St. Andrew's Academy Singups & Chat

Most definitely

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lol :joy:. Do you want them to talk or nah

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Do you wanna post first or me?

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The temptation to make one last char even tho three other rps are starting soon :sweat_smile::sob:

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I have a character in the works which I forget about 3 times a week, but maybe that’s becuase I’m making a father of twins and the twins are played by 2 other people so it’s sometimes hard to get everybody together to make a decision

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Idk how to even balance all four of the characters at the same time right now :sweat_smile:

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Yes, I was so busy until now I don’t know how I’ll balance the 4 I have here, the 2 I have made for another RP that hasn’t started yet, and the one I’m going to make now, plus the fact I decided to start writing a book!

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Oh man, I can’t imagine :sob:
We got this!! Keep pushing Levi! :raised_hands:

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Yup, plus I need to get a job for at least a month, I need to do over 300 hours of interships (either paid or unpaid) and I need to write my Bachelor’s degree dissertation

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Felt the job part :sweat_smile:
And wow, 300 hours? That’s wild, I wish you the best and hope you find a paid one :pray:

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Yeah 375 I think, but it has to be done over a 6 month period so we can get it done faster if we do 40hr a week or it can be done slowly by doing 20hrs a week or less, it just has to be done by the end of the semester which is in the 9th month I think

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I can I dint mind. Ima take a quick shower then I’ll respond! So just give me a little. Where do you want hope to be

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I finished the first chapter of my huuuge book!


She could be anywhere, but if classes are still happening then she’d be in class



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i will just say it is lunch time

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Works for me!

Getting my laptop and responding in misc in a few minutes everyone


I think it’s time for me to get on to the 5 misc posts I have to reply to. I’ve been postponing to much and letting it build up :sob:


aww its okay. tyt