The 25th Interactive Story Event šŸ“– āœ

Welcome to the Interactive Story Event!

Iā€™ll post the first part in a few minutes!
Everyone can join whenever they want! :smiley_cat:
If you want to be tagged for every poll, please join the @StoryEvent group!

What is it?

Itā€™s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. Iā€™ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

Iā€™ll post a part of the story. Then thereā€™ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, Iā€™ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then Iā€™ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes thereā€™ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please donā€™t spam it. Iā€™ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isnā€™t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that youā€™ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

Iā€™ve prepared a few different endings and I donā€™t want them to be for nothing, so you might get some stories that are similar but have different endings. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m working on new stories so it doesnā€™t get boring!
I tried to write stories in different genres, but itā€™s a first for me in most of the genres because Iā€™ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, Iā€™ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in itā€¦sorryy but Iā€™ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope itā€™s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
Iā€™ll make some polls at the end to find out how much yā€™all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event
The 4th Interactive Story Event
The 5th Interactive Story Event
The 6th Interactive Story Event
The 7th Interactive Story Event
The 8th Interactive Story Event
The 9th Interactive Story Event
The 10th Interactive Story Event
The 11th Interactive Story Event
The 12th Interactive Story Event
The 13th Interactive Story Event
The 14th Interactive Story Event
The 15th Interactive Story Event
The 16th Interactive Story Event
The 17th Interactive Story Event
The 18th Interactive Story Event
The 19th Interactive Story Event
The 20th Interactive Story Event
The 21st Interactive Story Event
The 22nd Interactive Story Event
The 23rd Interactive Story Event
The 24th Interactive Story Event


okay but i love these


Imagine a world in which you have to charge yourself like you charge your phone. Most people do that while theyā€™re sleeping, but you canā€™t do that right now. Youā€™re on the run. You stole something (apparently) very valuable from the government to take it to the leaders of your group. This group that you are a part of wants free energy for everyone without having to use chargers. Scientists developed materials that can charge your body while youā€™re touching them. Instead of having to charge yourself overnight, having to pay for the energy and the maintenance of the sockets and chargers in your house, everyone could just wear clothes made out of those materials and maybe even get them for free! Of course, the government doesnā€™t want that. Rich people make their money by selling energy. You are from a

  • Poor family
  • Rich family

0 voters



Youā€™re from a poor family. When you first heard about this group, you werenā€™t so sure about it. It seemed so normal to you that energy gets sold like any other goods. However, you saw people die on the streets because they ran out of energy and your parents always struggled to save enough money for another year of energy at home. That made you decide to join this group some time ago. Yesterday, they asked you to steal this valuable thing from the government. That was definitely easier than getting it back to your groupā€™s hideout. All you have is a backpack with a charger, some money, extra clothes and this mysterious object. Yes, itā€™s mysterious because you donā€™t know what it is. Itā€™s in a box and your groupā€™s leaders told you not to open it because that would put the whole mission at risk.
The last time you charged yourself was before you started your mission yesterday. That means youā€™ll soon run out of energy. Youā€™re currently sitting in the shade of a tree, trying to figure out your next steps. Itā€™ll take you at least 5 more hours to get to the groupā€™s hideout. Do you think a disguise could help you right now?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



You decide that a disguise is a good idea and get up from your hiding spot. Your energy is already low, but a disguise could make things easier so spending some energy on finding something could help. You head to the closest shops that donā€™t seem like they have a lot of video cameras and spend some of the money your groupā€™s leader gave you on new clothes, a hat, sunglasses and a very simple wig. Itā€™s not much but since youā€™re from a poor family, you canā€™t afford more than that. Hopefully, the changed hairstyle will be effective!
As you leave the shop, you see a car in the parking lot next to it. One of the doors is open and you can see that the owner left the car key in the car. Itā€™s a car that mostly rich people drive here. Cars are generally very expensive and most people donā€™t want to spend their money on them unless they have more than enough. Right now, a car would be very useful for you. You could get back to the group faster and save your own energy! Now the question is: Do you steal the car?

