Piper was shocked by what he said. Then he sat up and she slid off his stomach and into his lap. She just sat beside him. She had no words to say in this moment. What did I say wrong? Did I do something wrong. Do I suck at kissing? Her mind started racing and she just sat there. Then finally after what felt like forever she spoke “I’m sorry.” was the only thing she could say.
She thought for a moment to his questions. “Well… we could play a basketball game, or football. As for the movie, I’m fine with any movie.” She said with a smile. “So, where are we going?” She asked as they stood there.
Theo listened to Ace. He was shocked to find that he doesn’t drink coffee. Who doesn’t drink coffee? He thought as he watched Ace run his hand through his curls. Then Ace asked * “is there anything that is off limits to know?”* He didn’t even think. “Nope, I’m an open book. Aka me anything.”
“it’s a good thing lex! It means your family can’t nah you and say we don’t want you to see or dare this person and so on. And you will, I never said you have to have high hopes just woke hope even if it’s a little will work. Anyways do you wanna go back to campus?”
Kayden smiled and took Finn’s hand and squeezed it a little. “it will be ok love, I’m sure they will be great. I don’t know anyone that won’t get along with you. But my room is always open if you need it”
“okay yay! Then I will defiantly dine if you remind me next week. I wouldn’t miss it for the world and I’m assuming it’s your first match of the season sonde it’s the first or well I guess would be the second week of school.” she smiled at Liv and she thanked her. “anytime girl and thank you as well I needed r& cent about baby”
He was really over her apologizes. Realizing he hadn’t removed his hand from underneath her shirt, did he finally moved his hand away. The joke was enjoyable but he got a feeling she wouldn’t go any further. A devilish smirk crossed his face as he wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Even though the joke was over, he wanted to push a little further. “Viper, you might want to hold on.” he didn’t really give her the time to react, and quickly rolled the two of them over. He had her pinned on the pavement, hands above her head being held down by just one hand. “if you wanted to pin someone, you might want to make sure you can easily overtake them.”
He pondered about it for a moment.“let’s go play some games.” he was feeling rather pumped up at the mentioned of games. But he was also worried she may fall asleep. They had taken a few steps when he realized his hat was no longer on his head. “hey, I think I left my hat back at Mrs. McGraths place. Would you mind if we went back first?”
She looked at him and nodded. “Actually…going back to campus does sound really nice. My feet are starting to hurt from all this walking we’ve done.” she looked around them, not recognizing anything around them did she continue. “do you recall the way back?” @Kate Koda
They stoped walking and she asked if he knew the way back and agreed because her feet were starting to hurt from all the walking they were doing. “hmmm …. No but again I got a gos in my phone so easy to get back.” he then gets his phone out and puts in St Andrew’s Academy and then hits go and he follows what the gos says and starts walking.
Finn smiled “Thanks baby. I’m sure it will be fine too. I just… well I’m not great at meeting new people.” He shrugged his shoulders as he laid his head on Kayden’s shoulder.
Liv smiled at Madi. “Yeah, it’s the first game.” She giggled. Then Madi thanked her as well. “No problems… anytime girl.” She smiled as they sat there talking.
Ian’s hand was still on her waist. However, then he removed it. She looked at him and he smirked. Piper was confused by this, but the next thing she noticed he wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. She couldn’t help but smile. Then he said “Viper, you might want to hold on.” She was annoyed he called her Viper again. “It’s Piper!” She said as he quickly rolled the both of them over. He pinned her down on the cement with her hands above her head. Then he said “if you wanted to pin someone, you might want to make sure you can easily overtake them.” She hoofed “Well, I wasn’t trying to overtake you… Just have a little fun.” She said as she just laid there letting him pin her down. She kind of liked it.
Lila and John had taken a few steps towards the dorms when John said “let’s go play some games.” Then they took a few more steps and he said “hey, I think I left my hat back at Mrs. McGraths place. Would you mind if we went back first?” She looked at him “Yeah, we can go back to get your hat, then go to the common room and play video games.” She smiled at him.
Theo looked away from Ace. He really hoped they would come let him go soon. However, he felt it wasn’t gonna happen soon. He wondered where his phone was at. “Yeah… sounds good to me.” How could they talk so easily in text, but be silent with each other in the same room. Theo didn’t understand this at all. How could they be so passionate and so out of sync at the same time. If they didn’t have anything to talk about… How would they be friends. Theo’s mind was racing with all kind of thoughts, and he wasn’t sure how to get them straight. However, he started to hyperventilate from his anxiety being so high.
Kayden let’s Finn lay his head on his shoulder and he rubs Finn’s back again. “I get that my love I really do but you are an amazing guy. And like I said I will be a good distraction.”
