Stress Ball Thread

you don’t want to read this cringefest

Hello, I would state my name but I actually have a lot. I’m making it my mission to make my catchphrase ‘Call me Kendall, or Raven, or Raves, or whatever as long as it’s not ass-hole.’ Just rolls off the tongue!

Anyways, you may be wondering what this thread is about? Well, this thread is a stress ball. If you are having any problems in your personal life that is making you angry or sad or… stressed, you can post your worries here and we will be your stress ball. We’ll give you advice, try to make you feel better, and get you back to your normal selves. I wanted to make this thread on Episode but the mods banned me before I could - :roll_eyes: - so, I’m doing it here.

I’ll start:

School is starting back up again and I’m kinda excited… but also worried. This summer was the best summer I’ve ever had. I joined a CHB RP by @/Littlefeets on Episode and I met so many cool and amazing people. Including; @/AnimeOtome @/EchoRavencroft @/Caticorn @/Littlefeets @/fal.renet1398 @/Kale @/RainyDay and many more that unfortunately are not here on Shannii’s. There was a lot of drama in our friend group; we got catfished, disrespected, bullied. Some of us got banned. Some as in me. I got banned for “split accounts.” But, I was talking through my friend’s account not mine. I wanted to fight for my account back, but I was too weak and that led me to leaving the forums. And then I came here and I was welcomed with opened arms. So thank you to everyone here on Shannii’s that I may not have met, but I would love to get to know.

Who’s next?

this should've been on the rant thread but whatever. Bad introduction to me too

I’ve been going through a rough patch with my mental health lately. I mostly just sit around at home and I feel useless most of the time. Me and my friends are getting further and further apart. I can’t even go outside without feeling uncomfortable in my own body. Sometimes I feel more like an object and I hate most parts of my body… I guess this is it for me… It’s not even about wanting to die, I just wanna disappear and/or go away so I don’t hurt anyone anymore.

I just give up.

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I tried to change it, but I didn’t see a rant section

What if, you just talked to your friends on the phone? And slowly started going out more? A lot of people tend to judge but, who cares what other people think of you? Love yourself! Do something that will make you happy.

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Way easier said than done for me.

I do go out occasionally but even then I still feel like a stranger around them.

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I don’t know you all that much, so I may be very wrong but it seems like you’re kind of a reserved person. Do you know what makes you feel like a stranger?

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I don’t know. I guess it’s my habits. It takes me a while to open up and I’m introverted. I also tend to push people away and feel “weird” because I don’t fit in anywhere

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‘Why Fit In, When You Were Born to Stand Out?’ -Dr Seuss

I’m not a psychiatrist but, what you’re doing right now is opening up. So already you’re making some progress! I’m just a person on the internet, so it may be harder to open up to somebody in person that in front of a computer screen. It may help to get out of your comfort zone a little?


Moved this to the discussion category. :v:t2:

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I guess.

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There are 2 things i’m worried about.

  1. In the start of september i have to go to the dentist and get 2 of my teeth out and it hurts very much, i did it before and just… i don’t want to go through that sh*t again.

  2. School. I don’t want to start high school, i want to stay in middle school because it feels like home now. I am not good with that, and the thing is i am very shy but i freakin’ hate it, i don’t want to be shy but how can i stop it? I want to be chill, like why always be shy, i am not myself! I want to be how i am with people who know my personality, because at school i show the little shy personality and it doesn’t feel like me. Plus i hate everyone there :roll_eyes:


Things I’m worried about:

  • Results Day
  • Starting Sixth Form - as in doing a-levels and making new friends (and considering whether it’s even worth it because sixth-form is only 2 years)
  • Global Warming
  • Wtf is even happening to Britain at the moment

The one thing I’m extremely worried about:
Everything :neutral_face::black_heart:


Okay :slightly_smiling_face:

  • I had this friend for a while but she wasn’t very nice and caused drama with my other friends and even though I’m not friends with her anymore I’m scared my friends blame me for ever being friends with her. They seemed to be ignoring me on the group chat yesterday so now I’m dreading being alone again in September because it took me so long to find friends and now I’m scared the ones I made all hate me.

  • I’m gonna have a heck of alot more coursework and one of my tasks is to create my own business from scratch so that means making cash flow forecasts, profit and loss acounts and balance sheets, all of which are easy enough if you don’t have to find all the figures yourself from an idea you created. I have no ideas well scratch that I have loads of ideas but 50% make no sense and the other 50% arrive to me when I’m in bed and too tired to write it down. Time is ticking on this and I don’t wanna fail.

  • I’m usually an optimist but recently things have been taking such a downturn that I find it hard to find the positivity in things. It would not surprise me if the world ended next week because everything seems to be going wrong.

  • I keep getting scared this girl I fell out with is gonna come back into my life somehow I can’t go through it all again

  • I’m losing sleep because all the overthinking is making me feel worse than normal

  • I feel like poop because my friend really wants to see me but I just can’t bring myself to the social interaction. Like what if getting the bus goes wrong? What if I don’t have enough money? What if I see somebody I don’t like? What if the world ends? (You can see a reccuring theme here)

  • I’m seeing a doctor next week about my mental health and I’m terrified


Oh and I’ve been really on edge, yesterday a big butterfly flew into my house and I screamed and had a nightmare about a butterfly.

since when were butterflies scary

I’m about to head into my second year.

I don’t do A level though I do a level 3 BTEC because exam pressure sucks plus with GCSEs it’s 5 years preparation and even then it’s all stressy, with A levels it’s 2 years it’s all cramped in.

Despite this I would say it’s worth it if you choose the right course.

some advice though if you do dislike your course then don’t stick with it, change as early as possible. Don’t wait until later because then you might have to repeat a year and definitely don’t deliberately fail on it because it’s your own time you’re wasting


Thanks for the advice :blue_heart:

With all the work I’ll be doing I don’t seem that bothered about making new friends. I like being on my own. Is that bad?


Take it from me

I thought to myself “high school sucked friends sucked so I’m not gonna make friends I’ll just go to town in my breaks”

I did this for the first 2 months I had no friends plus I had alot of free time so I was spending so much time alone. It was awful, during the October half term it was my Birthday my online friends made a thread for me on the episode forums but nobody outside my family in real life so much as wished me a happy birthday.

It’s a horrible feeling it was like I couldn’t think anymore.

You might think being alone is easier but trust me, make friends even if it’s just one or two.


On the upside to this going to town so much I bought alot of manga, books, CDs and DVDs just from the vast amount of money stored in my piggie bank.


Can agree, I had one friend in high school and it made a world of difference.

Well. I had a lot of friends in fifth year, but for the majority of my school career I had one friend and while we did spend a lot of time together, it was better than spending it alone


Wat- wat about me? I’m here Raves!