The 4th Interactive Story Event 📖 ✍

Welcome to my Interactive Story Event!

It will start at 2020-02-29T16:00:00Z

What is it?

It’s like a mix of Episode and Wattpad. I’ve written a few short stories but there are decisions that YOU can make to change the plot!

How does this work?

I’ll post a part of the story. Then there’ll be a question and a poll. Depending on how important the question is, I’ll wait longer so some people can vote. Then I’ll post the next part according to what you choose. The first 1-2 questions will decide the genre of the story. Sometimes there’ll be a question to choose the gender of the Ll, but that question will be really obvious. Some questions make the story longer, others make it shorter. Depending on how fast we get some votes, the event can take up to 2 days

You can discuss the story, talk about the plot or what choice would be the best on this thread, but please don’t spam it. I’ll just post the next part of the story as a separate reply.

This is how it will look when I post a new part of the story

This is how it will look when I want to say something that isn’t part of the story.

I only deleted the choices that will lead you directly to an ending that you’ve already had.

Some extra information if you're interested

I’ve prepared a few different endings and I don’t want them to be for nothing, so this event will take place at least 4 times. Unless you really hate it, then of course we’ll just act as if this never took place :see_no_evil:
I tried to write stories in different genres, but it’s a first for me in most of the genres because I’ve only written Drama and Romance until now :sweat_smile: Additionally, I’ve written most of it while watching TV or late at night, so there might be some mistakes in it…sorryy but I’ve proofread it a few times and let friends read it so I hope it’s at least understandable what I wanted to say even if there are mistakes :joy:
I’ll make some polls at the end to find out how much y’all liked the story and if I should keep making this.

Have fun!

List of previous stories

The First Interactive Story Event
The Second Interactive Story Event
The Third Interactive Story Event




Since the forums will be down later, this might take a bit longer than normal, but we’ll see :smile_cat:


When will the forums be down?

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Your story starts in a little idyllic village. Far away from all the big cities, you grew up with two loving parents and two brothers. Now that you’re 17, you feel ready to discover the world. Summer holidays are right around the corner and you’re planning to

  • travel to a beach with your family
  • travel to the closest big city with your best friend

0 voters




Murders happen easier in big cities :grin::new_moon::dizzy::black_heart:


I like the way you think :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


It took you some time to convince your parents to let you go without them. Your best friend’s parents and your parents also had a few discussion about where you’ll stay and how long you are allowed to stay away.
Now, your older brother is driving you and your best friend to the train station. In about half an hour, you’ll be in your room at an youth hotel. Apparently, there’ll be many other teens there. Your parents told you that there’s some kind of workshop taking place right now, but you weren’t really interested.
Your best friend is a bit nervous, which you notice while walking out of the train station into the big, lively city. It’s really loud and there are many people running around. “Do you have the address of our hotel?” You take your phone out and go through your notes. After checking the address on your online map, your friend says “We can walk to the hotel, it’s just 20 minutes away.” You considered calling a taxi, but walking could also be a good idea?

  • Walk to the hotel
  • Call a taxi

0 voters




It would be too boring if it was that predictable :joy:


Who said that they are the ones who will get murdered? :eyes::sparkles:


I didn’t :joy:


We’re having a tie so I’ll wait for more people to vote :sweat_smile:

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You decide to walk to the hotel. On the way, you hope to see some interesting places that you can visit the following days. Your best friend is still a bit nervous, probably because of the unfamiliar amount of people running around. It reminds you a bit of ants running around in your garden when your little brother dropps his ice cream.
After a few minutes, you both get used to people running into you while shouting at their phones. You see some shops that you want to go to tomorrow and there are also a few restaurants that seem quite unusual. Maybe you’ll check them out as well.
Suddenly someone runs into you from behind you and you fall on your knees. You best friend glares at the boy who stopped right in front of you and tries to help you up. “I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry and just looked at my phone instead of keeping track of what’s in front of me” he says. You dust off your knees, then smile at the boy who’s probably around your age. “It’s fine, don’t worry, I’m not hurt.” Your best friend hands you your bag that you’ve dropped and takes a quick look at you to see if you’re really not hurt. The boy scratches his neck before apologizing again and walking away. “He was cute but a bit…I don’t know…weird?” your best friend says. You shrug it off and take your phone to find your way to the hotel.
A few minutes later, you arrive at the youth hotel. At the entrance, a man asks you for your ID. You’re not used to people not recognizing you. In the small village that you live in, everyone knows everyone and you never had to show your ID. Your friend already has her ID ready and the man lets her in. You search through your bag for your purse with your ID in it. You get a bit nervous when you can’t find it right away. The man at the entrance just smiles at you, knowing that it won’t help if he starts making you nervous. “What’s wrong?” your best friend asks while coming back to you. “I can’t find my ID.” You’re shaking a bit and your friend takes your bag to help you search for your purse. “All my money is in it” you whisper. After both of you realised that your purse is gone, your friend tries to convince the man at the entrance to let you in although you can’t prove that you are who you pretend to be. As your friend can prove who she is with her ID, he lets you both in and shows you the way to your room.
In your room, you start to unpack your stuff while trying to figure out where you’ve lost your purse. “Did you leave it in the train?” That seems to be the most obvious solution. You remember counting your money on the train and then you’ve put your purse away, but you can’t say for sure if you’ve but it back in your bag. “Whatever, it’s gone. And with it all of my money. At least I still have my phone.” “What will we do now?” your friend asks.

  • Get through your vacation with only your friend’s money, you’ll have to think about what you’ll spend your money on
  • (Try to get your purse back right away, your ID is in it!)

0 voters

Since you’ve already chosen the second option, I deleted it. I’ll post the next part of the story right away



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You decide to forget about your purse. Whoever found it can keep it. Your best friend is fine with sharing the money with you, you’ll just give it back when you’re home. You’ve also texted your mother that you’ve lost your ID.
Now you’re in the hallway, trying to get through all the other people to your room. They all seem to be taking part in that workshop. You don’t know what’s it about, but hopefully they’ll all leave soon. Tomorrow, you’re planning on walking around in the city, but first you need some sleep.
In the morning, you’re woken up by someone knocking on your door. Your friend’s still sleeping so you have to get up. A quick look at the clock makes you realize that it’s already almost lunch time, you’ve slept way too long! Still half asleep you open the door, seeing your brother standing there. “I’m knocking for almost ten minutes! What were you doing?!” You open the door a bit more so your brother can see your friend who’s still sleeping. “What are you doing here?” “Mum sent me, telling me to watch you two.” He pushes you into your room and your friend wakes up because he’s talking so loud. “We’re fine, you can leave now” she says while sitting up on her bed. “I can’t. Our parents are worried and don’t think you should stay here all alone. I got the room next to yours.” “What?!” “Trust me, I had better plans than babysitting you.” You and your best friend roll your eyes. Great, now you have your brother watching over you. “Alright, get out so we can get changed.”
At lunch, you’re all quiet. You wanted to go to a club this evening, but with your brother around you don’t feel like going out anymore.
Maybe you should have a look at that workshop. It takes place at the hotel so you might be able to talk your brother into leaving you alone. Your friend likes the idea so you try to find out what’s it about.
A few minutes later, you’ve got a flyer in your hands. On the top it says “Dance, dance, dance” and you friend is already annoyed. “A dancing workshop? Why? Who needs that?” your friend whispers. Will you join the workshop?

  • Yes, there’s nothing else to do.
  • No, go to a club with your brother.

0 voters



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You decide to go to a club and just ignore that your brother is with you. He seems okay with that decision. At the club, he goes straight to the bar while you and your friend go to the dance floor. In the corner of your eye you see the guy who bumped into you on your way to the hotel. He’s surrounded by a few girls. You turn away, but a few seconds later you see him next to your brother at the bar. You’re confused, how could he get so fast from the one side of the room to the other? You indicate your friend that you’ll go over to him and talk to him. She nods and follows you. You tap on his shoulder and smile at him. He quickly looks at you and then looks away again. “Hey, remember me?” you say. “Sorry, where did we meet?” he says while looking at you again. “You made her trip yesterday” your best friend says and he looks a bit confused. You’re completely sure that he’s the one who bumped into you, but he seems to not remember you. You brother who’s sitting right next to him also looks at you with question marks in his eyes. The guy starts waving someone else and you turn around to see who he’s calling. Suddenly you see the guy who was surrounded by girls coming over to you. He looks exactly the same as the guy you just talked to. As the other one comes closer, he says “Hey, nice to see you again, how are you?” You look at the two guys, who are obviously twins. Your brother is as confused as you are but then starts laughing. The guy who bumped into you is Mario and the other one, who was just about to hit on your brother, is Mason. Your best friend already tells Mario that it’s such a coincidence to meet him again while you’re still quiet. Mario offers you a drink but you brother intervenes which makes everyone else roll their eyes. Then you get a glass of water. While your best friend and Mario are talking, you look around. There are many people, but something odd catches your attention. There’s a girl with a purse looking like the one you’ve lost. Will you go and talk to her?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters




Ew, social interaction :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart::joy:


she can kill the MC :eyes:


You walk over to her and compliment her on her outfit. Then you comment on her purse. “I just got it from my boyfriend, it’s so cute!” she says and shows it to you. On one side there’s a little flower which looks exactly like the flower that your mother stitched on your purse to make it special. Wait, no, it doesn’t look like it, it IS the same flower. That’s your purse! To not make the girl feel uncomfortable you ask if her boyfriend is here, she points in the direction you came from and you stare at Mario. Your brother quickly understands what’s going on. That’s what they call sibling telepathy. He grabs Mario at his shirt and you turn back to the girl. “There’s a little pocket on the side of it, could you please check if there’s something in there?” The girl looks confused but opens the pocket and finds your ID card. You’re relieved and she understands where her purse is coming from. In her eyes you can see her embarrassment, but you just smile at her. You both ignore that your brother’s shouting at her boyfriend and that he’s probably about to hurt him… At least you have you ID card back.





Time for some polls :smile_cat:

How did you like the story? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Do you want to be tagged the next time at every poll? (If you already got tagged this time, you don’t have to vote here unless you don’t want to be tagged anymore)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If you have anything else to say about this, please feel free to reply to this. I could really use some feedback :see_no_evil:




As I mentioned when I started this event, I’ll host it 4 times and then see how you all like it. So here’s the poll for that. Please be honest. I made it so it doesn’t show who voted so please vote for what you really think! Thanks :see_no_evil:
Should I keep hosting this event?

  • Yes
  • I don’t care
  • No

0 voters



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