Studies the history of old history before jeopardy game

When I play jeopardy at my old elementary in front of parents. With people who was in class with me during the time. One month although I can remember what day it was, my class was doing penguins jeopardy and I did study for a hour or two looks at penguins then Friday it was time even I had to go against my dad. At the end I won, got to pick a prize a glass doll. But my class had fun. Studies the history of long time ago before ether of us was born like studies for pirates, people who made a change, animals, nature,real horror story, park, and even the solar system.

I hope this help. So make sure you studies your history of old history.
Good luck when jeopardy game start back up. :four_leaf_clover:

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I do agree with @laurenmusic do to studies about old history from the past to now.

Before next jeopardy game starts, making sure you studied your history.


Do you agree that people should learn old history before the next jeopardy game?

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I do. :sunglasses:

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