Madi smiled as well at Liv. She then looks at the time on her phone and sighs. “Hey girl I should go home and see what the monster wants. Now that you know the secret wanna come with? I mean she needs to talk to me so I can tell you where my window is and you can sneak in my room while monster is talking to me.”
Finn smiled as Kayden rubbed his back. Finn smiled at what Kayden said. “You are always a welcome and an amazing distraction baby.” He couldn’t help but smile.
She giggled a little. “do you ever just wing your way around? Sometimes it’s the unknown adventure that brings people closer.” She wanted to run off ahead of him but she decided to walk closely beside him. The fear of being lost was another thing she didn’t want to deal with.
As they walked back to the school grounds. She stayed quiet. Focusing on the path in front of them. She wasn’t sure what to say now, now that she knew he was interested in someone else but wasn’t going to pursue them. Part of her wondered if she even has a chance. Maybe later down the road she hoped she would have the courage to ask. But in the meantime she would just enjoy his company. @Kate Koda
He chuckled at her trying to protest her name being Piper. This was cute and the look really suited her. He leaned back, closing the gap between them as he whispered next to hear ear. “I think Viper suits you better.” before she could continue protesting, he planted another kiss on her lips.
As he stood there trying to stay awake. He hadn’t noticed that he was in fact dozing off. The exhaust was hitting him hard. At this point he was leaning against the window frame. Sleep over taking him where he stood. Now if anyone has walked in, they would just assumed he was awake and just looking out the window, but in truth this man could sleep on his feet. And that is what was happening. "ZzZzZz… @ChayChay05 Piper | Lila | Theo
Ian was smiling at Piper. She wasn’t sure how to feel about it. However, she just went with it. She smiled back at him. She was happy when he chuckled. Then he called her “Viper” again. This pissed her oof. However, before she could say anything about it he started kissing her again. She fell into a nice rhythm of kissing him. She was lost in this moment. Something about this guy… It was he set her on fire, which was weird to her because she hasn’t ever had a boyfriend or anything. Sure she has had crushes, but she never felt anything like this before in her entire life. Much to her surprise Koda never made her feel this way either.
She smiled as they walked back to the headmistress’s house and talked along the way. This guy seemed really sweet. As she got to know him better… he really did remind her of Owen. She missed Owen more than she cared to admit. Part of her wanted to let go and just have fun and get to know this guy. The other part of her was scared and wanted to run… this part of her wanted to out the walls up so high that nobody after Owen could possibly get through them. Like double the walls. However, Owen taught her she doesn’t need to be scared of everyone like she used to be. She still had her moments. Like flinching when a guy would touch her. She really hoped this guy hadn’t noticed that earlier. “So, tell me something about yourself.” She said as they were walking back.
Theo laid there in the bed and waited for Ace to say something back to him… However he didn’t. He was leaning on the window frame like he was looking out the window. However, part of him was worried about this man. He decided to get up and check on Ace. He took his time to sit up fully. Then he swung his legs off the bed. He probably needed crutches to walk with but he didn’t care in the moment. He needed to make sure Ace was okay. He sally stood up. Putting weight on his injured leg hurt some. It was really sore. However, he pushed through the pain as he stood up and slowly and carefully walked over to Ace. Once he got closer to Ace… he noticed and could hear him lightly snoring. How the hell is this man sleeping standing. He thought as he finally reached him. He put his hand on Ace’s shoulder. “You okay babe?” He asked hoping he didn’t scare Ace.
Her lips were soft and held a sweetness he couldn’t explain. He found himself wanting her as the kiss deepened. He moved his free hand and slide it underneath her shirt, firmly placing his hand on her waist. He wanted to take things further, but he restrained himself, allowing himself only this much. She was a temptation that could make him more human. More sensitive. More aware of others. But he didn’t care at this moment. This sweet temptation was going a long with him, making it harder to resist her.
He had a small smile on his face as he talked with her as they walked. “Well I grew up on my dad’s farm. Never really knew my mother. Umm…” he pondered what else he could brag about. “I have a sweet teeth, don’t like spices and I love animals…what about yourself?” he looked over at her with a gentle yet curious smile.
