The 16th Interactive Story Event šŸ“– āœ

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-05-23T15:00:00Z
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:
If you want to be tagged for every poll, please join the @StoryEvent group!

What is it?

Itā€™s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. Iā€™ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

Iā€™ll post a part of the story. Then thereā€™ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, Iā€™ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then Iā€™ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes thereā€™ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please donā€™t spam it. Iā€™ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isnā€™t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that youā€™ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

Iā€™ve prepared a few different endings and I donā€™t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m working on new stories so it doesnā€™t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but itā€™s a first for me in most of the genres because Iā€™ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, Iā€™ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in itā€¦sorryy but Iā€™ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope itā€™s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
Iā€™ll make some polls at the end to find out how much yā€™all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event
The 13th Interactive Story Event
The 14th Interactive Story Event
The 15th Interactive Story Event


You decided to go to college right after school. Although your grades were good, your family canā€™t afford to send you to a top-ranking university. However, you got a place at a pretty average college not too close to your hometown. That was important to you, you didnā€™t want to stay close to your family as you need to find your own way now. Lately, things got really exhausting with your parents telling you what to do all the time.

Youā€™re on your way to your new room right now. Youā€™ve got a heavy suitcase and another bag with your stuff. All you could think about on the way here was how youā€™ll get along with your roommate. Hopefully, sheā€™s nice. You could use some for friends here, you donā€™t know anybody. But as you open the door to your room, thereā€™s nobody in there. Looks like you have the whole room for yourself! You choose the bed right next to the window and unpack your bag. An hour later, someone opens the door and looks at you shocked. ā€œIā€™m sorry, I think this is my roomā€ she says. You introduce yourself as her roommate and she tells you her name is Amanda. ā€œItā€™s my first year at college! Whatā€™s your major?ā€

  • History
  • Computer Science
  • English Literature

0 voters



You tell her that youā€™re studying Computer Science ā€œThat sounds interesting! Mine is political science.ā€ You both unpack your stuff while telling each other a bit about yourself. Time flies by and soon itā€™s time to get food. You meet up with a friend of Amanda who shows you where you can get lunch at a good price. After deciding to get pizza, you are quiet until youā€™ve ordered your food. ā€œI hate this awkward silenceā€ Amandaā€™s friend says. You just nod, not knowing what to say. ā€œI need some tea about the people here or Iā€™ll get boredā€ Amanda says and you roll your eyes. Youā€™re not ready for any drama yet, youā€™ve had enough of that in school. ā€œIā€™ve got something for you but itā€™s not something to joke aboutā€ Amandaā€™s friend mumbles. Amanda gets excited and looks at you for approval, but you just ignore her and keep eating. ā€œTell us!ā€ Amanda shouts, making other people look at you. ā€œDid you see the library when you came here? We arenā€™t allowed to go in to the fourth floor and nobody knows why.ā€ ā€œOh, Iā€™ve heard about that rule! What do you know?ā€ ā€œThereā€™s a rumor going around saying that the fourth floor is haunted because someone died there over the summer break.ā€ You didnā€™t really listen to what Amandaā€™s friend said but youā€™ve heard a few things. Ghosts? That doesnā€™t sound like the drama you know from high school. Amanda tries to get you to say something and stares at you. ā€œI guess we should stay away from the library, right? Those stories could be true.ā€

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



Oooā€¦ :smirk:


Weā€™re on a tie, so please donā€™t forget to vote! @StoryEvent


already voted :slight_smile:


"Yes it might be trueā€ you say and finish eating. Amanda seems really scared but you are rather excited. She and her friend keep talking about that story and you try to listen to every detail. Back in your room, Amanda already searches for the next drama to talk about, but youā€™re still thinking about that library. Maybe you should check it out?

A week later, your college life has finally started and youā€™re overwhelmed by all the new experiences. However, those stories about ghosts are still on your mind. Youā€™ve decided to go to the library today, just to have a look at it. Youā€™ve asked Amanda to come with you but she just thinks you want to read some books. The library is huge, there are four floors and a cellar. Why isnā€™t it the cellar that is haunted? Who came up with the idea of closing the fourth floor? Maybe those stories are really just all made up. Amanda isnā€™t as amazed by the library as you are, sheā€™s bored and you still havenā€™t told her why you wanted to come here. She leaves you all alone. Do you want to stay here or leave as well?

  • Stay
  • Leave

0 voters



You decide to stay. You walk around the library to get different views of how to get to the fourth floor. Thereā€™re stairs that lead you upstairs. Itā€™s very quiet right now but there are many people so youā€™d be suspicious if youā€™d just walk upstairs. You decide to come here more often to get a better understanding of everything thatā€™s going on.

The next week, you come to the library every day and watch the people, trying not to look like a stalker. You search for books that fit to your classes but also walk around in other sections to get a better view of the other floors. In the first floor are always the most people. In the third floor, there are very few people. One day, walk though the bookshelves in the third floor. Thereā€™s almost nobody here, so you decide to take the stairs to the fourth floor. You end up in front of a big wooden door at the end of the stairs. You try to hear something from behind the door, but thereā€™s nothing. Do you want to try and open the door?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



You push the door handle down, hoping that the door isnā€™t locked. But instead of opening the door, youā€™ve triggered an alarm. Itā€™s really loud and you run down the stairs. At the bottom, there are a few other people staring at you. Then a librarian comes and asks what youā€™ve been doing up there. You canā€™t come up with a good explanation fast enough and she kicks you out of the library. ā€œIf I see you again at that door, Iā€™ll have to take more serious action!ā€ she warns you before walking away. You get back to your room and tell Amanda about what has happened.

Two days later, youā€™re still thinking about the fourth floor in the library. In the meantime, Amanda already found about a hundred new stories about your college but youā€™re not interested in the love life of your professors. Amanda realized that after she tried to tell you some juicy stories about her friend. ā€œMaybe we should go there again so youā€™ll see that the stories are true or falseā€ she suggests during lunch. ā€œBut I donā€™t want to face any negative consequences. I told you what happened last time.ā€ ā€œBut that makes everything more suspicious. Why would they be so harsh about it when theyā€™re not hiding something? Youā€™ll just have to go there without being caught!ā€ You nod, you need to see this place again or you wonā€™t get it out of your head. Why would they tell you to stay away if thereā€™s nothing wrong with it? Maybe doing some research could help you?

  • Do some research after lunch
  • Just go there again without doing research

0 voters



Donā€™t forget to vote! @StoryEvent


ā€œLetā€™s do some research before we go there againā€ you suggest and Amanda agrees. At first, you just look up your college on the internet. You donā€™t really expect to find a news report about a ghost, but maybe you find something that can guide you in the right direction. Amanda finds a short article about the boy who was locked in the fourth floor over summer break. Apparently, he was in there for two days and didnā€™t die, so the ghost story might be false. However, on another website, there are pictures of the library and a window in the fourth floor is marked with a red circle. In the description of the picture it says: ā€œEvery now and then, the ghost takes a look at the world outside of his library.ā€ You try to find more, but thereā€™s nothing. ā€œWe could check in the library if there are any books? Donā€™t all colleges have big history books about how they were built?ā€ Amanda asks. You nod and get your bag.

A few minutes later, you enter the library. Amanda already knows where to find all the history books so you follow her. It doesnā€™t take her long to find a book about your college. ā€œIt will take forever to read thatā€ Sadly, Amandaā€™s right. You take a look at the chapters, maybe reading just one of them is enough. But which one could tell you more about this library?

  • Donā€™t read anything
  • Chapter 1: Early beginnings
  • Chapter 2: War time
  • Chapter 3: Seeking help in knowledge
  • Chapter 4: Modern renovations

0 voters



If nothing happens in the end this would be so funny lol :joy:


Sorry, but we had that ending already once and I wonā€™t let you get to the same ending :sweat_smile:


You open the book at Chapter 1 and start scanning the pages for anything interesting. On the third page, thereā€™s a picture of the library. Next to it, you read: ā€œThe library has three floors. The wooden interior was the most expensive on the whole campus. An anonymous sponsor paid for it on the condition that 20 years after their death, a fourth floor will be added. The sponsor stayed anonymous even after the floor was built. However, the fourth floor will remain empty until the sponsorā€™s name is revealed.ā€ Amanda looks confused. ā€œThatā€™s all? Itā€™s empty because they donā€™t know what that person wanted with that floor?ā€ ā€œI think thereā€™s more to it than just that. We need to get another book. One that isnā€™t about the college but about old stories!ā€. Now your daily walks through the library pay off: you know exactly where to find a book like that! You walk upstairs to the third floor and look through the bookshelves. You find a rather thin book with the title ā€œStories youā€™ll never hearā€ and another one thatā€™s called ā€œOf history and how to hide itā€ Both have a picture of the library on the cover, the first one is just a sketch and the second one is a colored picture. Which one do you want to read?

