So we’ve had reports that a lot of people are annoyed or confused about tags being added to their posts. This is perfectly understandable! It can be irritating to have notifications that your posts are being edited!
So I’ll give a brief overview of why tags are useful, then post a screenshot of the tags we currently have at the moment so users can add them to their posts, thus avoiding them getting edited at all
Like most websites, ShanniiWrites can be found through a search engine like Google. However, at the moment you’d need to know exactly what you’re looking for and search in ‘ShanniiWrites’. However, making good use of the tagging system can help people find threads on this forum they may find useful even if they don’t have accounts as those threads will show up in Google searches of the relevant keywords. It needn’t be said this could also potentially help us find new members as well!
Not only that, tags are also very useful for grouping up certain types of discussions and topics and making them much easier to find within the actual Forum itself.
Now, the reason for a message being given each time a tag is added is relatively simple. We have a standard of transparency on the ShanniiWrites Forums, and that includes when editing user posts. We make sure to give a message whenever we edit a post, detailing what was changed so that users don’t simply see an edit icon and wonder what we’re censoring or changing without their consent or permission!
Here is a small list of some of our more commonly used tags at the moment:
Of course you’ll see Forum-specific tags for threads usually created and handled by the staff. But the majority of them apply to user-created threads as well! While creating a thread, it would make everyone’s life a little easier to consider if any of these apply to your topic. And who knows, maybe someone having a little google search will find your thread helpful!
This is why you may notice we’re adding tags to lots of posts in a rather short period of time, bear with us, just until we catch up to the recent threads!