The 18th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Second option!


Well…you could also hide in his van! :smiley:


But then he won’t kidnap you, you’d kidnap yourself for him. :joy:


But that’s like walking right into his trap. :joy:


Maybe…maybe not :eyes:


You try to make him talk to gain some time until someone comes to help you. “Why are you doing this? Why me?” you ask, hoping to get him to tell his story. “You should know why. I’ve been following your blog ever since you’ve started writing. I liked every post even if it was just an unnecessary update about your amazing journey around the world. I started following your friends, made comments to your posts and tried making you famous! And what did you do to thank me? Nothing!” he shouts at you and you feel like you can’t move. All of this, just because you ignored a fan? Just because you didn’t notice him? “You ignored all my private messages, every supportive post I made! I’ve spent all those hours helping you and your blog for nothing!” You hear a police siren far away and hope it’s the one coming to you and not to someone else. At the same moment you notice that he’s very close to you. While you’re still sitting, he’s standing right in front of you. You just have to distract him for a bit longer! “You could have stopped following me” you say, trying to make him more furious so he will be less attentive. “I wanted to! But your blog is everywhere! Everyone knows about the perfect traveler. Everyone knows your name! I wanted to meet you in person to see if I can get back to liking you. But you weren’t very nice. You didn’t even notice I was the one who commented on your post about a stranger coming to your campsite. It’s not yours! You are just a spoilt city kid and the world doesn’t need more of you!” He seems to be too furious and invested in telling his story to notice the police siren getting louder. When you think they are close enough, you gather all your confidence and lean back to kick him with your foot. He didn’t see it coming and stumbles backwards before falling down. You stand up and run in the direction of the main road. You see car lights and get a feeling of relief. At the same time you notice that you can’t feel your fingers anymore. They are numb. Just a second later you have the same feeling in your tongue and your toes. As your feet get numb, you stumble and fall. What’s happening? You remember the sausages he gave you. You’ve eaten one of them for dinner. Your arms feel numb but you see a police car coming your way. Behind you, you hear that guy laughing. “I’ll get you one day” he screams. Then his voice gets downed out by the car noises. You see an ambulance right after the police car. They’ll be able to safe you this time. But your life will never be the same again.




Omg, where have I been? :eyes:


Yay, you managed not the get killed this time! :clap: But you were very close :joy:
Time for some polls :smile_cat:

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If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this. I could really use some feedback :see_no_evil:

If you want to be tagged for every tag next week, join the @StoryEvent group! :smiley_cat:


That was an interesting motivation… very creepy


Haha! I can’t wait for the next story!

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Closed due to inactivity :two_hearts: