St. Andrew's Academy Singups & Chat

Yes indeed.

If you’re okay with it I’ll be writing with Owen for Lila then!


Sounds good to me.

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Why not? Lol, if it’s nothing and dies out really soon, well, that’s fine, but I think it might be interesting :thinking:

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Okay, getting the 2 posts out and then I’ll go sleep! So I will reply to everything tomorrow!

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So I have Camila

Lol, I messed up with the names, but I hope you’re okay with it still @bpalmer if it’s Jasper approaching him?


I think he’s forgotten who he’s talking to lol

Wait has he been holding the door all this time lol?

Because this is from a whole different post lol

And all that door holdin for her to insult him

Okay let’s get back on track lol

that’s kinda cute

I think this friendship between Killian and Leopold has potential to be such a cute relationship!

Yeah sure, you could’ve texted her you were behind her … But that wouldn’t be so cute though

Ahh, that is so cute, he’s gonna help him with his wheelchair

Like I said, best relationship RN

“Becuase it is you, you’re just wearing different clothes”
If you get that refference <3

Smart little guy ain’t he

Do you need a nameplate?

Wait he’s GAY?
I ship him and Leo!

Yeah that does suck, so why don’t you give him the chance he so desparately wants from other guys?

Is Camila my girl’s roomie or is another character of yours? I forgot…

Boy really said … My dating life is in shambles … But the most important things is that YOU had fun

Can boys and girls be roomates?

Yeah, brag about your sex life to the disabled boy who just whined about not getting any

Let this be canon!

Nvm, forget the other thing

Oh they’re siblings? I thought they were friends lol

Dammit he’s straight!

Wait they used to date or does Killian mean going out for drinks or summit like that?

I feel like he’s an introvert and he’s only way to go out and have some fun is this extrovert taking him to parties like his pet

Gosh, give me some red wine and MORE DETAILS!

You b*stard, why didn’t you protect ya boi?

Why though? Why not rely on Leo and get him to beat up those jerks?

They way this is Mateo’s whole post while Killian’s was so much bigger

She’s right, she has much more going for her than he does, he’s only an A+ student, while she’s that with modeling and sports

Don’t rely on Leo to protect you again. How would you even fall out of your wheelchair so easily? He should’ve knows you were pushed, so if you need strenght don’t rely on Leo, he’s got it but only uses it for himself it seems

Here are some reactions


ok He has a little bit up let me know if you need more.


whoever is fine


Killian and Leo do end up together. Just not right now. Lol and Mateo is transgender


Oh sorry didn’t read their info before heading into this

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I’m Going out to dinner with my dad soon so when I come back I have Chloe available and probably tomorrow I’ll submit more characters

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It’s okay no worries and Leo is pan

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Okay tnx

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Wait where do I put my character’s FC in the Sign Ups?

You can just dm it to me

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Aww she thinks he’s hot :joy::joy:


It was finee!

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Ooof, honestly, I am struggling a bit to actually get into these characters, but I guess that’ll come as I write with them more…