The 22nd Interactive Story Event šŸ“– āœ

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

You can find the first part of the story in the first reply!
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:
If you want to be tagged for every poll, please join the @StoryEvent group!

What is it?

Itā€™s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. Iā€™ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

Iā€™ll post a part of the story. Then thereā€™ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, Iā€™ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then Iā€™ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes thereā€™ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please donā€™t spam it. Iā€™ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isnā€™t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that youā€™ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

Iā€™ve prepared a few different endings and I donā€™t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m working on new stories so it doesnā€™t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but itā€™s a first for me in most of the genres because Iā€™ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, Iā€™ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in itā€¦sorryy but Iā€™ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope itā€™s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
Iā€™ll make some polls at the end to find out how much yā€™all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event
The 13th Interactive Story Event
The 14th Interactive Story Event
The 15th Interactive Story Event
The 16th Interactive Story Event
The 17th Interactive Story Event
The 18th Interactive Story Event
The 19th Interactive Story Event
The 20th Interactive Story Event
The 21st Interactive Story Event


shouldnā€™t it be 22nd? :eyes::eyes:


Yess :woman_facepalming: Thank you! :see_no_evil:


Since you seemed to like this story last time, Iā€™ll let you play it again, but I wrote some more interesting endings! Make the right choices to get good outcomes :smile_cat:

This time, the story starts at a very nice restaurant. Youā€™re on a date with one of your friendā€™s friends. The situation is a bit awkward because you donā€™t really know each other that well, but you can change that, right? But first things first, what will you order?

    • Salad
    • Spaghetti
    • Chocolate Cake

0 voters



Yayyyyyyyy interactive story event! :partying_face:


Spaghetti seems like the best choice for you. Hopefully, you wonā€™t make a mess and stain your shirt! As your food gets served, you check out whatā€™s on the other personā€™s plate. Itā€™s spaghetti as well! Happy about that new information, you look at your plate and notice that this is not what you ordered! You ordered spaghetti but got soup! Do you want to complain?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



You complain to a waiter that he brought you the wrong food, but the other person on your table mumbles, that just your plates got mixed up! Before you can apologise to the waiter for complaining too much, thereā€™s a weird sound coming from outside. Another person asks loudly if that is a siren but nobody has an answer. The waiters try to act as if everything was normal, but people canā€™t sit still and run to the windows. The person youā€™re here with looks around a bit scared. Youā€™ve never heard that sound before but it really sounds like a siren from a really bad movie. What do you want to do?

  • Stay where you are
  • Go outside

0 voters



You decide to stay where you are and act as if nothing is happening. You hear people screaming, but you ignore it. The waiters try to get everyone else to sit back down but nobodyā€™s listening. Some decided to go outside, you can see them run back inside in fear. You try asking one of them what she saw, but sheā€™s unable to reply. Your friendā€™s friend seems terrified, but a waiter already tries to calm down all the scared people so you donā€™t pay much attention. For you, a guy who just game back in and shouts at everyone is much more interesting, ā€œWe have to leave! No, we have to stay here! Theyā€™ll come and get us! Theyā€™ll eat our brains!ā€ he shouts. You giggle, this seems so surreal that you canā€™t stay serious. Some people give you an angry look. At that moment, one of the waiters shouts that the restaurant is closed now and you should all leave and go home as fast as possible. Do you want to go home alone or take the person you came here with with you?

  • Go alone
  • Go together

0 voters



You decide to invite the person over to your house while everybody else tries to get outside as fast as possible. Going outside alone could be dangerous and you prefer some company at home. However, your date seems scared for your lives and drags pulls you outside as fast as possible. As youā€™re finally outside, people are running past you. You look around while trying to calm your companion down. Then you look in the direction where everyoneā€™s coming from and see something weird behind them. People walking awkwardly and slow. Are thoseā€¦ no, that canā€™t be true. You shake your head and try to pull your date away from those people. At that moment you hear someone shout: ā€œZombies!ā€
What do you want to do?

  • Run away!
  • Run towards them!
  • Hide!

0 voters



Omg i have so many notifications that i missed this


You decide to run away. Running towards zombies seems like a very bad decision. You follow all the other people, hopefully, they know where they are going. Your date tries to keep up with you, which goes pretty well at first. People are shouting, the police try to get through the mass of people, some police officers follow the people running away. Itā€™s pure chaos. You look back and see that youā€™re getting away from the zombies. That and the fact that your date seems to get exhausted easily make you slow down a bit. ā€œDonā€™t stop for me, keep running! Theyā€™ll catch up with us!ā€ your friend says.

  • Run faster again!
  • Keep the pace.

0 voters



You decide to stay with your date. It would be a bad first impression if youā€™d just leave someone behind that you just met! After all, even in a zombie apocalypse, you need someone to go on dates with! You keep the pace and even slow down a bit more. More people run past you, scared of whatā€™s coming after them. You hear a few loud gunshots but you ignore it and try to figure out where everyoneā€™s going. All people are running in the same direction, are they following someone or are they heading to a safe place? Maybe nobody knows where they are running but they just run because they are scared. You hear another weird sound behind you and turn around to see whatā€™s going on. The zombies came closer again, they are faster than you see them in movies. However, thereā€™s also something else, other creatures among them. They seem to be a bit faster than the zombies and come running towards you. You need to find a place to be safe from those monsters! Ahead of you, the street parts into three smaller ones. You can see all the people running on the one in the middle. The right one would lead you to your house and the left one would lead you to the hospital. The one in the middle might lead to a safe place or to even more scared people running without a destination. Where do you want to go?

  • The left one
  • The one in the middle
  • The right one

0 voters



You run on the right side to take the way home. Your companion tries to pull you to where all the others are running, ā€œThey know where they are going!ā€ You stick to the decision you made and run on the right street alone. There are hardly any people here, most of them are running in the opposite direction. Some try to tell you to follow them, but youā€™re not listening. Just as youā€™re about to reach your house, you see why they tried to warn you. Around 40 zombies are coming your way! Do you want to turn around and run back to the main street or try to get through them to your house?

  • Go back
  • Go to your house

0 voters



You turn around and run back to the main street. However, as you made that decision you must have forgotten about the zombies that were behind you earlier. Youā€™re running straight to them! Some of the other people who were passing you on your way to your house are now also trapped between these two groups of zombies. Additionally, there are also these other creatures who seem a lot faster. Your fate is sealed, youā€™ll die in this zombie apocalypse. Hopefully, your date made it to a safe place.




Time for a poll :smile_cat:

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this. I could really use some feedback :see_no_evil:

If you want to be tagged for every poll next week, join the @StoryEvent group! :smiley_cat:
And Iā€™m still looking for guest writers! So if youā€™re interestey, PM me please

Now a little bit of self-promotion :sweat_smile: If you like these stories, maybe youā€™d like to check out my story on Tapas! Iā€™d be happy to see some new subscribers if you like it! :see_no_evil: Hereā€™s the link.




Can I see the alternative ending?


Hmmmm :thinking: Normally I donā€™t show them because I donā€™t want to spoil the story if I let you play it again :thinking:


Oh thatā€™s fine den


Should this be closed because the event is over or do you want this to stay open? :eyes::sparkles:

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