  • Steal it
  • Donā€™t steal it

0 voters



You get in the car, throw your backpack on the backseat and try the car keys. Of course, the car starts immediately and you can drive away. Letā€™s hope itā€™ll take the owner of the car a bit longer to notice that you stole the car. Otherwise, thereā€™ll be even more people searching for you!
You drive peacefully for an hour. Every few minutes, you check your own energy to make sure youā€™ll get to your group before you run out of energy. Maybe you should have also checked if the car needs to be refuelled because it suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere. You try to figure out your location and how much longer it would take you to get back to the group. Noticing that you donā€™t have enough energy to walk for more than an hour, you grab your backpack to search for something to eat. Eating doesnā€™t give you more energy but it makes you feel better. You look at the box with the mysterious object in it. They told you not to open it but does that really matter now? You could have a look at whatā€™s inside! However, maybe someone finds you out here and can take the object to your group.

  • Open the box
  • Donā€™t open the box

0 voters


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You open the box and seeā€¦ nothing! You turn it around to see if something falls out but thereā€™s nothing inside of the box. Did you make it disappear by opening the box? You start to worry. Your groupā€™s leader told you not the open the box because it puts the whole mission at risk! Why did you open it? You grab your backpack and the box and get out of the car. You canā€™t just sit and wait for your energy to drop to zero. You take a few steps along the road. Where should you go now? Do want to at least try to get back to your group and tell them that the box is empty or do you want to hide from the government and your group now? Whatever you choose, you probably wonā€™t make it far if nobody finds you and gives you an opportunity to charge yourself. But for now, you need to decide where you want to go.

  • Go to your group
  • Hide from your group

0 voters



You decide that trying to go back to your group is the better option. Maybe one of the others finds you soon enough if you get close enough to the hideout. But how will they react once they find out that you opened the box and lost whatever was supposed to be in it?
You keep walking along the road, the empty box in your hands. An hour later you check how much time you have left. You stop walking as you look at how much energy you still have. Surprised and confused, you stare at the percentage of energy you still have left. As you see the number go up by 1%, you think youā€™re crazy. You look around to see if something could be charging you but thereā€™s nothing! You start running, constantly checking your energy but it never decreases.
Just a few hours later, you arrive at the secret entrance to your groupā€™s hideout. You knock on the stone next to the door four times and it opens automatically. Two of your friends are already waiting here for you. You check your energy again and notice that youā€™ve almost reached 100% now! However, now youā€™ll have to explain to them that the box is empty. You could tell your friends right away, wait till you get to your leaders to tell them directly or just keep quiet until they find out about it. What do you want to do?

  • Tell your friends
  • Tell your leaders
  • Wait till they find out

0 voters


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Weā€™ve got a tie so Iā€™ll have to wait until more people vote :see_no_evil: @StoryEvent


You decide to wait until they find out. Instead, you tell your friends about the weird incident with your energy. They are just as surprised as you that you are still alive! While talking and making up theories why your energy increased without getting charged, you take the box to your leaders. The closer you get, the more nervous you are.
You donā€™t have to wait for too long until you can meet your leaders. As they see you entering the room, they seem really excited and happy. After a short conversation about your journey, you hand over the box. Luckily, they donā€™t ask you if youā€™ve opened it, which means you donā€™t have to lie. Instead, they take a few steps away from you and your friends before opening it themselves. Your friends are shocked when they notice that thereā€™s nothing in it. However, your leaders still seem really happy and excited. They thank you for your work and promise you a good amount of money. ā€œBut the box is empty!ā€ one of your friends says. The leaders nod and as they notice how nervous you are now, they start laughing. They ask if you knew that it was empty and if you opened the box. You nod and apologize for losing the mysterious object. They just keep laughing until one of them explains, that the mysterious object is the box. It is made out of a material that can charge itself and people that just touch it! Now your group just has to find out what it is made of and then nobody will have to pay for energy anymore. As you ask why you werenā€™t supposed to open it, they tell you that they thought you might throw away the box or run away shamefully. You friend mentions that they could have just told you but all that the leaders say to this is, ā€œWhere would be the fun in that?ā€




You managed to get the good ending for this one! :partying_face:

Well, this was the 25th Interactive Story Event and I think thatā€™s a good number to go on a break now. Iā€™ve had a hard time coming up with new ideas lately and I also just lost my motivation to continue this event once a month. Iā€™m sorry for those who voted on every poll and always enjoyed this event, but maybe Iā€™ll start doing it again some day. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m calling it a break :smile_cat:
Also, if someone else wants to continue this, just pm me and I can tell you how Iā€™ve been doing it. The group tag will still be there in case I decide to start this again in a few months or someone else does.
I guess thatā€™s the most important info right now :smile_cat:


Closed due to inactivity and as this story event has ended