For sure, though it’s gonna most likely be around Monday
I ended up being busy this weekend
That’s fine
I’d say yes, but I’m a slight bit confused
When is that happening?
At the ball?
I’m sorry, I really have no recollection
For this rp, right? Heh
I mean, sure
I gotta go stalk the rp thread
That plus we need to figure out how to end the interaction in the misc
Hey everyone
@LunaticLeviTheSecond and @bpalmer is it y’all’s response on main?
I think its still mine I will get it done tonight.
Sorry it’s taking so long I forgot about it, and today I was writing a big bio for a really cool character
Oh you’re fine. Just didn’t want y’all waiting on me
@eunoia are you starting the convo with Jadie and Kendrie? oh and it’s you sponse now in misc
@idiot.exe how r u? I miss u
Hii I’m pretty good! You?
It’s been a while
It has. We all get busy sometimes tho
@eunoia I believe it’s your response on misc
@bpalmer its your response in misc and main too just to let you know