The 13th Interactive Story Event šŸ“– āœ

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-05-02T16:00:00Z
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:

What is it?

Itā€™s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. Iā€™ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

Iā€™ll post a part of the story. Then thereā€™ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, Iā€™ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then Iā€™ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes thereā€™ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please donā€™t spam it. Iā€™ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isnā€™t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that youā€™ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

Iā€™ve prepared a few different endings and I donā€™t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m working on new stories so it doesnā€™t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but itā€™s a first for me in most of the genres because Iā€™ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, Iā€™ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in itā€¦sorryy but Iā€™ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope itā€™s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
Iā€™ll make some polls at the end to find out how much yā€™all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event




We now have group tag for this @StoryEvent

You can join and leave as you want to get tagged for the polls! Iā€™ll only tag you in the next 2-3 polls like I did before and then Iā€™ll only use the group tag!




This story takes place at a school trip. Your class is at the countryside for a week. Youā€™re supposed to do sports there and enjoy the fresh air, but all of you are rather bored. Maybe thatā€™s the reason why someoneā€™s going around stealing stuff in your hotel. It has to be one of your group because it started just one day after you arrived and nobody else came after you. Your teacher suspected you until today, because nothing was stolen from you yet. But now, your sitting at the breakfast table, telling the teacher that someone took your bracelet that youā€™ve bought just yesterday! Your teacher asks if you can name any people who could have come into your room. Thereā€™s just you and your friend in your room. The idea of your friend taking other peopleā€™s stuff seems ridiculous, but youā€™ve only met her some months ago when she transferred here from another school. Your teacher asks if you think it was your friend. Could it be her?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



Donā€™t forget to join the group tag!


You donā€™t think it can be your friend. However, your teacher wants to ask her some questions in case she has seen anything. Your friend is a bit confused about her being questioned now. ā€œSomething was stolen from me as well!ā€ She tries to explain. Your teacher tries to calm her down, telling her that sheā€™s not a suspect. ā€œI just try to find out what is going on here. One of my students steals other peopleā€™s belongings and that is unacceptable!ā€ You try to calm your friend as you are now really sure that sheā€™s not the thief. You teacher walks away, looking like she gave up on this case. Your friend and you look around before starting to whisper so nobody can hear you. You talk about finding out who stole all the stuff and your inner-detective comes out. You make a list of possible suspects and stuff that has been stolen. You need to ask more people about what they know or have seen. Two people, who didnā€™t have anything stolen from them yet, are the exchange student and the guy who wants to become a politician. Who do you want to talk to now?

  • Exchange student
  • Soon-to-be politician

0 voters

Donā€™t forget to join the group tag @StoryEvent




You run through the hallway of the hotel to the room of the soon-to-be politician. You knock on the door and he opens rather quickly. ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ he asks a bit harshly. ā€œWe have some questions to ask. May we come in?ā€ you say, sounding like a real detective, or at least thinking you sound like that. He lets you in and you and your friend sit down on two seats opposite to the bed he sits down on. ā€œDid you notice anything missing from your stuff yet?ā€ your friend asks. ā€œNo, nothing. Whoever the thief is, they are probably too scared of me or they just didnā€™t notice Iā€™m here as well.ā€ ā€œOr you are the thiefā€ you suggest but he shakes his head. ā€œYou can search my room but you wonā€™t find anything that doesnā€™t belong to me.ā€ You look around for anything that looks suspicious but itā€™s rather tidy in his room so thereā€™s probably no place to hide something. ā€œDo you have an idea who might be the thief?ā€ you ask. He takes a few seconds before answering. ā€œTo be honest, yes. Iā€™ve seen Lilly being a bit weird the last few days and she hardly ever talks to anyone else other than her close friends now. On the other hand, Mara seemed quite awkward as well when the teacher started looking for suspects.ā€ You nod, trying to figure out who of those two might be a real suspect. Both are on the list of people, who miss stuff. Lilly is the ā€œpopularā€ girl in your class. She loves attention and everyone likes her. Itā€™s not like her to just talk to her close friends now. Mara is one of Lillyā€™s friends and often tries to be seen as a celebrity in school. Who of those will you check up on next?

  • Lilly
  • Mara

0 voters

Donā€™t forget to join the group tag @StoryEvent




You and your friend walk through the halls, trying to find Mara. Finally, you see her sitting in the entrance hall. She doesnā€™t look too happy about seeing you. ā€œMara, weā€™ve got some questions.ā€ ā€œNo, you donā€™t need to talk to me unless you have my necklace!ā€ She seems quite angry. ā€œWe want to find out who stole it, so if you could answer some questions it would be very helpful!ā€ She rolls her eyes before agreeing. ā€œWhat have you done all day?ā€ ā€œI was in room, then I got breakfast and then I sat down here because Iā€™m waiting for Lillyā€ Youā€™re having a day off today so you all could have gone outside on your own. ā€œDid you see anything weird this morning? Your room is right next to ours so maybe you have an idea who was there this morning?ā€ ā€œWhy? Did someone steal something from you too?ā€ Does she really not know is that just a trick? ā€œYes, a bracelet.ā€ ā€œI didnā€™t see anybody going into your room, but I was in my room most of the time so how should I see anything?ā€ Your friend looks at her, she never trusted her. You decide to leave Mara alone now because she seems really annoyed. As you walk away, your friend says ā€œIā€™m not sure if sheā€™s protecting someone else or if sheā€™s protecting herself, but she definitely knows something and doesnā€™t tell us!ā€ You donā€™t want to jump to conclusions yet so you say nothing to that. As you walk through the hotel, you notice that all the others have gone outside. Your teacher sees you walking around and tells you do go for a walk outside. What do you want to do?

