Speaking of a-levels, do you have any tips for gcse results day? After my exams, I felt like I “knew” what I was going to get so I didn’t feel worried about them - I knew what went well and what didn’t. Now, it’s coming up really soon I’m slightly freaking out. Help?
Hi, are you me fifteen years in the past (but also the present)?
But seriously, I understand this so much and the cliche advice of being yourself if all well and good but not helpful. So instead, to make friends try to find someone you have something in common with and try to establish smaller friendships instead of putting pressure on yourself in a group or something. Maybe bond over a class you love (or hate) or something you do outside of school?
And hang out less with people who feel like you’re not yourself around. I know this feeling exactly because I still to this day feel that way around my friend’s older brother who I had a crush on my entire childhood. I am 30 years old and happily married to someone else but I am a shy idiot around him
High school isn’t always great but it’s on the way to more interesting parts of life (imo) and try not to worry and over analyze everything too much (easier said than done).
I feel like I spoke in platitudes but hopeful there’s a tiny bit of helpfulness in this, if just to make you feel not alone!
This has been bothering me since I started my holidays in April. Now the time is coming closer where I start again, it’s making me more nervous and is making it hard for me to really relax. I am so scared for my final year at uni. I struggled so much with my 1st and 2nd year and I really want to graduate with a decent grade I’ll say. Whenever my parents ask me how I’m finding university, I always say that I’m enjoying the course and I’m doing well but I’m really not. No matter how hard I try and work, I never really get the grades I worked towards so I each year, I try less and less. I really want my final year to go well for me but I don’t know what to do. One of my lecturers spoke to me and noticed how things were going for me and suggested I speak to the learning help but I really don’t feel comfortable speaking with them. I really don’t think I’ll be able to handle the stress of my final year and I also want to at least enjoy one year at university. I just really don’t know what to do.
I totally get this! I scraped by but really regret not asking for help. There’s really no shame in it, and it can’t hurt. Best case scenario, they offer a lot of help! Worst case scenario, they don’t and you wasted a bit of time but at least you tried! You won’t have to wonder what if…
Is there a particular subject you’re struggling in? Study groups you can join? A tutor you can hire?
I really regret not talking to professors more because I felt inferior but professors and TAs are really there to help! Use them!
Also, life does get easier after uni! You can do this!!!
Wow, this thing really blew up! Unfortunately, I can’t go through every post and respond at the moment but, just know that everything will end up okay.
I can’t give you amazing advice about your teeth but, just let it happen. Focus on the Future and the pros.
Be yourself. Don’t put on a mask or a persona because - and you may not be aware of this - sometimes, not being yourself can hurt people. Do it for you, and the people around you.
I don’t want to be stereotypical here but… try to look for your clique. It isn’t about “fitting in” but find a group of people that relate to you. If you don’t have friends, make ‘em.
Don’t think about it. Just stay positive, and try to distract yourself because tests can cause anxiety and stress, which can take a toll on you. Do something that will make you happy.
I don’t understand anything you just said, but I encourage you meet people. Take one semester/year there, and then make a decision whether or not you want to continue.
The best you can do about that, is play your part in the community. Help clean up the beach, recycle, ride your bike, anything that can cause global warming, do the opposite. If anything, the ‘What If’s…’ should encourage you to do something about it.
So right now I’m kinda just feel sad cos I feel so demotivated all the time. I can’t write my stories. I can’t plan my characters, plots ect… I can’t find motivation to draw. And I’m losing motivation to RP except one liners…
I just feel like it’s not fair on the people I RP with cos they wait ages for me to respond because I can’t think of anything to write. And then when I do respond my posts are low quality and I feel like I just… Gahhh. Don’t give others anything to work with.
It sounds like you have writer’s block. It takes a moment or two for the brick wall to demolish itself, but it’ll get there. Inspiration strikes at the weirdest times.