Talk about the things you wish to change

talk about sum’ you’d like to change impacting on you, or sum’ else.


I’d like to change the way I eat, and the way I act. The way I eat, because i want to tend to eat more healthier, and acting wisely so I can set a better example to other peers.

go ahead & share !


Somethings I wish to change, is the way of learning in school, because my teachers make it so difficult for their classes and it’s just stupid to me. Another thing is, how people look at each other. I’m a proud mix-black young woman and I have a brother whose going to grow up as a grown black man and I don’t want, how we are being treated at the moment** CORRECTION how other people and their religion/race are being treated. and towards the future. That’s something I’d like to change.


I’m so bad at exercising and eating healthy. Like, yeah, I don’t eat fast food or drink soda or eat candy all the time, but I have white bread sandwiches and things like that all the time that aren’t really that healthy.

I’m really bad at exercising and I would rather be lazy than do ANY time of exercising. It’s not like I am overweight, but I don’t have that much energy for someone my age and there are other little problems in which I really should be exercising to get my body in shape.

I also wish I was more social so that I wouldn’t be on my computer all the time, but social situations (that are not with my siblings) usually just drain me and I end up wanting to go back to my computer anyway…


I sometimes want to change who I am. Then people would stop judging me. That’s why I prefer going online and hiding behind my pfp :joy::green_heart:

Most of the time I wish to change my body. I wish I was prettier, nicer, thinner, had longer hair, everything.

I guess I want to change everything about myself.

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just how i act and look. people tell me about my personality and then i just don’t like my face or body or skin. i wish i could be different sometimes.

on a non selfish note - i wish i could change all the ignorance in the world lol

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I wish to change my body but I guess I’m working on that and my attitude. I’ve had enough of people thinking I’m sort of fool so I would like to be more firm. I’m too forgiving I hate myself for that sometimes.


I wish I could stop being so shy and actually talk to people. It’s one of the many things about myself that I hate. And this might sound weird, but I wish I could change my voice…it sounds weird to me.

uh i wish i never started writing this story because i keep going over it for proofreading and it gets worse but thankfully i can just pretend it was supposed to be a parody and not have to change anything :sweat_smile::joy:

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i wanna change how judgmental i can be sometimes and how i should be more confrontational instead of bottling it all up and then taking it out in a very unhealthy and Passive agressive way :sparkling_heart:


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Bump :rose:


Medium-large bump

Does anybody else want to change a certain factor about themselves but then you realise that what you want to change is part of the foundations of what makes you?

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That’s a good way of putting it

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Medium-Large Bump

My iron levels.
