The 19th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-06-13T15:00:00Z
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:
If you want to be tagged for every poll, please join the @StoryEvent group!

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Don’t worry, I’m working on new stories so it doesn’t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it
sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event
The 13th Interactive Story Event
The 14th Interactive Story Event
The 15th Interactive Story Event
The 16th Interactive Story Event
The 17th Interactive Story Event
The 18th Interactive Story Event


Ohhh, I’m excited. This is one of my favorite events here :eyes:




Aww thanks :pleading_face:


This day started quite normal, like every other day. You’re at home with your family and everything’s great. Well
not everything. One thing is missing: internet connection! You’ve been offline for over two hours now and nobody knows why. It’s happening to many other people as well. This is really difficult for you because you can’t talk to your friends and you can’t play any of your games. You tried to convince your parents to play some board games but they are busy with other stuff. Now you don’t really know what to do. Your homework is done and you can’t find anything on your phone that doesn’t need an internet connection to save your progress. This makes your phone a bit useless to you. Why carry it around in your pocket if you can’t really use it?

  • Leave you phone on the table in your room
  • Keep the phone in your pocket

0 voters



What a nightmare :dizzy_face: Jk. :laughing:


I hate when this happens. Everything becomes absolutely boring and it feels like your slowly dying.




Haha lol. True tho :eyes::joy:


I was without internet connection two days ago for three hours :joy:


You were :scream: But we talked
 Oh, nevermind. I thought you said for 2 days lol XD


Try spending an entire day or two without WiFi, it’s torture


You keel your phone in your pocket. However, you still have nothing to do. You could draw something but you’d need some references for that which you would find on the internet. Now’s one of those moments when you wish you weren’t an only-child. You could play with your siblings now, but you don’t have any. Normally you’re rather happy about that, but now you feel a bit lonely
and bored. The sun’s shining so you could go outside. Maybe you’ll meet one of your friends while taking a walk or you could go shopping!

  • Go for a walk
  • Go shopping

0 voters



You get ready to go for a walk. You tell your parents that you’re leaving but they barely listen. You’ve got your phone with you but you set it silent to not get disturbed. All you can do with it right now is call someone. So you leave the house and walk along the road. It’s been forever since you’ve walked a bigger distance. It’s a bit sad that you can’t listen to music now. Who’d have known that so much depends on the internet connection? Hopefully they’ll fix it soon! Right before the connection broke off, you texted your crush and you really want to know if you have an answer already. You walk past one of your friend’s houses. Do you want to check what he’s up to?

  • Yes, go to the house.
  • No, keep walking.

0 voters



You go up to the front door and ring the bell. Your friend’s mother opens the door. “Oh hello! I didn’t know you are coming over today!” she says. You explain that the internet went off at your place and ask if your friend has some time. His mother calls for him and leaves you two alone. “Look, I don’t have time for you right now. I’m almost winning that game I told you about and I can’t be gone for too long. I’m sorry, just go home and join me if you really want to hang out with me” he says. Before you can explain that you can’t join the game, he closes the door. A bit sad, you walk away.

As you walk down the street, you hear someone driving with a skateboard behind you. You turn around and see that it’s one of your classmates. He notices you and waves at you before turning around and driving away from you. Just a few seconds later, you hear him again. “What are you up to?” you shout. He gets off his skateboard and walks over to you. “I’m trying to get some fresh air” he says. “What about you?” You tell him that your house is without internet connection right now so you decided to go for a walk. He nods, then you two walk silently. At first, it’s completely fine but then it turns into an awkward silence. You need to say something! Start off a conversation to break the uncomfortable silence!

  • “How’s your family doing?”
  • “Did you pass the math tests?”
  • “Why don’t you spend some time with your friends?”

0 voters



“How’s your family doing?” you ask. He sighs. “Basically, everyone’s doing great. There’s just a lot of tension lately. You wouldn’t understand.” You look at him to figure out how close you two are and if you are allowed to help. “Tell me. I can try to understand. Well, if you want to.” He looks at you, unsure about what to do. Then he looks around and points at a bench close by. As you two sit down, you put your legs up to turn to him. He starts explaining: “My parents have been hiding something from me all the time. Now I found out about it and they act as if nothing happened. Even my sister doesn’t seem bothered at all although she was as clueless as I was!” You nod, trying to show him that you understand. “Now my life feels like a lie” he adds and looks away. “I know that feeling. Change can be terrifying” you say. “No, it’s not that. It’s the fact that they’ve hidden something very important from me.” You try to think of what it could be that his parents didn’t want him to know. Do you want to ask?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



You decide to ask him. However, he just shakes his head. “I can’t tell you, sorry” he says. Looks like you’ve crossed a line here. You try to think about what it might be that his parents have hidden from him. Could he be adopted? Are they moving? Maybe they are getting divorced? You really don’t know and don’t have any clues. You haven’t been very close to him in school and he’s never been part of your friend group. But you’ve always seen him as a friendly guy who seems to be rather smart. You don’t know if he’s one of those people who make everything seem overly dramatic. Maybe his mother is pregnant and he’s just overreacting. You don’t even know anything about his parents. You get lost in your thoughts while he’s just looking at you. As he takes a deep breath, you come back to reality. “Enough about me. What’s going on in your life right now?” he asks. You try to push all your thoughts about his story aside and focus on a good answer now. He probably needs some distraction.

  • Tell him how annoying life is without internet
  • Tell him about your busy parents
  • Tell him about your friend not having time for you

0 voters



Seriously tho if someone picks life without internet, we need to check your humanity level. Like he just told you he’s parents kept a major secret from him and your whining about wifi?!


This is funny because I had a quick look at the votes a few minutes ago :joy:

