How do I fix the error?
The creator is @rude_in but there is like a billion instas with that name.
How do I fix the error?
The creator is @rude_in but there is like a billion instas with that name.
You need to put scales to in front of the coordinates. That is why it is not working.
When you use overlays like that it goes:
Scale, X Y but only one scale. You don’t need both of them.
I think you have too much going on in that one part. you need to put all of the scaling in it’s own line. Try putting an & sign instead of the @ sign. You should only have the placements and the zones with the overlays in the scene section.
It should look like: EXT. ABANDONED HOME - DAY with FLAME1 to 1.000 98 173 and same with the other one.
I’m not sure about that, by the script error it looks like the problem is purely just with that scale. You could be right if they fix it and it still comes up with an error.
Yeah, I just know from experience that if there is too much going on in a huge coding line like that it can mess with the coding. I’ve seen the portal give out a false error due to another problem instead of the actual error.
Yeah same! But other times I thought there was a false error and then I realized what I actually did wrong. Sometimes it gives an error like the one you saw above, and then you fix it and then it gives more errors and that’s when you know you have something wrong. But yeah I agree.
Now the template doesn’t seem to work , it’s supposed to have a fire animation at the tip of the candle, but instead the baby blanket is just flashing.
Do you know which overlay is the fire animation?
FLAME1, FLAME2, and so on…
Idk if @WolfGamerGirl37 has any other ideas, but this might take some trial and error. I would isolate/break up sections of code to possibly see where the error lies. It’s probably in those bigger sections of code.
Yep, I will try to figure out what is wrong. @Some_Kid I’m about to head to work but I will work on this with you until we figure out what is not working right.
I think we should try changing the two bottom codes (the one starting with FLAME1 and the baby blanket one) to @ signs for now.
It might be the co-ordinates for the flames overlays. They’re all set to “1.000 98 173” but an overlay co-ordinate can only be two numbers, the x and the y.
I might be wrong though, the script isn’t saying there’s an error there.
The other thing is sometimes when you haven’t used an overlay before, it doesn’t show up. Have you refreshed the page to see if that makes a difference?
yeah, I have.
Huh. You said you can see the baby swaddle. The only thing that’s different between the baby swaddle code and flame codes is the layers. If you take the layers out, does that make a difference? It shouldn’t do anything, but I usually just test it by taking things out in turn to see if it makes a difference.
Where did you find the template?
I found it on “Rude’s drive” I don’t remember where I got it…but it said to credit @rude_in