is special and that he is happy that Kayden wants to go on a date with him. “Aww cutie thanks for calling me special I appreciate it. And of course I would want to go out, I mean have you seen yourself? Your fucking hot.” Kayden knew it was his turn to ask a question and he thought of one even though it would be further down the road. “Do you want kids in the future?”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Finn smiled and blushed as Kayden talked. Kayden said * “Aww cutie thanks for calling me special I appreciate it. And of course I would want to go out, I mean have you seen yourself? Your fucking hot.”* It wasn’t until Kayden said Your fucking hot. That made Finn blush so hard. Finn responded “Why thank you. I have seen myself but I don’t see it.” Then Kayden asked “Do you want kids in the future?” Finn didn’t know what to think. He had never thought about it. "I haven’t really thought about it much to be honest, but I think I would like to.’ Finn then had to think of a question to ask Kayden. After a few minutes “What is your favorite season and why?” Finn asked with a smile on his face. He wondered if it was the same as his.


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He listened closely to Finn’s answer and smiled. He was not mad or upset that Finn said he is not sure and that he would like to. Kayden was not sure himself he always wanted one and knew his parents would love a grandchild and is sure his adoptive parents would like some to but things changed and he isn’t sure now. He isn’t against it though, maybe he would like kids with the right person. “Well you are very sexy to me love. As for the kids I understand that part. I am not sure if I want kids myself. It’s not a no it’s just a maybe I guess.”

It was then Finn’s turn to ask a question and Kayden waited patiently. He then asked and has to think. Kayden liked all seasons to be honest but if he had to chose he figured it out. “I would say my favorite season is probably Spring. The reason why is its getting warmer out, I like the smell of the rain, it’s closer to summer, you can be outside again and be comfortable. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold.” Kayden then thought of a question to ask Finn again and thought of one. “When was the last time your cried?”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Finn listened to Kayden, “I get that. about not being sure.” Finn smiled at Kayden as he talked. Kayden then answered his question. Finn rubbed circles on Kayden’s hand with his thumb as they talked. Then Kayden asked “When was the last time your cried?” Finn had to think. He thought for a while. He couldn’t remember at first. He tends to block out those sad memories. He then remembered “I would have to say a few weeks ago. My grandma died.” He wasn’t even sure if Evelyn knew that their grandma died. He then had to think of a question to ask Kayden. As he thought of a question other things came to mind. How is Shiloh? How does Kayden think I’m hot? How did I get so lucky? HE then thought of a question. “What is your favorite boy band?” He figured he would ask a funny question. Lighten the mood some.


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Fin said that his Grandma died a few weeks ago. Now he felt like an idiot for asking even though he didn’t know and wasn’t aware. By Finn’s response it seemed like he was close to his grandma. I go in and hug him “Sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. I had no idea and if I did I would have not asked that question.” Finn asked him what his favorite boy band was. “I have a few actually. Backstreet Boys and Big Time Rush.” His eyes then started to turn red from embarrassment. He didn’t listen a lot to either of the bands but still they had catchy songs. “What is your most embarrassing moment that you had?”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Finn hugged Kayden back. “It’s okay. You didn’t know baby.” He said as he backed up from the hug. Finn smiled at Kayden’s answer. Truth was Backstreet Boys was one of his favorites as well. Then Kayden asked * “What is your most embarrassing moment that you had?”* Finn had to think. He wasn’t sure. Since there were a few. He then remembered. “Well… Last year at my other school. This girl and I were tied for first place academically. Well when they went to annuonce the winner… I stood up before they said the name… Well they said Shiloh Astor. Everyone was laughing. Even my family.”

@Kate Kayden
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh mentioned


Kayden liked the hug very much and he felt like they both fit into each others arms pretty well but he would never tell Finn or anyone that as it is too soon to admit something like that even though they have called each other cute and hot already and that they like each other. Finn told his story of his most embarrassing moment and Kayden chuckled a little. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have laughed it is a little funny but I do get how it is embarrassing though in front of everyone. I’m sorry my love.”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Finn smiled. “It’s okay baby. I even laugh about it now.” He chuckled. He then remembered it was his question and he tried to think of a good one. “Who was your favorite superhero as a kid?” He asked with a smile. He was really curious.