  • Go for a walk outside
  • Go to your room

0 voters

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You decide to go back to your room and your friend comes with you. Just as you try to gather some thoughts about who might be the thief, someone knocks on your door and your former best friend comes in. Youā€™ve been best friends for quite some time but she hated that you also had other friends. She was pretty jealous and always told your other friends that they can never be your best friends. Yes, you missed her for some time, but it was also a relieve to get away from her constant jealousy. ā€œIā€™ve heard youā€™re looking for the thief?ā€ she says and gives an angry look to your friend next to you. ā€œYes, we areā€ your friend says without any emotions. ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ you ask. ā€œI want to help you!ā€ You roll your eyes. No way. ā€œWe donā€™t need your helpā€ your friend says. ā€œBut I saw who might have taken your bracelet this morningā€ Youā€™re getting curious. ā€œShe could be joking. Maybe she is the thiefā€ you friend whispers. Thatā€™s one option, but she could also have very important information! Will you accept your former best friendā€™s help?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Donā€™t forget to join the group tag @StoryEvent


You decided to accept her help and let her sit down in a corner to hear what she has to say. ā€œI saw Elijah leave your room this morning. He seemed rather uncomfortable and he ran back to his room really fast.ā€ Your friend starts laughing at this. ā€œYou spent the night with Elijah?ā€ she asks you and your face turns red. ā€œNo, I didnā€™t! He just texted me this morning if we can talk and I suggested he should come over. When we heard that youā€™ve woken up, he left as quickly as he couldā€ you explain. Both your friend and your former best friend laugh at you. ā€œMaybe he has just taken your bracelet by accident?ā€ your friend suggests after a few minutes of laughter. You decide to text Elijah and ask him if he has seen your bracelet. He quickly replies with a No and a confused emoji. Elijah is not your boyfriend, but thereā€™s something going on between you two. Youā€™ve known him since elementary school and you can tell him anything. He knows all the crazy sides of you and you know heā€™s been flirting with you a lot lately but you told him to take it slow. Can you trust him?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Donā€™t forget to join the group tag @StoryEvent


Your friend sighs. ā€œBut is he a real suspect? Just because he was in your room? Do we have any real suspects?ā€ You shake your head. ā€œNobody has a clear motive; everything is so vague and nobody wants to admit anything.ā€ Your former best friend seems to realize that she isnā€™t welcome here anymore and leaves after an awkward silence. You and your friend decide to let it be and go hang out with some others. In the evening, you go over you list of possible suspects and all that has been stolen. Itā€™s just new small things that can easily be takes away but also hidden very easily. Nobody has an obvious reason to steal anything. Mara could have taken stuff because she wants more attention, but would she really do something that could be straight out of a teenage movie? Elijah could be angry because you ignore his flirting but why would he steal from others? After an hour of thinking everything through, you fall asleep.

The next morning, your friend wakes you up. ā€œWake up! Someone stole the teacherā€™s car keys!ā€ You are still very tired as if you havenā€™t slept at all, but this is too exciting to ignore. You get ready and head to the others with your friend. Your teacher is furious. Another one of your classmates says her earrings have been stolen as well. The teacher tries to calm down and asks you to talk to her alone. ā€œIā€™ve heard you asked around for some useful information. Did you come to any conclusions? Do you have a guess who it might have been?ā€

  • Your friend
  • Mara
  • The soon-to-be politician
  • Elijah
  • Your former best friend
  • You donā€™t know

0 voters

Donā€™t forget to join the group tag @StoryEvent


Accoding to everything that you know now, it could also be your friend who stole everything. So thatā€™s what you tell your teacher. After a short, sad look at your friend, you walk away. You canā€™t look at her knowing that she probably stole all that stuff. Youā€™ve just left the room and walked down the hallway when you hear someone shouting your name behind you. You turn around and see your friend walking towards you angrily. ā€œHow could you?! Iā€™ve helped you with all of this and you make me the main suspect?! I thought we were friends!ā€ she shouts. You get a bad feelingā€¦you should have talked to her first. You try to apologize to her while the others watch the drama happen. ā€œIt could have been anybody! Mara, Elijah, it could have been you! Nobody asked if it was you!ā€ You shake your head, you canā€™t be a suspect. ā€œWe should search her room!ā€ Lilly shouts. The teacher walks up to you and your friend. Without looking at you, your friend leads her to your room. The teacher asks you to open the drawers next to your bed. As you open them, you see Maraā€™s necklace next to your bracelet. Thereā€™s also the key of your teacherā€™s car and a lot of other stuff. ā€œEverything that was stolen is in your drawerā€ your teacher states. ā€œIā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ll have to send you home. Iā€™ll tell the principal about this and inform your parents. Iā€™m very disappointed in you.ā€
As you pack your stuff, you start thinking about whatā€™s going to happen now. Your parents will be disappointed, your friends hate you and your classmates think youā€™ve stolen their stuff. Well, seems like you have to change to another school after this. And that all just because you didnā€™t find the real thief.




Time for some polls :smile_cat:

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this. I could really use some feedback :see_no_evil:

If you want to be tagged for every tag next week, join the @StoryEvent group! :smiley_cat:


Well shoo
So who was the real thief?? :eyes: Lol I want to see the other storylines so baD


If others agree I can let you play the same story again next week? :smile:


Yes, it was so interesting. This might be my favorite thread. :grin:


Iā€™ll make a poll for this!

1 Like

So @StoryEvent do you want to play the same story next week or another one?

  • Same story
  • New story

0 voters


Closed as requested by OP :smiley_cat: