The 2014 film, Chef

This is a thread dedicated to the 2014 film, Chef

I love this film! It’s hilarious and the film style used is a very effective way to visualise the story being told. A great cast as well.

Has anyone seen this film or do you want to?


I haven’t seen it but judging by the title, I should! :sweat_smile:


HEHE! I assume you wanna be a chef? In that case, yes, you should! (wink)


Oh it’s the actress from modern family lol :joy: Haven’t seen the movie though but it made me think of “The Hundred-Foot Journey”. :raised_hands:t3:

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Which actress? And what is The Hundred-Foot Journey?

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Hm… I don’t know names :joy:

It’s another film about cooking :raised_hands:t3:

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Hahaha. True.

Oooh… does it have comedy in it?

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Yeah, some I guess, it’s a comedy drama :partying_face:

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Oooh… I’ll watch a trailer when I’m home

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Yay! Tell me what you think

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Oooh… It looks fantastic. I wanna see it now. Thank you.

I watch this trailer, for anyone else who wants to see it.

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is this an Avengers deleted scene?

Honestly though I feel like I would get too hungry watching this to even finish the movie-


Ohhh, yay! :smile: :star2: You’re welcome.


HAHAHA! The food is really good in this film.


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I saw that movie in my French class!! It’s so good. (˶◕‿◕˶✿)


Aw you did? Yay! :smile::heart_eyes:


Damn. This film is still on my list.


I haven’t watched it but

  1. It looks rad af now I want to watch it
  2. Scarlet Johansson is the bomb
  3. The trailer made me hungry (thanks a lot cali😤)
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HAHAHAHA! Sorry about that, you may wanna eat while you watch it then. Such a good film.

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