It’s the third massive forums mystery(ish)-type event, @Announcements, if you want to partake in the fun, feel free to join the @ForumMysteries as a participator. Though beware, participators can lose the game and not survive.
To start the game, read the blog and then post your two full suitcases below.
1-5. Five pairs of shorts
6/7. Two pairs of leggings
8-12. Five t-shirts
13/14. Two sweatshirts
15/16. Two pairs of sneakers
17/18. Two pairs of socks
19. A winter coat
20. An umbrella
Bug spray
3/4. Dry shampoo & body wash
First aid kit (with bandaids, gauze, asprin, antiseptic wipes, cold compresses, nonlatex gloves, and epipens)
I have a feeling one of the suitcases will get lost and Ill end up either unprepared or naked, lol
Im also relying on ethe not to die because i had to swap out some survival stuff and chose things she has