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Kayden smiles as well happily. “Ok good baby but still I am super super super sorry for laughing. As for your question I would say Batman. I am not really sure why to be honest but he defiantly is. Now my question is have you ever had a crush on a teacher before.”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Finn listened to Kayden. He laughed. “No, I actually haven’t. They have all been old.” He chuckled. Then he tried to think of a question. “Did you have any pets when you were younger?” He smiled at Kayden.


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Robin smiled and didn’t feel as anxious knowing she would stay in his company and he wouldn’t be left alone in a strange place with strangers surrounding him. However, he felt even more comfortable with her knowing she felt the same way about him he felt about her. He liked her, but not in that way. He chuckled as if he’s heard an okay-ish joke and he said. “I’m glad you feel that way … You see I like boys. I don’t think I like girls, I’ve never tested it, but I don’t think I like them.”

@ChayChay05 - Liv

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Earlier that night, Adrian was hoping to hear the truth about their relationship from Lorenzo. And yet, he ended up spending a while hearing the story from Chloe’s perspective. It was funny, in a way. In the beginning he didn’t even want to hear her excuses. But somehow, he could understand her better now. “Okay, cool. But why not tell him now? What do you have to lose?”

When Chloe said that it didn’t matter that Hope was better, or what people’s ranks were, Adrian furrowed his brows. She noticed, likely; the jealousy in his tone and his selfish wish to he better than his sister. He laughed nervously, trying to cover it up. “Whaaat? I never said I cared either. Where’d you get that from?” He was about to take another sip, but stopped himself. He looked down at the liquid in his glass, seeing his own expression in the reflection. He couldn’t even remember how many drinks he’d taken. Had he drank to the point he didn’t care about what he said? Adrian lowered it back down, forcing a smile.“I’m saying Hope’s better because she just is. I’ve seen how hard she trains and how dedicated she is to swimming. You should see her achievement room,” he laughed half-heartedly again. The room that their parents built specifically for her.

But when Chloe said that being on the team means he’s good, Adrian paused. His lips curved into a small smile before he covered it by taking another sip. “Of course I am. But I can always be better… Well, I’m not sure it’s possible to be as good as my parents expect me to anyway.” He shrugged. And speaking of parents…

“Isn’t that giving up? You were doing so well and suddenly you put in way less effort.” As she spoke about being her own person, breaking out of their expectations, it all sounded so unbelievable to Adrian. It couldn’t be so easy to just let go of the burden. “I wish I could do the same,” he paused, taking a deep breath. He’s already told her more than he should have. A little more wouldn’t hurt. “I don’t want to disappoint them. After everything they’ve done for me? I’m not like you. I’ve never been the perfect child they wanted. I don’t even want to do half the things they ask of me. But I try. And I still fail.” He looked down at his now empty glass, sighing. “Must be so easy for you though,” he mumbled.

When she mentioned assisting him in studying, he shook his head quickly. He put his hands in front of him, “Woah, I was kidding. I’ll handle it.” Adrian didn’t even expect her to accept. He had to distract her so she doesn’t bring it up again. “Those two arguing there are from my grade, by the way. I don’t know what’s happening between them, I’m not close with them. But I heard Leo is the one who threw this party.”

@Kate ⁠{✧} Chloe Yang


Yes, with the sunglasses

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Coltrane watched the boy with wonder and suspicion, and a moment later the boy looked back at him, which made Coltrane wonder even more why he was staring at him earlier. As their eyes met, Coltrane ignored what Robert said, or rather his brain tuned it out since it was focused on the boy and it crowded his entire mind. Suddenly the boy decided to walk over to him, and Coltrane prepared himself for what was to come.
When the boy tried to explain himself, he seemed decent and not like he had any bad intetions, but he couldn’t be sure in either the boy being innocent or just seeming innocent, so Coltrane’s suspicion on the boy remained. When the boy said he needed ‘Coach Coltrane’, Coltrane got worried, probably becuase his mind was already filled with thoughts of ill intent.
“Why do you ask? Why do you need him little boy?” He added the ‘little boy’ at the end, hoping to make the boy feel small, hoping this would eventually lead him to believe as the man he was speaking to (Coach Coltrane) as much bigger and badder than him and lead him to cower under him and be honest with his intentions.

@idiot.exe - Professor Rob
@Ouijaloveletters - Are they following him?


Kayden laughs when Finn said that he never had a crush on any teachers because they have all been old. “Awww that’s cute that you haven’t had any crushes on your teachers. I have and some were on the older side but never would react on my feelings or flirt with them.”

Finn then asks me if I had any pets when I was younger which I never have sadly. “No I never had pets. My apartment didn’t allow us to have dogs and weirdly both my parents were allergic to cats. They knew if there was a hampster or turtle or anything they would be the ones to clean the cages, so they said no to everything. Maybe one day I will. Do you consider yourself to be a hopeless romantic?”

@ChayChay05 - Finn

Chloe finished her drink and figured her next drink will be water. She and Adrian needed it so they do to get hungover the next day. Plus she figured that Adrian should probably stop or slow down as well before he says or does something he will regret. “Now? your kidding me right? First off he is with Hope and secondly do you really think confessing your feelings at a party is a good idea especially with us both drinking? There is nothing for me to lose at all, the worse would be he rejects me but I know that is a possibility so I am prepared either way.”

Chloe just raises an eyebrow at Adrian when he was trying to cover up his jealousy of his sister. “Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night buddy boy.” He then lowered his drink back down and forced himself to smile but she didn’t care if he forced it or not. “I get that is what your saying Adrian but i’m just saying to it shouldn’t matter, as you are good to, and as long as your having fun and doing the best that you can than that is what is important. Yeow she got her own achievement room? Well damn and what about you? Do you have an achievement room?” She looked at Adrian and stayed in silence again before speaking again. “I don’t know you or your family or your relationship but I understand that you don’t want to disappoint them, it hurts seeing them hurt and you always want to make your parents proud of you and your accomplishments, but I am sure you are the perfect child that they wanted. Everyone makes mistakes Adrian, we are human but that shouldn’t let people change especially our families thoughts and feelings change for us and as long as you try thats important. I bet you are far from failing but just keep your head up and keep doing what you are doing. They love you. I heard your mumble of it being easy for me. You want me to tell you the honest truth about that?” Chloe never really talked to anyone about if it is easy for her or not, she sometimes struggles with it, but she also knows she needs to be herself and not be someone fake just for her parents or friends.

When she mentioned about helping him with it she saw his head shake quickly so she took it as no and that he is fine. She knew some guys don’t like to accept help and by his response she could tell he did not really want to talk about it and changed the subject back to the people that were fighting. “Ok no worries, just figured I would let you know in case you ever needed any was all. I didn’t mean anything by it sorry. Interesting to know who threw it and Lorenzo mentioned him earlier when we were outside the auditorium where I asked a question about parties, and where to get drinks.”

@idiot.exe - Adrian


“Really? You should try it!” She smiled. But when Lorenzo showed confusion, she froze. “I was uh… Asking…” her eyes darted around, thinking. As she thought of something she looked at him with a nervous smile. “Hmm, have you uh, ever been to something fun like that, like something you remember?”

“Why what?” Lorenzo asked. Hope’s mouth hung slightly open in disbelief, trying to speak but being unable to say anything. Was he even listening? She sighed, “Nothing, sorry.”

@ChayChay05 ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Lorenzo Perez


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“Only basketball? Damn, you suck,” she laughed, quickly adding, “Kidding, kidding. I bet you’re way better at it than me. I’m more of a jack of all trades when it comes to sports. I do whatever looks fun. Then quit when it becomes boring. Repeat.”

Roux noticed Rodney’s eyes moving across the room, his attention not fully present. “What are you looking around for? Found something more interesting than me already? I’m hurt,” she put a hand on her chest, exaggerating a frown. But it soon broke as she struggled to hold back a snicker. “Maybe I should say someone? Eyy?”

@ChayChay05 :star: Rodney Jones


Without the nails and hairtie

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Coltrane seemed to trail off, distracted by someone in the distance. Rob continued to follow his gaze, his brow raised in curiosity. By then, their conversation had been cut short. As the boy approached them, he politely asked for coach Coltrane. Strange, he likely didn’t recognize him.

"Why do you ask? Why do you need him little boy?” The coach replied. And Rob couldn’t hold back a snicker. He placed the can he’d been holding on the table, leaning forward.

“Why are you interrogating this poor kid?” he asked, before turning to the boy. “That would be the man next to me,” he pointed to Coltrane. “No need to be so polite! Come on, sit down. What do you need? I hope everything is, how do you say it, bussin’! Or is something sus?” He hoped his… “Communication skills” would help the kid feel more at ease.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) <3 Bestie Coltrane (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) <3 Paris Rivers
@Ouijaloveletters (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) <3 Greer Wilkes

Bodacious fit, as the kids call it


Teo smiled when he heard what Izzy had said about being lost. He supposed she wasnt wrong, he honestly just had never really thought of it that way. “You know you are right that its an opportunity to find something unexpected and new.”

Teo felt his heart warm so much as she spoke Spanish to him. It really did help to calm him a lot and remind him of home. “Sí, pero mi hogar es Laredo, Tx. Mis padres solo hablan español en casa. Es mi primer idioma.” he smiled as he replied honestly this girl was really sweet and had a very calming air around her. “Oh I absolutely do I just really wasnt expecting to find it while wandering the halls.”

Teo nodded because she was right Spanish was a huge anchor for him and he had a tendency to grasp for it when things got difficult or he was panicked. “It really is kind of a comfort to me.” he admitted a little embarrassed that it came off sounding less like he found solace in the language and more like it was a special item that comforted a child but honestly was it much different.

“Oh she absolutely adores art and i mean thats what she is here for. I love seeing it just dont personally have that kind of talents. You like art too? Do you do art here?” Teo found himself asking Izzy she honestly seemed like the artsy type just from first glance but Teo hated to make assumptions like that.

Teo had noticed all the doors had G in front of the numbers but he had no idea of the school set up so he wasnt sure if they eventually turned into B or what. That was especially true because he had to get a new non girls room earlier that day. Izzy pointed out the same thing Teo had noticed and he sighed but nodded as he listened to her. “Glad its not too far and thank you still for showing me even where I am suppose to go. Yeah Im not great with surprises and unpredictability so first days and I dont get along the best.” He admitted honestly and took a deep breath

Teo followed as she pointed in a direction. He was guessing that B was that way and was hoping that since Izzy was a girl that she would at least have a better idea of her way around the B block than him. “Yeah lets go see if we can find what we are looking for on this adventure Izzy.”

Teo really appriciated when Izzy shared little bits of information about different things regarding the lay out of the school and he tried to mentally make note of them all because he was sure they would all end up helpful. “Im glad it gets easier because if it didnt I think I would just resort to camping out in the halls.” he joked as he tried to keep a light mood.

Teo smiled when they reached the B wing. You are not wrong this is a labyrinth." he commented still not sure how they had gotten to where they were, “Yes its 107.” Teo confirmed and started to look a little closer at the numbers on the doors. The pattern was pretty clear. “I think it should be in this direction but do you mind sticking with me just to make sure I dont end up completely lost again”

@Jass You will have two Brex posts tomorrow I have one almost done but Im too tired to finish it tonight

Killian had seen Leo like this a few times. Leo got in his own head a lot and sometimes he held himself to an unattainable standard even if his standards for himself were reasonable Leo often was under the belief that every bad action required a punishment a million times worse than the action. Killian didnt know what had cause this reaction but he knew where to start and how to get pieces of the story from Leo. Killian got as close to Leo as he could before he, as gently as he could got himself to the floor beside Leo. The first aid kit and rag in hand still.

Killian reached out and gently rubbed his back trying to get him to keep taking deep breaths. “I can tell you fucked up. Can you tell me if this is your blood or someone elses?” Killian asked as he was hoping this was not a situation where he had to hunt down the person who had been on the receiving end of Leo when he was an emotional tornado. Killian wiped his hand off with the rag and if the blood wasnt his Killian could tell Leo had messed his hand up pretty bad. That wasnt a good thing for his football scholarship. “Pk even if you deserve to be punished for something you did at least let me clean you up Leo. It probably isnt even as bad as you think. Tell me what happened please.”

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