Taylor Swift's evermore!

Yes, it certainly is! The music is just so calm, pure, and beautiful-

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I was looking for a thread after it came out and was like, “Welp might as well make one.” Lol
Yes! Willow is so good! I’m also obsessed with ‘tis the damn season, no body no crime, and champagne problems.

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I like long story short a lot tbh, it’s a bit more uptempo than the other songs on it but it’s one of my favourites.

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I’ve been listening to that album from the moment it came out. No jokes, I’m listening to it 24/7, even now, while I’m working. I’m in love with it. In love!!
Champagne problems is my fav… I cry to it every time
I also adore Dorothea!!

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Idk why I kinda relate to Gold Rush-
I like Cowboy Like Me and Evermore too lol

idk why but I kinda want to send Willow to my crush although I know he don’t hear English songs that much

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You are too :heart:


Same! It’s just so good. :sob:

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Ooo you should do it :eyes:

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I haven’t listened to the whole album yet, but I listened to no body, no crime and 'tis the damn season; they’re so good :sob:

Taylor Swift is such a genius of lyrics

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Oh my gosh yes she’s a literal mastermind.

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Really late reply but I’d have to say happiness or gold rush

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I really like ivy and long story shorttt

@Music What do you think about that album?

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Ahhhh it’s been a while, that album is still one of my favs owo
Champagne problems is currently my most favourite.

I’m so sorry to say that I didn’t.

Umm… not sure I’ve heard it

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I’m still listening to it every single day…

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Every single day?

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Every single day… yes… But not the whole album! Just some songs

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As in the songs are in your playlist or you just listen to all your songs on shuffle?

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It kind of is a playlist of songs I’m currently obsessed with but evermore will always be on it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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