  • ā€œStories youā€™ll never hearā€
  • ā€œOf history and how to hide itā€

0 voters



We have a tie, so please donā€™t forget to vote! @StoryEvent


You hand ā€œOf history and how to hide itā€ to Amanda for her to put it back on the shelf and go through the pages of ā€œStories youā€™ll never hearā€ Thereā€™s a number written with a pencil on the first page: 45. You go to page 45 and start reading: ā€œOne day, Iā€™ll have to say goodbye to my family, but Iā€™ll stay here forever. These books are my home and the characters are my friends. I will live here forever, even if I die.ā€ Amanda gets scared, you are rather excited. ā€œI donā€™t think I want to see whatā€™s happening up there anymoreā€¦Iā€™ll leave and you should too!ā€ Amanda states and runs away. You take a deep breath and put the book back on the shelf. Just as you want to go away, you see that youā€™ve dropped something. Itā€™s a key! It must have fallen out of the book. You pick it up, grab the book and walk to the stairs to look around. This book, it seems as if someone loved the library so much that they wanted to stay. What about the anonymous sponsor? Could those two stories be connected? You need to find out. Once you are sure that nobody sees you, you walk up to the fourth floor and stand in front of the wooden door. You put the key into the lock. After another deep breath, you push the door handle, preparing yourself for the loud alarm, but nothing happens. You push a bit more and the door opens. It looks completely dark behind that door so you switch on the light on your phone. You take a step into the dark big room and look for a light switch next to the door. As you canā€™t find one, you have to keep using your phone. You turn around to see if someone followed you up the stairs. Then you take another step into the room and close the door behind you. Itā€™s completely silent up here. You start the camera on your phone with the light still on and make a video. At the other side of the room are many windows, but they are all covered with wooden planks. Just one window is still open but hidden by a black curtain. Do you want to have a closer look at it?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



You try to remember the picture of the library that youā€™ve seen online. There was one window marked with a red circle, maybe thatā€™s this window! You slowly walk over to the window and push the curtains away a bit, just enough to look out of the window. Thereā€™s nothing special to see, you just have a great view of the whole campus. ā€œWhatā€™s there to see?ā€ someone says behind you. You turn around and stare at an elderly man whoā€™s looking right back at you. As you donā€™t answer for a few seconds, he comes closer and pushes the curtain further away to look outside. ā€œNothing to see out there, so why are you here?ā€ he asks. You take a closer look at him. He looks rather normal, maybe heā€™s just one of the professors? ā€œI got lost in the libraryā€ you mumble without thinking about it first. ā€œSo you decided to go upstairs instead of downstairs? And you brought my book along with you? And by coincidence you also found the key?ā€ the man asks sarcastically. You look at the book in your hand and at the authorā€™s name. His book? Is he the author or does he own it? Your head is full of questions. The man takes the book away from you and opens a random page. ā€œI guess you expected something moreā€¦ghost-like up here, didnā€™t you?" He closes the book and throws it away. "Iā€™m sorry to disappoint you but you wonā€™t find any semi-transparent being here. But you found me.ā€ His last word made you shiver. Somethingā€™s not normal here. You look at your phone which is still recording. ā€œMaybe you didnā€™t find me, maybe you just followed my call. Maybe, just maybe, I lured you in hereā€¦ā€ You look back up to see the man standing closer to you now. A second later you feel him grabbing your shoulders before biting your neck. You drop your phone, the only evidence of you ever being here.




Time for a poll :ghost: :

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this :see_no_evil:

If you want to be tagged for every poll next week, join the @StoryEvent group! :smiley_cat:


What?! Haha I donā€™t know why that made me laugh :joy:


Event is over :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: