The 17th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-05-30T17:30:00Z

Sorry, a bit late today.

Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:
If you want to be tagged for every poll, please join the @StoryEvent group!

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Don’t worry, I’m working on new stories so it doesn’t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it
sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event
The 13th Interactive Story Event
The 14th Interactive Story Event
The 15th Interactive Story Event
The 16th Interactive Story Event


School, hobbies, friends, family, with all that you’re just another typical teenager. However, there’s something different about you. Do you want to know what it is? Well, I’m not going to tell you yet. For now, all you need to know is that your family is completely ordinary. Your father works full-time, your mother is on maternity leave. You have an older brother and soon you’ll have a little sister. Your best friend is really good at school, you’re fine but your parents don’t expect you to get the best grades. Your friendship group is small but perfect for you. You’ve never been one of the people who need the attention of many people at once. Today, it’s your birthday! Did you have a party?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



No, you didn’t. But your brother came by to celebrate with you. Normally, you and your brother just meet up once a month at his place or somewhere nearby. He doesn’t want to come to your parents’ house because there are some tensions between him and your parents. He was supposed to go to college but never did. Your parents saved a lot of money for him to go to college but he didn’t tell them he’s not going and spent the money on other stuff. However, today he showed up at your house and surprised all of you! You know the reason why he had to come by today but your parents think it’s just because of your birthday. They are rather happy about him being here, you didn’t expect that. It’s great having your family together! Nevertheless, you still have a serious talk with your brother ahead of you. It’s already late and your parents have gone to sleep. You and your brother are sitting in the living room, eating cake and waiting till you are both sure that your parents are asleep. “Do you want another slice, birthday kid?” your brother asks. You nod and he gets up to go to the kitchen. On the way back, he looked upstairs to see if the light in your parents’ room is off. As he sits back down on the couch he says: “Everything seems calm. I guess we should talk about the important stuff now.” “You mean the serious stuff.” He laughs a bit before asking the next questions. “Did you notice anything today?” Well, did you?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



Ohhh, I remember this story (I think)
 I want to get it to another branch


Don’t worry, I won’t let you get to the same branch


Ohhh exciting :heart_eyes:


“No, I didn’t notice anything.” “That’s weird” your brother says before you can add anything else. Well, it’s probably time to tell you what’s so special about you. You and your brother, you both have powers. Magical powers. However, today your powers should have gotten a lot stronger than they have ever been before. Tomorrow, you’ll lose some of them but others will stay very strong forever. You parents don’t know about that. Your brother always had an eye on you and your powers so you’ve never been alone, but he had to spend some time trying to figure out what’s wrong with him. That’s also the reason why he doesn’t go to college. Why go to college if you can just magically make people hire you even if you have no qualifications? Well, your brother is amazing at changing people’s minds
he can control their minds like nobody else. Until now, your powers were quite weak and you never really tried controlling people’s minds. However, you know how to get a book out of the shelf without standing up and grabbing it! “Did you try any powers today? Any of the more difficult ones?” You shake your head. “Well, try something now!” your brother smiles, he believes in you being a really powerful magical being.

  • Try flying
  • Try being invisible

0 voters



You try being invisible. You imagine to be invisible and after closing your eyes, you concentrate on making your imagination come true. As you open your eyes, you look at your brother but he’s still looking right at you It didn’t work! You are a bit disappointed in yourself. What did you do wrong? You brother notices the sad look on your face and tries to reassure you: “Don’t worry, you’ll have to practice more in the future. Once we find out what’s your super power, we’ll work on that!” You feel how strong your powers are today, but it feels like you can’t access them. At the same time, you’re really sad that you’ll lose some of them tomorrow without being able to try them. Just imagine how cool it would be if you could just be invisible in school. Or read your teacher’s mind during a test to get the correct answers! Life would be so great! Sadly, you don’t know any other people that have magical powers like you and your brother. It would be great if there was a school for people like you. You never had anyone to talk about this other than your brother. And he probably doesn’t know everything about that. There should be a book about that! Maybe even a movie. Why is there no movie about how magic works in real life? “I think you get to keep those powers that fit best to your personality” your brother says. That makes sense with all the other rules. You have all the weak powers when you’re a kid and once you’re old enough to figure out your personality, you’ll get the right powers to it. Which one would fit your personality best?

  • Mind-control
  • Flying
  • Super-strength
  • Immortality

0 voters



Your brother nods as you tell him that Immortality would fit your personality best. “I think so, too. But do you really want to life forever? It could get kind of boring without any other powers and without me!” You shrug, unsure what to say to this. After a short silence you ask: “Do you think we’ll ever find someone who’s like us?” You brother shrugs. “I don’t know, maybe. I still don’t know where those powers come from. I don’t even know if our little sister will have them to. I didn’t expect you to have them so maybe she gets them as well.” There’s so much that you don’t know about this, it’s driving you crazy! “I’ll leave tomorrow morning, so we should figure out what your main power is until then.” “Why can’t you just stay? Your room’s still free!” “I can’t, you know they are still angry at me for not going to college and spending the money on stuff I can’t tell them about.” You nod, knowing he’s right. You just miss him here, especially since he’s the only one who understands you and your powers. It’s a minute before midnight now, soon you’ll know what your great power is! You’re nervous and so is your brother. “Whatever you’ll end up with, promise me to never use it against others!” he says. You nod. Your brother is scared of what could happen if you use your powers for bad stuff. He’s seen too many movies. It’s midnight. You’re waiting for anything to happen, but you don’t know what’s supposed to happen. Another minute passes without anything happening. “Should I do anything?” you ask but your brother just shakes his head. “For me, I just fainted for a second and then I knew which power I got to keep” he explains. “Like a picture in my head that tells me what I can do and what I can’t.” Five minutes later you still don’t feel any different. “Try something easy!” your brother suggests. You imagine the plate in the kitchen to float above your brother’s head and just a second later you see them flying out of the kitchen. “That’s still working. Maybe you’re not ready for the strong powers yet?” You shake your head, annoyed and disappointed. This night didn’t go as planned. Suddenly you hear the door bell and someone’s knocking on the front door. You freeze and your brother stands up to get closer to the door. Who could be here at this time? What will you do?

  • Hide
  • Get a weapon
  • Stay where you are

0 voters



You stay where you are while you hear someone opening the door. Your brother tries to protect you but you feel he’s scared as well. You try to see if your parents already noticed anything, but it looks like they’re still sleeping. “Calm down, you won’t get inside my mind with that scared face” someone says to your brother. Apparently, he tried to control the intruder’s mind but it didn’t work. Wait
they know he can control people’s minds! You walk over to your brother and look over his shoulder, seeing a guy at the age of your father. “Oh, there we have our little magician!” he says while looking at you. Your brother instinctively puts his arm in front of you but you feel something moving you without you doing anything. Is that guy using magic on you? Just a moment later you’re standing in front of your brother and the guy shakes your hand. “Nice to finally meet you! Sorry for the little mistake but we had a glitch in our system.” You’re confused and speechless. Your brother looks behind him to see if your parents have woken up yet and the guy seems to notice. “Don’t worry, they won’t hear us. We’ve slowed down the time so we should have enough time to get to know you two.” “Get to know us? Why?” your brother asks and tries pushing you behind him again. You don’t know what to do as you don’t have any strong powers while standing in the middle of two more powerful human beings. But now that you have someone here who seems to know about these powers, you should ask a question!

  • “Why didn’t I get any strong powers?”
  • “Where are these powers coming from?”
  • “Why are you here?”
  • “Who are you?”

0 voters



Okay guys, just in case this gets ugly, you go for the eyes, someone else go for his arms, and I’ll break his nico nico kneecaps


Interesting :thinking: So you think they could be bad?


Rule of thumb is if a person breaks into your house, you don’t think of them as your friend :eyes:



Well, I’ll wait a bit longer and then you’ll get the next part :wink:


I don’t know why but when any author blinks I always think someone will die


I rarely let my characters die
but I do it a lot in these interactive stories :joy:


“Who are you?” you ask while trying to hide your other thoughts from him. The guy smiles. Then he starts explaining: “I’m just like you. There are many others that are just like you and we knew you’d be here somewhere but we could never find you because you used your powers so rarely. And you, 
” he looks directly at you “
you made our system glitch! We didn’t know who you are and you’ve never played around with the stronger powers, so we didn’t know which one we should give you.” Your brother stops the guy. “But it worked fine for me and you didn’t know me. You’re talking nonsense.” “But we saw that someone here in this are used powers and as you grew older you always tried reading people’s minds. We just gave you the one you wanted.” “So that’s how this works? I can just choose one?” you ask. “No, not really. Normally you get the power that fits you best according to your grades. But you two have never been at our school so this is a more difficult situation.” “School?” you and your brother ask at the same time. “I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself better. I’m the principal of the only high school for powerful creatures.” “Creatures?” you brother asks. “Well, there’re not only humans in this world.” You’ve heard enough for today. This is getting confusing and you need sleep. “Can I just please have my power?” you ask. The principal shakes his head. “I can’t just give you one and fly away. From now on, both of you will attend my school!” “I’m already done with school, thanks” your brother says. “Oh no you’re not. We have a college as well and you will attend your classes if you want to keep those powers.” “But how should we explain that to our parents?” “Explain what?” you hear your Mum asking behind you. Looks like they’ve woken up! But
didn’t the principal say that’s not possible? Your Mum comes closer and looks at the principal before rolling her eyes. “What are you doing here, dear brother? I told you those two don’t have any powers” she says. “They do! You’ve lied to me!” the principal says. You look at your Mum, hoping for an explanation. Why does she know that guy and why doesn’t she know that you have powers? Your brother takes over: “Mum, we do have powers! I’ve always had them!” Your Mum sighs, then waves her brother in and goes to the living room to sit down. “You’ve never had them when you were kids. How did you even find out? And how can you hide them so well?” she asks. Your brother starts explaining how he discovered everything, that he spent the college money on books that might teach him more about all of this and that he thought that your parents don’t know about this. A few minutes later, your Mum looks at you and then at your brother, seeing him floating above the couch. “How did I miss this?” she asks, more to herself. “Communication, my dear sister, communication!” the principal says.




Time for a poll :smile_cat:

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this :see_no_evil:

If you want to be tagged for every poll next week, join the @StoryEvent group! :smiley_cat:

And I’m still looking for guest writers! Just pm me if you want to write a story for this event!


Yesss! It wasn’t just a dream!


Whaaaattttt??! :slightly_smiling_face: