St. Andrew's Academy Signups & Chat

Katrina? :eyes:


Had time to guess?

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:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:


I was thinking about it, but I really don’t know :thinking:

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It’s not a hetero relationship


Something about this one I really love, it’s intense though yes, their conversation. But so interesting, they basically just met and are sharing their whole life stories already :joy:


Honestly they just mesh together so well it was hard not to just drop everything and yes I love them


Interesting :eyes:

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I am still so surprised how this just happened without us having planned a single thing, the first post was like a very spontaneous post let’s see what happens. I really wasn’t expecting them to be so compatible honestly in many ways

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honestly me either I was kind of expecting a few posts that didnt go very far Im very happily surprised

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Same, that was exactly me :joy: But I have really been enjoying them so much!

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Ok, I’m intrigued.

honestly same and they make me so happy

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Sameee, it’s a nice balance between just banter, fun conversation, and them being able to share some things with each other… Some insight in Jasper, he doesn’t open up easily to people and part of his love for theatre and being overly funny, is him masking a more vulnerable side of himself, and idk, something about Brex really allows him to be that more vulnerable person too

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But @bpalmer, I hope you don’t mind me skipping over it for tonight? I’ll get something out tomorrow probably, but like, as it is quite heavy it just takes a bit more from me to write well…

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yeah thats ok just might be late before i get to it tomorrow since I do have class tomorrow

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What, she is! :sweat_smile:

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That’s absolutely finee! But I think we should maybe wrap up the misc in like 2/3 posts, idk, as they actually start playing, idk, I am not sure how to really write that :thinking:

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yeah i agree maybe like the next few posts they start to play

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@ChayChay05, can I have a bit more context of what Lila means with?

Cause to me, it sounds like maybe in a way she feels she deserved what happened to her in a sense based on the further context on the post, just wanted to check if I am reading too much into this and she just means that like she hopes those men get karma for what they did? Or both in a sense? :thinking:

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