T shirts or Sweatshirts

I own more T shirts then I do sweatshirts but I do love sweatshirts! They are so comfy and warm :blush: I love T shirts too though! Especially since I mainly only wear those, during winter I put a hoodie on top, damn I need more sweatshirts. What do you guys think?


I like tshirts but Sweatshirts are literally amazing especially when they’re oversized


Sweatshirts!!! :smiley:

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T-shirts, because it’s summer 24/7 here so there isn’t the need to wear sweatshirts.

Also, I hate how people who wore their sweatshirts over and over again without washing it, it stinks!


Sweatshirts! They are so cozy!

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I dislike t-shirts hehe… most are uncomfortable.

I wear the same clothes all year round… Haha, jeans and a sweatshirt lol. Unless it’s too hot. I used to have shorts in the summers and I have a few t-shirts that I actually like. :thinking:

HAHA I don’t know anyone who does this lol

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Lol, it happens all the time, same goes to jackets and hoodies.

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People just don’t wash them :joy: like you wear it everyday take care of it


Haha… :eyes: Most people I know laundry their clothes too often lol :laughing:

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Who does that? LOL

I guess… Jackets? I wash them when the season is over if it’s needed :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Same with a jacket! If it starts to get a little blegh I’ll spray it but with T shirts/sweatshirts/hoodies they should be a little more frequent

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Agree, agree!

And I don’t know lots of people with stinky sweatshirts and hoodies :joy: But yeah, I don’t like it when people wear dirty and stinky clothes @Secretz :wink:


I think with the people I know it’s because they smoke it clings.


Maybe they believe it’s a sweatshirt so people need to smell their sweat. :joy:

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oh my I cannot pick, too hard

T-shirts! It’s never cold enough for me to want a sweatshirt

Both! :sneezing_face:

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