He felt a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder. He jolted his head up, seemingly aware of his surroundings. He blinked a few times as the light was surprisingly blinding. It had taken a minute for his sight to adjust. “huh? Oh yeah…sorry, I must of fallen asleep.” after a minute of looking at Theo did his brain finally registered that Theo was on his injured leg. His gentle look turned to worry and yet one of a stern parent as he said. “you should get off that leg. What would happen if it reopened?” He almost reached down a little to pick the man up but had stopped himself. He straightened himself up and offered for Theo to use him as a crutch. “let me help you get back to the bed… use me.” @ChayChay05 Theo | Lila | Piper
Piper wasn’t sure if she was good at kissing are not. She was sure Ian had a lot of experience in the area, while she had none. So, she was nervous she might not be any good at it. She wondered if she should tell Ian that when she kissed him it was her first kiss. However, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him. His lips were plump and soft. He tasted like tobacco, she thought that would bother her. However, surprisingly she didn’t care. Since he was only holding her hands down with one hand, he moved his other hand inside her shirt and on her waist. His hand now rested on her bare skin. This sent shivers down her spine in the best way possible.
Something about his touch on her skin and his lips on hers made her want more. So, since he only had her pinned down with one hand she wiggled her hands free and started to tug at his shirt. They pulled apart from kissing momentarily as she lifted his shirt over his head. Then they shared a look that told Ian what he could do. So, he pinned her hands back down and leaned back in kissing her passionately. Piper kissed him back with equal passion. Who would have thought that her first kiss would be so hot and heavy. Surely not her, but she was excited about it. She knew nothing more than kissing would happen at the moment.
Lila smiled sweetly at him as she listened to him talk and nodded along so he knew she was listening. “Well we have the not knowing our mom thing in common.” She said with a shrug as she thought what all she could say. “Well… let’s see… I grew up in Detroit, with my dad.” She debated whether or not to tell him a little bit about that. “He is not a nice man.” She admitted to John as they walked and talked. “I also have a sweet tooth, and I’ve never had animals to be honest… I like some spice but not too much.” She smiled and giggled. They seemed to have a fair bit in common.
Theo was caught off guard when Ace jolted awake. Then Ace apologized for falling asleep. “Don’t be sorry. No worries handsome.” He said as Ace’s soft gentle look turned more stern and he fussed at Theo for being on his leg. Then he went to pick up Theo but seemingly changed his mind and let Theo use him as a crutch instead. Ace helped Theo back to bed. “Thanks Daddy.” Theo joked as he got back in bed with Ace’s help. His reaction reminded him of a father figure so he figured he would crack a joke about it. However, it could have been taken a different way.
Kayden smiles big at him. “Thanks love and i’m sure you would be a welcome as well and a great distraction if i needed it. Maybe some weekend we can come back to this place and do a picnic or something just us or we can bring a few friends here and do stuff or have like a picnic and bring games and stuff.”
Madi smiles and get up. She was happy that Liv was willing to come over with her she liked hanging out with her and didn’t want to end it because she had to go home. Plus whatever her mom needs Madi will have fun chillen with a friend. “Yay let’s go and now you will know where I live all year round if ya ever need to find me when we on vacations or whatever.” Once Liv was ready they started to walk to Madi’s house and they talked about random stuff along the way.
As they walked she asked “do you ever just wing your way around? Sometimes it’s the unknown adventure that brings people closer.” He nodded his head, "Oh yeah I honestly do that all the time, but I am using the gps for now because I legit have no idea where we are and what way it would even be to school. So I think another time or to coming to town from the school I will know the way then I will really walk different places and further places with no GPS. What about you? He smiled at her a little. After awhile they get closer and closer to the school. They weren’t quite there yet but he could see the school in the distance.
He was enjoying every second he had with her, though was quickly annoyed when she was trying to free her hands. He resisted but she hadn’t stopped, so he loosened his grip for her to do as she pleased. He didn’t think much of it until he felt something rug at his shirt, he pulled away from her to see that she had wanted him to remove his shirt. So he did as she wished without any hesitation. He slipped his shirt over his head and removed his arms before tossing the shirt besides them and going back to making out with her. He shivered a little at her tough on his chest and stomach, after a couple of minutes of this, did he grabbed her hands and pinned them slightly above her head. He wondered if he had held her wrist too tightly to leave any bruises, with that thought in mind did he loosened his grip on them. He had moved his hand underneath her shirt but never went past her ribcage, gently did he brush his fingertips across her stomach going down to her pants button. He was in the moment and was going to test her limits.
He listened quietly as she spoke. “well, if you ever want to see some farm animals, let me know. I can get you a hotel room nearby, or something and you can come visit me at the farm. My dad and I have a few horses, cows, chickens. We have two dogs and a few barn cats to keep the mice away.” he had a huge smile on his face when he spoke of the farm.
He rolled his eyes when Theo said “Thanks Daddy” . with a tiredish smirk did he replied back with, “Tell daddy if you need anything else.” he stretched his arms above his head and arched his back to stretch more. Fighting the urge to yawn again. This day seemed to be longer than normal. @ChayChay05 Piper | Theo | Lila
She tried to keep up with his past but as the neared the school, she movements did slow down. She didn’t realize she was ready to be off her feet. “I usually don’t use my GPS when exploring new places. After all the GPS can’t give you real memories of the feeling and adventure you have.” she smiled. @Kate Koda
They kept walking and Lexi mentioned about the GPS and memories and stuff. “Very true, you would definitely love New York then especially with how big it is you can get lost and go on an adventure easily. I know New York very well so I don’t need a GPS.” After Koda finished that sentence they were already back on school ground and he stopped dead in his tracks for a moment to make sure his eyes were not playing him. There in front of him he saw a guy holding Pipers arms slightly above her head and then moved a hand under her shirt and Koda was pissed. This guy was trying to r**e her. Koda did not even say anything to Lexi he just sprinted full speed to he guy and Piper and tackled the guy off of her and he was on his side or back. Koda jsut punched the really hard two times. “WHAT THE FUCK MANM YOU THINK ra***ng A GIRL IS OKAY?YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!”
She shrugged “I don’t think-” she never got the chance to finished her sentence because Koda seemed to have took off. She sprinted over to see what was going on. She saw Koda had tackled a guy off of a woman and was beating him. He did get a few good punches in before the guy had put up his arms to block the punches. She didn’t understand what had happened since her mind was racing. She went over the the lady on the ground and helped her to her feet. “are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you…did he? Would you like me to call the police?” she pulled out her phone and began dialing the number to the police department.
She was enjoying Ian’s touch on her body. She was very excited to see what would happen next. She wouldn’t go all the way since she didn’t really know him, but still she wondered what could and would happen. She felt Ian’s fingers go across her stomach and lower. She shivered and moaned slightly into the kiss. Piper was shocked when she felt Ian’s body forcefully leave hers. She felt confused and lost. Then she heard the voice… her heart sank in her chest as she smiled slightly. Koda actually interrupted her moment. Maybe he did like her the way she liked him. However, now was not the time to wonder that sh!t.
Koda had said ”WHAT THE FUCK MANM YOU THINK ra*ng A GIRL IS OKAY?YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!” Piper was still on the ground in shock watching this unfold. Koda was hitting Ian, luckily Ian got his arms up to block after two punches. Then some random girl came running over asking “are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you…did he? Would you like me to call the police?” Piper’s mind was spinning. Did this really just happen? Is Koda jealous? Does Koda like her that way? What will Ian think? Will Ian never talk to her again? These plus more ran through her head as the girl helped her off the ground. First
Piper decided to acknowledge the girl as she helped Piper up “I’m fine.” Piper scoffed this girl must like Koda and be why Piper was alone and met Ian in the first place. “No. I don’t need you to call the police! No he didn’t do anything to me!” She rolled her eyes and went closer to the guys. She had to stop Koda. She took a deep breath as she went over to try and grab Koda by the arm as she yelled at him “WHAT THE ACTUAL F^^K KODA!!! GET THE F^^K OFF OF HIM! HE WASN’T DOING THAT! WE WERE JUST MAKING OUT!” She yelled at him as she kept trying to get him off of Ian. Piper just wanted to cry.
He was enjoying every minute of her before he was suddenly tackled to the ground by some hilly billy. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN YOU THINK R*PING A GIRL IS OKAY?YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!” followed by a few punches afterwards. It took a second before he was able to get his arms up in a defensive position, blocking the incoming punches. This riff raff was on him and making it near impossible to get out of. He could taste blood in his mouth. “this fucking Asshole!” he thought to himself. He recalled a foster family had taught him some moves from wrestling, unfortunately at the time he didn’t bother paying attention. Oh how he was regretting his choice now. He just smirked a little. It had been a long while since anyone had thrown any good punches his way, it was a matter of time. But his opinion on Piper seemed to have changed as well. It seemed she had a man and yet she was choosing to fool around. He honestly was surprised, she seemed a tad bit timid for such things.
He found a opening when Piper came over and tried to pull this over sized monkey off of him, he throw in a punch to the riff raff jawline, knocking him off of him. He took this chance to get on his feet. He spit out some of the blood from his mouth before wiping some of it away… He smirked a little. “Listen man…I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here.”
She kept the number on her screen just as a precaution. As the lady went over to pull Koda off of the guy. She watched while wondering if that lady was Kodas crush or his friend he was trying to protect. She felt a bit jealous but shrugged it off… She watched as the guy punched Koda off of him and got on his own feet. She started at the guy…he looked familiar to her but couldn’t figure it out. “Hey man…I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here.” She looked between the man, Koda and the lady. @Kate Koda @ChayChay05 Piper